blob: cad71ddc13cedac93edec3ca8538330add56a582 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build !windows
// +build !windows
package protocol_test
import (
// TestURIFromPath tests the conversion between URIs and filenames. The test cases
// include Windows-style URIs and filepaths, but we avoid having OS-specific
// tests by using only forward slashes, assuming that the standard library
// functions filepath.ToSlash and filepath.FromSlash do not need testing.
func TestURIFromPath(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
path, wantFile string
wantURI protocol.DocumentURI
path: ``,
wantFile: ``,
wantURI: protocol.DocumentURI(""),
path: `C:/Windows/System32`,
wantFile: `C:/Windows/System32`,
wantURI: protocol.DocumentURI("file:///C:/Windows/System32"),
path: `C:/Go/src/bob.go`,
wantFile: `C:/Go/src/bob.go`,
wantURI: protocol.DocumentURI("file:///C:/Go/src/bob.go"),
path: `c:/Go/src/bob.go`,
wantFile: `C:/Go/src/bob.go`,
wantURI: protocol.DocumentURI("file:///C:/Go/src/bob.go"),
path: `/path/to/dir`,
wantFile: `/path/to/dir`,
wantURI: protocol.DocumentURI("file:///path/to/dir"),
path: `/a/b/c/src/bob.go`,
wantFile: `/a/b/c/src/bob.go`,
wantURI: protocol.DocumentURI("file:///a/b/c/src/bob.go"),
path: `c:/Go/src/bob george/george/george.go`,
wantFile: `C:/Go/src/bob george/george/george.go`,
wantURI: protocol.DocumentURI("file:///C:/Go/src/bob%20george/george/george.go"),
} {
got := protocol.URIFromPath(test.path)
if got != test.wantURI {
t.Errorf("URIFromPath(%q): got %q, expected %q", test.path, got, test.wantURI)
gotFilename := got.Path()
if gotFilename != test.wantFile {
t.Errorf("Filename(%q): got %q, expected %q", got, gotFilename, test.wantFile)
func TestParseDocumentURI(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
input string
want string // string(DocumentURI) on success or error.Error() on failure
wantPath string // expected DocumentURI.Path on success
input: `file:///c:/Go/src/bob%20george/george/george.go`,
want: "file:///C:/Go/src/bob%20george/george/george.go",
wantPath: `C:/Go/src/bob george/george/george.go`,
input: `file:///C%3A/Go/src/bob%20george/george/george.go`,
want: "file:///C:/Go/src/bob%20george/george/george.go",
wantPath: `C:/Go/src/bob george/george/george.go`,
input: `file:///path/to/%25p%25ercent%25/per%25cent.go`,
want: `file:///path/to/%25p%25ercent%25/per%25cent.go`,
wantPath: `/path/to/%p%ercent%/per%cent.go`,
input: `file:///C%3A/`,
want: `file:///C:/`,
wantPath: `C:/`,
input: `file:///`,
want: `file:///`,
wantPath: `/`,
input: `file://wsl%24/Ubuntu/home/wdcui/repo/VMEnclaves/cvm-runtime`,
want: `file:///wsl$/Ubuntu/home/wdcui/repo/VMEnclaves/cvm-runtime`,
wantPath: `/wsl$/Ubuntu/home/wdcui/repo/VMEnclaves/cvm-runtime`,
input: "",
want: "",
wantPath: "",
// Errors:
input: "",
want: "DocumentURI scheme is not 'file':",
} {
uri, err := protocol.ParseDocumentURI(test.input)
var got string
if err != nil {
got = err.Error()
} else {
got = string(uri)
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("ParseDocumentURI(%q): got %q, want %q", test.input, got, test.want)
if err == nil && uri.Path() != test.wantPath {
t.Errorf("DocumentURI(%s).Path = %q, want %q", uri,
uri.Path(), test.wantPath)