blob: 3746228275df863758f9e121243259126d10b319 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.19
// +build go1.19
package main
import (
// a newType is a type that needs a name and a definition
// These are the various types that the json specification doesn't name
type newType struct {
name string
properties Properties // for struct/literal types
items []*Type // for other types ("and", "tuple")
line int
kind string // Or, And, Tuple, Lit, Map
typ *Type
func generateDoc(out *bytes.Buffer, doc string) {
if doc == "" {
if !strings.Contains(doc, "\n") {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "// %s\n", doc)
for _, line := range strings.Split(doc, "\n") {
fmt.Fprintf(out, " * %s\n", line)
out.WriteString(" */\n")
// decide if a property is optional, and if it needs a *
// return ",omitempty" if it is optional, and "*" if it needs a pointer
func propStar(name string, t NameType, gotype string) (string, string) {
var opt, star string
if t.Optional {
star = "*"
opt = ",omitempty"
if strings.HasPrefix(gotype, "[]") || strings.HasPrefix(gotype, "map[") {
star = "" // passed by reference, so no need for *
} else {
switch gotype {
case "bool", "uint32", "int32", "string", "interface{}":
star = "" // gopls compatibility if t.Optional
ostar, oopt := star, opt
if newStar, ok := goplsStar[prop{name, t.Name}]; ok {
switch newStar {
case nothing:
star, opt = "", ""
case wantStar:
star, opt = "*", ""
case wantOpt:
star, opt = "", ",omitempty"
case wantOptStar:
star, opt = "*", ",omitempty"
if star == ostar && opt == oopt { // no change
log.Printf("goplsStar[ {%q, %q} ](%d) useless %s/%s %s/%s", name, t.Name, t.Line, ostar, star, oopt, opt)
usedGoplsStar[prop{name, t.Name}] = true
return opt, star
func goName(s string) string {
// Go naming conventions
if strings.HasSuffix(s, "Id") {
s = s[:len(s)-len("Id")] + "ID"
} else if strings.HasSuffix(s, "Uri") {
s = s[:len(s)-3] + "URI"
} else if s == "uri" {
s = "URI"
} else if s == "id" {
s = "ID"
// renames for temporary GOPLS compatibility
if news := goplsType[s]; news != "" {
usedGoplsType[s] = true
s = news
// Names beginning _ are not exported
if strings.HasPrefix(s, "_") {
s = strings.Replace(s, "_", "X", 1)
if s != "string" { // base types are unchanged (textDocuemnt/diagnostic)
// Title is deprecated, but a) s is only one word, b) replacement is too heavy-weight
s = strings.Title(s)
return s