blob: f4ff11d4375878c571084b066e5d1c13cf60e144 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package lsp
import (
type diagnosticKey struct {
id source.FileIdentity
withAnalysis bool
func (s *Server) diagnoseDetached(snapshot source.Snapshot) {
ctx := snapshot.View().BackgroundContext()
ctx = xcontext.Detach(ctx)
reports := s.diagnose(ctx, snapshot, false)
s.publishReports(ctx, snapshot, reports)
func (s *Server) diagnoseSnapshot(snapshot source.Snapshot) {
ctx := snapshot.View().BackgroundContext()
reports := s.diagnose(ctx, snapshot, false)
s.publishReports(ctx, snapshot, reports)
// diagnose is a helper function for running diagnostics with a given context.
// Do not call it directly.
func (s *Server) diagnose(ctx context.Context, snapshot source.Snapshot, alwaysAnalyze bool) map[diagnosticKey][]source.Diagnostic {
ctx, done := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "lsp:background-worker")
defer done()
// Wait for a free diagnostics slot.
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
case s.diagnosticsSema <- struct{}{}:
defer func() { <-s.diagnosticsSema }()
allReports := make(map[diagnosticKey][]source.Diagnostic)
var reportsMu sync.Mutex
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Diagnose the go.mod file.
reports, missingModules, err := mod.Diagnostics(ctx, snapshot)
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil
if err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, "diagnose: could not generate diagnostics for go.mod file", err)
// Ensure that the reports returned from mod.Diagnostics are only related to the
// go.mod file for the module.
if len(reports) > 1 {
panic("unexpected reports from mod.Diagnostics")
modURI, _ := snapshot.View().ModFiles()
for id, diags := range reports {
if id.URI != modURI {
panic("unexpected reports from mod.Diagnostics")
key := diagnosticKey{
id: id,
allReports[key] = diags
// Diagnose all of the packages in the workspace.
wsPackages, err := snapshot.WorkspacePackages(ctx)
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil
if err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, "diagnose: no workspace packages", err, telemetry.Snapshot.Of(snapshot.ID()), telemetry.Directory.Of(snapshot.View().Folder))
return nil
for _, ph := range wsPackages {
go func(ph source.PackageHandle) {
defer wg.Done()
// Only run analyses for packages with open files.
withAnalyses := alwaysAnalyze
for _, fh := range ph.CompiledGoFiles() {
if snapshot.IsOpen(fh.File().Identity().URI) {
withAnalyses = true
reports, warn, err := source.Diagnostics(ctx, snapshot, ph, missingModules, withAnalyses)
// Check if might want to warn the user about their build configuration.
if warn && !snapshot.View().ValidBuildConfiguration() {
s.client.ShowMessage(ctx, &protocol.ShowMessageParams{
Type: protocol.Warning,
// TODO(rstambler): We should really be able to point to a link on the website.
Message: `You are neither in a module nor in your GOPATH. Please see for information on how to set up your Go project.`,
if ctx.Err() != nil {
if err != nil {
log.Error(ctx, "diagnose: could not generate diagnostics for package", err, telemetry.Snapshot.Of(snapshot.ID()), telemetry.Package.Of(ph.ID()))
for id, diags := range reports {
key := diagnosticKey{
id: id,
withAnalysis: withAnalyses,
allReports[key] = diags
return allReports
func (s *Server) publishReports(ctx context.Context, snapshot source.Snapshot, reports map[diagnosticKey][]source.Diagnostic) {
// Check for context cancellation before publishing diagnostics.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
defer s.deliveredMu.Unlock()
for key, diagnostics := range reports {
// Don't deliver diagnostics if the context has already been canceled.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
// Pre-sort diagnostics to avoid extra work when we compare them.
toSend := sentDiagnostics{
sorted: diagnostics,
withAnalysis: key.withAnalysis,
snapshotID: snapshot.ID(),
// We use the zero values if this is an unknown file.
delivered := s.delivered[]
// Snapshot IDs are always increasing, so we use them instead of file
// versions to create the correct order for diagnostics.
// If we've already delivered diagnostics for a future snapshot for this file,
// do not deliver them.
if delivered.snapshotID > toSend.snapshotID {
// Do not update the delivered map since it already contains newer diagnostics.
// Check if we should reuse the cached diagnostics.
if equalDiagnostics(delivered.sorted, diagnostics) {
// Make sure to update the delivered map.
s.delivered[] = toSend
// If we've already delivered diagnostics for this file, at this
// snapshot, with analyses, do not send diagnostics without analyses.
if delivered.snapshotID == toSend.snapshotID && delivered.version == toSend.version &&
delivered.withAnalysis && !toSend.withAnalysis {
// Do not update the delivered map since it already contains better diagnostics.
if err := s.client.PublishDiagnostics(ctx, &protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams{
Diagnostics: toProtocolDiagnostics(diagnostics),
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(,
}); err != nil {
if ctx.Err() == nil {
log.Error(ctx, "publishReports: failed to deliver diagnostic", err, telemetry.File)
// Update the delivered map.
s.delivered[] = toSend
// equalDiagnostics returns true if the 2 lists of diagnostics are equal.
// It assumes that both a and b are already sorted.
func equalDiagnostics(a, b []source.Diagnostic) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
if source.CompareDiagnostic(a[i], b[i]) != 0 {
return false
return true
func toProtocolDiagnostics(diagnostics []source.Diagnostic) []protocol.Diagnostic {
reports := []protocol.Diagnostic{}
for _, diag := range diagnostics {
related := make([]protocol.DiagnosticRelatedInformation, 0, len(diag.Related))
for _, rel := range diag.Related {
related = append(related, protocol.DiagnosticRelatedInformation{
Location: protocol.Location{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(rel.URI),
Range: rel.Range,
Message: rel.Message,
reports = append(reports, protocol.Diagnostic{
Message: strings.TrimSpace(diag.Message), // go list returns errors prefixed by newline
Range: diag.Range,
Severity: diag.Severity,
Source: diag.Source,
Tags: diag.Tags,
RelatedInformation: related,
return reports