blob: 370cbce83df8a8566f83f51ed709b9b91976c6e5 [file] [log] [blame]
run a server for Go code using the Language Server Protocol
gopls [flags] serve [server-flags]
gopls [flags] [server-flags]
The server communicates using JSONRPC2 on stdin and stdout, and is intended to be run directly as
a child of an editor process.
serve debug information on the supplied address
address on which to listen for remote connections. If prefixed by 'unix;', the subsequent address is assumed to be a unix domain socket. Otherwise, TCP is used.
when used with -listen, shut down the server when there are no connected clients for this duration
filename to log to. if value is "auto", then logging to a default output file is enabled
no effect
port on which to run gopls for debugging purposes
when used with -remote=auto, the -debug value used to start the daemon
when used with -remote=auto, the -listen.timeout value used to start the daemon (default 1m0s)
when used with -remote=auto, the -logfile value used to start the daemon
print the full rpc trace in lsp inspector format