blob: 074259ca713fee79040da539eb3d30e25606e15f [file] [log] [blame]
Regression test for "completion gives unneeded generic type
instantiation snippet", #51783.
Type parameters that can be inferred from the arguments
are not part of the offered completion snippet.
-- flags --
-- a.go --
package a
// identity has a single simple type parameter.
// The completion omits the instantiation.
func identity[T any](x T) T
// clone has a second type parameter that is nonetheless constrained by the parameter.
// The completion omits the instantiation.
func clone[S ~[]E, E any](s S) S
// unconstrained has a type parameter constrained only by the result.
// The completion suggests instantiation.
func unconstrained[X, Y any](x X) Y
// partial has three type parameters,
// only the last two of which may be omitted as they
// are constrained by the arguments.
func partial[R any, S ~[]E, E any](s S) R
//@item(identity, "identity", "details", "kind")
//@item(clone, "clone", "details", "kind")
//@item(unconstrained, "unconstrained", "details", "kind")
//@item(partial, "partial", "details", "kind")
func _() {
_ = identity //@snippet("identity", identity, "identity(${1:})")
_ = clone //@snippet("clone", clone, "clone(${1:})")
_ = unconstrained //@snippet("unconstrained", unconstrained, "unconstrained[${1:}](${2:})")
_ = partial //@snippet("partial", partial, "partial[${1:}](${2:})")
// Result-type inference permits us to omit Y in this (rare) case,
// but completion doesn't support that.
var _ int = unconstrained //@snippet("unconstrained", unconstrained, "unconstrained[${1:}](${2:})")