blob: 96bf5782191cbbfa3c9c16e1b1ef348d75d909cc [file] [log] [blame]
{"Fail": "apricot && peach", "Bisect": {"MaxSet": 1}}
-- stdout --
-- stderr --
bisect: checking target with all changes disabled
bisect: run test n... ok (90 matches)
bisect: checking target with all changes enabled
bisect: run test y... FAIL (90 matches)
bisect: target succeeds with no changes, fails with all changes
bisect: searching for minimal set of changes to enable to cause failure
bisect: run test +0... ok (45 matches)
bisect: run test +1... ok (45 matches)
bisect: fatal error: cannot find any failing change sets of size ≤ 1
<bisect failed>