blob: 8e2f5d7e4015f88bda8a939fe8da9ff60d4c30c2 [file] [log] [blame]
This test checks various ranking of completion results related to type
-- flags --
-- type_params.go --
package typeparams
// Copied from the old builtins.go, which has been ported to the new marker tests.
/* string */ //@item(string, "string", "", "type")
/* float32 */ //@item(float32, "float32", "", "type")
/* float64 */ //@item(float64, "float64", "", "type")
/* int */ //@item(int, "int", "", "type")
func one[a int | string]() {}
func two[a int | string, b float64 | int]() {}
func _() {
one[]() //@rank("]", string, float64)
two[]() //@rank("]", int, float64)
two[int, f]() //@rank("]", float64, float32)
func slices[a []int | []float64]() {} //@item(tpInts, "[]int", "[]int", "type"),item(tpFloats, "[]float64", "[]float64", "type")
func _() {
slices[]() //@rank("]", tpInts),rank("]", tpFloats)
type s[a int | string] struct{}
func _() {
s[]{} //@rank("]", int, float64)
func takesGeneric[a int | string](s[a]) {
"s[a]{}" //@item(tpInScopeLit, "s[a]{}", "", "var")
takesGeneric() //@rank(")", tpInScopeLit),snippet(")", tpInScopeLit, "s[a]{\\}")
func _() {
s[int]{} //@item(tpInstLit, "s[int]{}", "", "var")
takesGeneric[int]() //@rank(")", tpInstLit),snippet(")", tpInstLit, "s[int]{\\}")
"s[...]{}" //@item(tpUninstLit, "s[...]{}", "", "var")
takesGeneric() //@rank(")", tpUninstLit),snippet(")", tpUninstLit, "s[${1:}]{\\}")
func returnTP[A int | float64](a A) A { //@item(returnTP, "returnTP", "something", "func")
return a
func _() {
var _ int = returnTP //@snippet(" //", returnTP, "returnTP(${1:})")
var aa int //@item(tpInt, "aa", "int", "var")
var ab float64 //@item(tpFloat, "ab", "float64", "var")
returnTP[int](a) //@rank(")", tpInt, tpFloat)
func takesFunc[T any](func(T) T) {
var _ func(t T) T = f //@snippet(" //", tpLitFunc, "func(t T) T {$0\\}")
func _() {
_ = "func(...) {}" //@item(tpLitFunc, "func(...) {}", "", "var")
takesFunc() //@snippet(")", tpLitFunc, "func(${1:}) ${2:} {$0\\}")
takesFunc[int]() //@snippet(")", tpLitFunc, "func(i int) int {$0\\}")