blob: cea01ab955fcd32e0d600ef4d17b9bad5dcbb8a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package lsp
import (
errors ""
func (s *Server) documentLink(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.DocumentLinkParams) ([]protocol.DocumentLink, error) {
uri := span.NewURI(params.TextDocument.URI)
view := s.session.ViewOf(uri)
f, err := getGoFile(ctx, view, uri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fh := f.Handle(ctx)
file, m, _, err := view.Session().Cache().ParseGoHandle(fh, source.ParseFull).Parse(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var links []protocol.DocumentLink
ast.Inspect(file, func(node ast.Node) bool {
switch n := node.(type) {
case *ast.ImportSpec:
target, err := strconv.Unquote(n.Path.Value)
if err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, "cannot unquote import path", err, tag.Of("Path", n.Path.Value))
return false
target = "" + target
l, err := toProtocolLink(view, m, target, n.Pos(), n.End())
if err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, "cannot initialize DocumentLink", err, tag.Of("Path", n.Path.Value))
return false
links = append(links, l)
return false
case *ast.BasicLit:
if n.Kind != token.STRING {
return false
l, err := findLinksInString(n.Value, n.Pos(), view, m)
if err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, "cannot find links in string", err)
return false
links = append(links, l...)
return false
return true
for _, commentGroup := range file.Comments {
for _, comment := range commentGroup.List {
l, err := findLinksInString(comment.Text, comment.Pos(), view, m)
if err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, "cannot find links in comment", err)
links = append(links, l...)
return links, nil
func findLinksInString(src string, pos token.Pos, view source.View, mapper *protocol.ColumnMapper) ([]protocol.DocumentLink, error) {
var links []protocol.DocumentLink
re, err := getURLRegexp()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("cannot create regexp for links: %s", err.Error())
for _, urlIndex := range re.FindAllIndex([]byte(src), -1) {
start := urlIndex[0]
end := urlIndex[1]
startPos := token.Pos(int(pos) + start)
endPos := token.Pos(int(pos) + end)
target := src[start:end]
l, err := toProtocolLink(view, mapper, target, startPos, endPos)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
links = append(links, l)
return links, nil
const urlRegexpString = "(http|ftp|https)://([\\w_-]+(?:(?:\\.[\\w_-]+)+))([\\w.,@?^=%&:/~+#-]*[\\w@?^=%&/~+#-])?"
var (
urlRegexp *regexp.Regexp
regexpOnce sync.Once
regexpErr error
func getURLRegexp() (*regexp.Regexp, error) {
regexpOnce.Do(func() {
urlRegexp, regexpErr = regexp.Compile(urlRegexpString)
return urlRegexp, regexpErr
func toProtocolLink(view source.View, mapper *protocol.ColumnMapper, target string, start, end token.Pos) (protocol.DocumentLink, error) {
spn, err := span.NewRange(view.Session().Cache().FileSet(), start, end).Span()
if err != nil {
return protocol.DocumentLink{}, err
rng, err := mapper.Range(spn)
if err != nil {
return protocol.DocumentLink{}, err
l := protocol.DocumentLink{
Range: rng,
Target: target,
return l, nil