blob: ae387b8d049873fd548719ac5a30a225e78fb4c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package memoize_test
import (
func TestGet(t *testing.T) {
s := &memoize.Store{}
g := s.Generation("x")
evaled := 0
h := g.Bind("key", func(context.Context, memoize.Arg) interface{} {
return "res"
}, nil)
expectGet(t, h, g, "res")
expectGet(t, h, g, "res")
if evaled != 1 {
t.Errorf("got %v calls to function, wanted 1", evaled)
func expectGet(t *testing.T, h *memoize.Handle, g *memoize.Generation, wantV interface{}) {
gotV, gotErr := h.Get(context.Background(), g, nil)
if gotV != wantV || gotErr != nil {
t.Fatalf("Get() = %v, %v, wanted %v, nil", gotV, gotErr, wantV)
func expectGetError(t *testing.T, h *memoize.Handle, g *memoize.Generation, substr string) {
gotV, gotErr := h.Get(context.Background(), g, nil)
if gotErr == nil || !strings.Contains(gotErr.Error(), substr) {
t.Fatalf("Get() = %v, %v, wanted err %q", gotV, gotErr, substr)
func TestGenerations(t *testing.T) {
s := &memoize.Store{}
// Evaluate key in g1.
g1 := s.Generation("g1")
h1 := g1.Bind("key", func(context.Context, memoize.Arg) interface{} { return "res" }, nil)
expectGet(t, h1, g1, "res")
// Get key in g2. It should inherit the value from g1.
g2 := s.Generation("g2")
h2 := g2.Bind("key", func(context.Context, memoize.Arg) interface{} {
t.Fatal("h2 should not need evaluation")
return "error"
}, nil)
expectGet(t, h2, g2, "res")
// With g1 destroyed, g2 should still work.
expectGet(t, h2, g2, "res")
// With all generations destroyed, key should be re-evaluated.
g3 := s.Generation("g3")
h3 := g3.Bind("key", func(context.Context, memoize.Arg) interface{} { return "new res" }, nil)
expectGet(t, h3, g3, "new res")
func TestCleanup(t *testing.T) {
s := &memoize.Store{}
g1 := s.Generation("g1")
v1 := false
v2 := false
cleanup := func(v interface{}) {
*(v.(*bool)) = true
h1 := g1.Bind("key1", func(context.Context, memoize.Arg) interface{} {
return &v1
}, nil)
h2 := g1.Bind("key2", func(context.Context, memoize.Arg) interface{} {
return &v2
}, cleanup)
expectGet(t, h1, g1, &v1)
expectGet(t, h2, g1, &v2)
g2 := s.Generation("g2")
expectGet(t, h1, g2, &v1)
expectGet(t, h2, g2, &v2)
for k, v := range map[string]*bool{"key1": &v1, "key2": &v2} {
if got, want := *v, false; got != want {
t.Errorf("after destroying g1, bound value %q is cleaned up", k)
if got, want := v1, false; got != want {
t.Error("after destroying g2, v1 is cleaned up")
if got, want := v2, true; got != want {
t.Error("after destroying g2, v2 is not cleaned up")
func TestHandleRefCounting(t *testing.T) {
s := &memoize.Store{}
g1 := s.Generation("g1")
v1 := false
v2 := false
h1, release1 := g1.GetHandle("key1", func(context.Context, memoize.Arg) interface{} {
return &v1
h2, release2 := g1.GetHandle("key2", func(context.Context, memoize.Arg) interface{} {
return &v2
expectGet(t, h1, g1, &v1)
expectGet(t, h2, g1, &v2)
g2 := s.Generation("g2")
expectGet(t, h1, g2, &v1)
g1.Destroy("by test")
expectGet(t, h2, g2, &v2)
h2Copy, release2Copy := g2.GetHandle("key2", func(context.Context, memoize.Arg) interface{} {
return &v1
if h2 != h2Copy {
t.Error("NewHandle returned a new value while old is not destroyed yet")
expectGet(t, h2Copy, g2, &v2)
g2.Destroy("by test")
if got, want := v2, false; got != want {
t.Errorf("after destroying first v2 ref, got %v, want %v", got, want)
if got, want := v1, false; got != want {
t.Errorf("after destroying v2, got %v, want %v", got, want)
g3 := s.Generation("g3")
h2Copy, release2Copy = g3.GetHandle("key2", func(context.Context, memoize.Arg) interface{} {
return &v2
if h2 == h2Copy {
t.Error("NewHandle returned previously destroyed value")
g3.Destroy("by test")
func TestHandleDestroyedWhileRunning(t *testing.T) {
// Test that calls to Handle.Get return even if the handle is destroyed while
// running.
s := &memoize.Store{}
g := s.Generation("g")
c := make(chan int)
var v int
h, release := g.GetHandle("key", func(ctx context.Context, _ memoize.Arg) interface{} {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
t.Errorf("ctx.Err() = %v, want nil", err)
return &v
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second) // arbitrary timeout; may be removed if it causes flakes
defer cancel()
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var got interface{}
var err error
go func() {
got, err = h.Get(ctx, g, nil)
c <- 0 // send once to enter the handle function
release() // release before the handle function returns
c <- 0 // let the handle function proceed
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Get() failed: %v", err)
if got != &v {
t.Errorf("Get() = %v, want %v", got, v)