internal/imports: don't set Context.WorkingDir, which was renamed

This field was renamed to Dir during the 1.14 development cycle. We
don't need to look for it anymore.

For golang/go#34860

Change-Id: I313a931f070e3dc5a711233e7523c309995fe655
Run-TryBot: Jay Conrod <>
Trust: Jay Conrod <>
Reviewed-by: Bryan C. Mills <>
gopls-CI: kokoro <>
TryBot-Result: Go Bot <>
diff --git a/internal/imports/fix.go b/internal/imports/fix.go
index 613afc4..e54692e 100644
--- a/internal/imports/fix.go
+++ b/internal/imports/fix.go
@@ -920,11 +920,6 @@
 	// Populate it only if present.
 	rc := reflect.ValueOf(&ctx).Elem()
 	dir := rc.FieldByName("Dir")
-	if !dir.IsValid() {
-		// Working drafts of Go 1.14 named the field "WorkingDir" instead.
-		// TODO(bcmills): Remove this case after the Go 1.14 beta has been released.
-		dir = rc.FieldByName("WorkingDir")
-	}
 	if dir.IsValid() && dir.Kind() == reflect.String {