blob: 9fb9ece2988a0d9d49d6bebaf641e37120f69f41 [file] [log] [blame]
Execute a gopls custom LSP command
gopls [flags] execute [flags] command argument...
The execute command sends an LSP ExecuteCommand request to gopls,
with a set of optional JSON argument values.
Some commands return a result, also JSON.
Available commands are documented at:
This interface is experimental and commands may change or disappear without notice.
$ gopls execute gopls.add_import '{"ImportPath": "fmt", "URI": "file:///hello.go"}'
$ gopls execute gopls.run_tests '{"URI": "file:///a_test.go", "Tests": ["Test"]}'
$ gopls execute gopls.list_known_packages '{"URI": "file:///hello.go"}'
display diffs instead of edited file content
display names of edited files
with -write, make copies of original files
write edited content to source files