blob: ca9beb00efc57445cf30035b332bfba22f5d1a88 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains tests for the ifaceassert checker.
package a
import "io"
func InterfaceAssertionTest() {
var (
a io.ReadWriteSeeker
b interface {
_ = a.(io.Reader)
_ = a.(io.ReadWriter)
_ = b.(io.Reader) // want `^impossible type assertion: no type can implement both interface{Read\(\); Write\(\)} and io.Reader \(conflicting types for Read method\)$`
_ = b.(interface { // want `^impossible type assertion: no type can implement both interface{Read\(\); Write\(\)} and interface{Read\(p \[\]byte\) \(n int, err error\)} \(conflicting types for Read method\)$`
Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
switch a.(type) {
case io.ReadWriter:
case interface { // want `^impossible type assertion: no type can implement both io.ReadWriteSeeker and interface{Write\(\)} \(conflicting types for Write method\)$`
switch b := b.(type) {
case io.ReadWriter, interface{ Read() }: // want `^impossible type assertion: no type can implement both interface{Read\(\); Write\(\)} and io.ReadWriter \(conflicting types for Read method\)$`
case io.Writer: // want `^impossible type assertion: no type can implement both interface{Read\(\); Write\(\)} and io.Writer \(conflicting types for Write method\)$`
_ = b