blob: b9814f0b853aa569032ab22096642e5c9e320fe9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// go:build ignore
package testdata
type A struct{}
func (a A) foo() {}
type I interface{ foo() }
func Baz(i I) {
j := &i
k := &j
**k = A{}
// Relevant SSA:
// func Baz(i I):
// t0 = new I (i)
// *t0 = i
// t1 = new *I (j)
// *t1 = t0
// t2 = *t1
// t3 = local A (complit)
// t4 = *t3
// t5 = make I <- A (t4)
// *t2 = t5
// t6 = *t0
// t7 = invoke
// t8 = *t1
// t9 = *t8
// t10 = invoke
// Flow chain showing that A reaches
// t4 (A) -> t5 -> t2 <-> PtrInterface(I) <-> t0 -> t6
// Flow chain showing that A reaches (**k).foo():
// t4 (A) -> t5 -> t2 <-> PtrInterface(I) <-> t8 -> t9
// WANT:
// Local(i) -> Local(t0)
// Local(t0) -> Local(t6), PtrInterface(testdata.I)
// PtrInterface(testdata.I) -> Local(t0), Local(t2), Local(t8)
// Local(t2) -> PtrInterface(testdata.I)
// Local(t4) -> Local(t5)
// Local(t5) -> Local(t2)
// Local(t8) -> Local(t9), PtrInterface(testdata.I)