blob: f09822d357561abecd17232c38590de8a0d77199 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package metadata
import (
// A Graph is an immutable and transitively closed graph of [Package] data.
type Graph struct {
// Packages maps package IDs to their associated Packages.
Packages map[PackageID]*Package
// ImportedBy maps package IDs to the list of packages that import them.
ImportedBy map[PackageID][]PackageID
// IDs maps file URIs to package IDs, sorted by (!valid, cli, packageID).
// A single file may belong to multiple packages due to tests packages.
// Invariant: all IDs present in the IDs map exist in the metadata map.
IDs map[protocol.DocumentURI][]PackageID
// Update creates a new Graph containing the result of applying the given
// updates to the receiver, though the receiver is not itself mutated. As a
// special case, if updates is empty, Update just returns the receiver.
// A nil map value is used to indicate a deletion.
func (g *Graph) Update(updates map[PackageID]*Package) *Graph {
if len(updates) == 0 {
// Optimization: since the graph is immutable, we can return the receiver.
return g
// Debugging golang/go#64227, golang/vscode-go#3126:
// Assert that the existing metadata graph is acyclic.
if cycle := cyclic(g.Packages); cycle != "" {
bug.Reportf("metadata is cyclic even before updates: %s", cycle)
// Assert that the updates contain no self-cycles.
for id, mp := range updates {
if mp != nil {
for _, depID := range mp.DepsByPkgPath {
if depID == id {
bug.Reportf("self-cycle in metadata update: %s", id)
// Copy pkgs map then apply updates.
pkgs := make(map[PackageID]*Package, len(g.Packages))
for id, mp := range g.Packages {
pkgs[id] = mp
for id, mp := range updates {
if mp == nil {
delete(pkgs, id)
} else {
pkgs[id] = mp
// Break import cycles involving updated nodes.
breakImportCycles(pkgs, updates)
return newGraph(pkgs)
// newGraph returns a new metadataGraph,
// deriving relations from the specified metadata.
func newGraph(pkgs map[PackageID]*Package) *Graph {
// Build the import graph.
importedBy := make(map[PackageID][]PackageID)
for id, mp := range pkgs {
for _, depID := range mp.DepsByPkgPath {
importedBy[depID] = append(importedBy[depID], id)
// Collect file associations.
uriIDs := make(map[protocol.DocumentURI][]PackageID)
for id, mp := range pkgs {
uris := map[protocol.DocumentURI]struct{}{}
for _, uri := range mp.CompiledGoFiles {
uris[uri] = struct{}{}
for _, uri := range mp.GoFiles {
uris[uri] = struct{}{}
for uri := range uris {
uriIDs[uri] = append(uriIDs[uri], id)
// Sort and filter file associations.
for uri, ids := range uriIDs {
sort.Slice(ids, func(i, j int) bool {
cli := IsCommandLineArguments(ids[i])
clj := IsCommandLineArguments(ids[j])
if cli != clj {
return clj
// 2. packages appear in name order.
return ids[i] < ids[j]
// Choose the best IDs for each URI, according to the following rules:
// - If there are any valid real packages, choose them.
// - Else, choose the first valid command-line-argument package, if it exists.
// TODO(rfindley): it might be better to track all IDs here, and exclude
// them later when type checking, but this is the existing behavior.
for i, id := range ids {
// If we've seen *anything* prior to command-line arguments package, take
// it. Note that ids[0] may itself be command-line-arguments.
if i > 0 && IsCommandLineArguments(id) {
uriIDs[uri] = ids[:i]
return &Graph{
Packages: pkgs,
ImportedBy: importedBy,
IDs: uriIDs,
// ReverseReflexiveTransitiveClosure returns a new mapping containing the
// metadata for the specified packages along with any package that
// transitively imports one of them, keyed by ID, including all the initial packages.
func (g *Graph) ReverseReflexiveTransitiveClosure(ids ...PackageID) map[PackageID]*Package {
seen := make(map[PackageID]*Package)
var visitAll func([]PackageID)
visitAll = func(ids []PackageID) {
for _, id := range ids {
if seen[id] == nil {
if mp := g.Packages[id]; mp != nil {
seen[id] = mp
return seen
// breakImportCycles breaks import cycles in the metadata by deleting
// Deps* edges. It modifies only metadata present in the 'updates'
// subset. This function has an internal test.
func breakImportCycles(metadata, updates map[PackageID]*Package) {
// 'go list' should never report a cycle without flagging it
// as such, but we're extra cautious since we're combining
// information from multiple runs of 'go list'. Also, Bazel
// may silently report cycles.
cycles := detectImportCycles(metadata, updates)
if len(cycles) > 0 {
// There were cycles (uncommon). Break them.
// The naive way to break cycles would be to perform a
// depth-first traversal and to detect and delete
// cycle-forming edges as we encounter them.
// However, we're not allowed to modify the existing
// Metadata records, so we can only break edges out of
// the 'updates' subset.
// Another possibility would be to delete not the
// cycle forming edge but the topmost edge on the
// stack whose tail is an updated node.
// However, this would require that we retroactively
// undo all the effects of the traversals that
// occurred since that edge was pushed on the stack.
// We use a simpler scheme: we compute the set of cycles.
// All cyclic paths necessarily involve at least one
// updated node, so it is sufficient to break all
// edges from each updated node to other members of
// the strong component.
// This may result in the deletion of dominating
// edges, causing some dependencies to appear
// spuriously unreachable. Consider A <-> B -> C
// where updates={A,B}. The cycle is {A,B} so the
// algorithm will break both A->B and B->A, causing
// A to no longer depend on B or C.
// But that's ok: any error in Metadata.Errors is
// conservatively assumed by snapshot.clone to be a
// potential import cycle error, and causes special
// invalidation so that if B later drops its
// cycle-forming import of A, both A and B will be
// invalidated.
for _, cycle := range cycles {
cyclic := make(map[PackageID]bool)
for _, mp := range cycle {
cyclic[mp.ID] = true
for id := range cyclic {
if mp := updates[id]; mp != nil {
for path, depID := range mp.DepsByImpPath {
if cyclic[depID] {
delete(mp.DepsByImpPath, path)
for path, depID := range mp.DepsByPkgPath {
if cyclic[depID] {
delete(mp.DepsByPkgPath, path)
// Set m.Errors to enable special
// invalidation logic in snapshot.clone.
if len(mp.Errors) == 0 {
mp.Errors = []packages.Error{{
Msg: "detected import cycle",
Kind: packages.ListError,
// double-check when debugging
if false {
if cycles := detectImportCycles(metadata, updates); len(cycles) > 0 {
bug.Reportf("unbroken cycle: %v", cycles)
// cyclic returns a description of a cycle,
// if the graph is cyclic, otherwise "".
func cyclic(graph map[PackageID]*Package) string {
const (
unvisited = 0
visited = 1
onstack = 2
color := make(map[PackageID]int)
var visit func(id PackageID) string
visit = func(id PackageID) string {
switch color[id] {
case unvisited:
color[id] = onstack
case onstack:
return string(id) // cycle!
case visited:
return ""
if mp := graph[id]; mp != nil {
for _, depID := range mp.DepsByPkgPath {
if cycle := visit(depID); cycle != "" {
return string(id) + "->" + cycle
color[id] = visited
return ""
for id := range graph {
if cycle := visit(id); cycle != "" {
return cycle
return ""
// detectImportCycles reports cycles in the metadata graph. It returns a new
// unordered array of all cycles (nontrivial strong components) in the
// metadata graph reachable from a non-nil 'updates' value.
func detectImportCycles(metadata, updates map[PackageID]*Package) [][]*Package {
// We use the depth-first algorithm of Tarjan.
// TODO(adonovan): when we can use generics, consider factoring
// in common with the other implementation of Tarjan (in typerefs),
// abstracting over the node and edge representation.
// A node wraps a Metadata with its working state.
// (Unfortunately we can't intrude on shared Metadata.)
type node struct {
rep *node
mp *Package
index, lowlink int32
scc int8 // TODO(adonovan): opt: cram these 1.5 bits into previous word
nodes := make(map[PackageID]*node, len(metadata))
nodeOf := func(id PackageID) *node {
n, ok := nodes[id]
if !ok {
mp := metadata[id]
if mp == nil {
// Dangling import edge.
// Not sure whether a go/packages driver ever
// emits this, but create a dummy node in case.
// Obviously it won't be part of any cycle.
mp = &Package{ID: id}
n = &node{mp: mp}
n.rep = n
nodes[id] = n
return n
// find returns the canonical node decl.
// (The nodes form a disjoint set forest.)
var find func(*node) *node
find = func(n *node) *node {
rep := n.rep
if rep != n {
rep = find(rep)
n.rep = rep // simple path compression (no union-by-rank)
return rep
// global state
var (
index int32 = 1
stack []*node
sccs [][]*Package // set of nontrivial strongly connected components
// visit implements the depth-first search of Tarjan's SCC algorithm
// Precondition: x is canonical.
var visit func(*node)
visit = func(x *node) {
x.index = index
x.lowlink = index
stack = append(stack, x) // push
x.scc = -1
for _, yid := range {
y := nodeOf(yid)
// Loop invariant: x is canonical.
y = find(y)
if x == y {
continue // nodes already combined (self-edges are impossible)
switch {
case y.scc > 0:
// y is already a collapsed SCC
case y.scc < 0:
// y is on the stack, and thus in the current SCC.
if y.index < x.lowlink {
x.lowlink = y.index
// y is unvisited; visit it now.
// Note: x and y are now non-canonical.
x = find(x)
if y.lowlink < x.lowlink {
x.lowlink = y.lowlink
// Is x the root of an SCC?
if x.lowlink == x.index {
// Gather all metadata in the SCC (if nontrivial).
var scc []*Package
for {
// Pop y from stack.
i := len(stack) - 1
y := stack[i]
stack = stack[:i]
if x != y || scc != nil {
scc = append(scc,
if x == y {
break // complete
// x becomes y's canonical representative.
y.rep = x
if scc != nil {
sccs = append(sccs, scc)
x.scc = 1
// Visit only the updated nodes:
// the existing metadata graph has no cycles,
// so any new cycle must involve an updated node.
for id, mp := range updates {
if mp != nil {
if n := nodeOf(id); n.index == 0 { // unvisited
return sccs