blob: cbfd0aeb8ff3a3541bd7137b6ea7f2a0b087637f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.18
// +build go1.18
package vulntest
import (
// The following was selectively copied from
// readReport reads a Report in YAML format.
func readReport(in io.Reader) (*Report, error) {
d := yaml.NewDecoder(in)
// Require that all fields in the file are in the struct.
// This corresponds to v2's UnmarshalStrict.
var r Report
if err := d.Decode(&r); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("yaml.Decode: %v", err)
return &r, nil
// Report represents a vulnerability report in the vulndb.
// See
type Report struct {
ID string `yaml:",omitempty"`
Modules []*Module `yaml:",omitempty"`
// Summary is a short phrase describing the vulnerability.
Summary string `yaml:",omitempty"`
// Description is the CVE description from an existing CVE. If we are
// assigning a CVE ID ourselves, use CVEMetadata.Description instead.
Description string `yaml:",omitempty"`
Published time.Time `yaml:",omitempty"`
Withdrawn *time.Time `yaml:",omitempty"`
References []*Reference `yaml:",omitempty"`
// Write writes r to filename in YAML format.
func (r *Report) Write(filename string) (err error) {
f, err := os.Create(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
err = r.encode(f)
err2 := f.Close()
if err == nil {
err = err2
return err
// ToString encodes r to a YAML string.
func (r *Report) ToString() (string, error) {
var b strings.Builder
if err := r.encode(&b); err != nil {
return "", err
return b.String(), nil
func (r *Report) encode(w io.Writer) error {
e := yaml.NewEncoder(w)
defer e.Close()
return e.Encode(r)
type VersionRange struct {
Introduced Version `yaml:"introduced,omitempty"`
Fixed Version `yaml:"fixed,omitempty"`
type Module struct {
Module string `yaml:",omitempty"`
Versions []VersionRange `yaml:",omitempty"`
Packages []*Package `yaml:",omitempty"`
type Package struct {
Package string `yaml:",omitempty"`
GOOS []string `yaml:"goos,omitempty"`
GOARCH []string `yaml:"goarch,omitempty"`
// Symbols originally identified as vulnerable.
Symbols []string `yaml:",omitempty"`
// Additional vulnerable symbols, computed from Symbols via static analysis
// or other technique.
DerivedSymbols []string `yaml:"derived_symbols,omitempty"`
// Version is an SemVer 2.0.0 semantic version with no leading "v" prefix,
// as used by OSV.
type Version string
// V returns the version with a "v" prefix.
func (v Version) V() string {
return "v" + string(v)
// IsValid reports whether v is a valid semantic version string.
func (v Version) IsValid() bool {
return semver.IsValid(v.V())
// Before reports whether v < v2.
func (v Version) Before(v2 Version) bool {
return semver.Compare(v.V(), v2.V()) < 0
// Canonical returns the canonical formatting of the version.
func (v Version) Canonical() string {
return strings.TrimPrefix(semver.Canonical(v.V()), "v")
// Reference type is a reference (link) type.
type ReferenceType string
const (
ReferenceTypeAdvisory = ReferenceType("ADVISORY")
ReferenceTypeArticle = ReferenceType("ARTICLE")
ReferenceTypeReport = ReferenceType("REPORT")
ReferenceTypeFix = ReferenceType("FIX")
ReferenceTypePackage = ReferenceType("PACKAGE")
ReferenceTypeEvidence = ReferenceType("EVIDENCE")
ReferenceTypeWeb = ReferenceType("WEB")
// ReferenceTypes is the set of reference types defined in OSV.
var ReferenceTypes = []ReferenceType{
// A Reference is a link to some external resource.
// For ease of typing, References are represented in the YAML as a
// single-element mapping of type to URL.
type Reference osv.Reference
func (r *Reference) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
return map[string]string{
strings.ToLower(string(r.Type)): r.URL,
}, nil
func (r *Reference) UnmarshalYAML(n *yaml.Node) (err error) {
if n.Kind != yaml.MappingNode || len(n.Content) != 2 || n.Content[0].Kind != yaml.ScalarNode || n.Content[1].Kind != yaml.ScalarNode {
return &yaml.TypeError{Errors: []string{
fmt.Sprintf("line %d: report.Reference must contain a mapping with one value", n.Line),
r.Type = osv.ReferenceType(strings.ToUpper(n.Content[0].Value))
r.URL = n.Content[1].Value
return nil