bisect, cmd/bisect: add new library and tool
cmd/bisect automates culprit finding in a large set of
independent changes that together provoke a failure
(either when all enabled or when all disabled, but not both).
By repeating a target command with different subsets of
the changes enabled, bisect identifies the smallest number
of changes that need to be toggled away from the passing
state to cause the failing state.
Package bisect provides functionality to help target commands that
want to support running under cmd/bisect.
This is based on work done by khr and drchase in the Go compiler
and by drchase in,
but generalized to support other kinds of targets and
simplify the invocation.
This tool will be useful for finding call sites where a GODEBUG
setting changes a test outcome, as well as source code locations
where applying per-iteration loop semantics changes a test outcome.
Package bisect could use some direct tests of its own, but it is tested
quite a bit via the cmd/bisect test.
Change-Id: Id29efad9936bebee17c1475d92cb167019905aa4
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
Run-TryBot: Russ Cox <>
gopls-CI: kokoro <>
Reviewed-by: David Chase <>
diff --git a/bisect/bisect.go b/bisect/bisect.go
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+++ b/bisect/bisect.go
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package bisect can be used by compilers and other programs
+// to serve as a target for the bisect debugging tool.
+// See [] for details about using the tool.
+// To be a bisect target, allowing bisect to help determine which of a set of independent
+// changes provokes a failure, a program needs to:
+// 1. Define a way to accept a change pattern on its command line or in its environment.
+// The most common mechanism is a command-line flag.
+// The pattern can be passed to [New] to create a [Matcher], the compiled form of a pattern.
+// 2. Assign each change a unique ID. One possibility is to use a sequence number,
+// but the most common mechanism is to hash some kind of identifying information
+// like the file and line number where the change might be applied.
+// [Hash] hashes its arguments to compute an ID.
+// 3. Enable each change that the pattern says should be enabled.
+// The [Matcher.Enable] method answers this question for a given change ID.
+// 4. Report each change that the pattern says should be reported.
+// The [Matcher.Report] method answers this question for a given change ID.
+// The report consists of one more lines on standard error or standard output
+// that contain a “match marker”. [Marker] returns the match marker for a given ID.
+// When bisect reports a change as causing the failure, it identifies the change
+// by printing those report lines, with the match marker removed.
+// # Example Usage
+// A program starts by defining how it receives the pattern. In this example, we will assume a flag.
+// The next step is to compile the pattern:
+// m, err := bisect.New(patternFlag)
+// if err != nil {
+// log.Fatal(err)
+// }
+// Then, each time a potential change is considered, the program computes
+// a change ID by hashing identifying information (source file and line, in this case)
+// and then calls m.ShouldEnable and m.ShouldReport to decide whether to
+// enable and report the change, respectively:
+// for each change {
+// h := bisect.Hash(file, line)
+// if m.ShouldEnable(h) {
+// enableChange()
+// }
+// if m.ShouldReport(h) {
+// log.Printf("%v %s:%d", bisect.Marker(h), file, line)
+// }
+// }
+// Note that the two return different values when bisect is searching for a
+// minimal set of changes to disable to provoke a failure.
+// Finally, note that New returns a nil Matcher when there is no pattern,
+// meaning that the target is not running under bisect at all.
+// In that common case, the computation of the hash can be avoided entirely
+// by checking for m == nil first:
+// for each change {
+// if m == nil {
+// enableChange()
+// } else {
+// h := bisect.Hash(file, line)
+// if m.ShouldEnable(h) {
+// enableChange()
+// }
+// if m.ShouldReport(h) {
+// log.Printf("%v %s:%d", bisect.Marker(h), file, line)
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// # Pattern Syntax
+// Patterns are generated by the bisect tool and interpreted by [New].
+// Users should not have to understand the patterns except when
+// debugging a target's bisect support or debugging the bisect tool itself.
+// The pattern syntax selecting a change is a sequence of bit strings
+// separated by + and - operators. Each bit string denotes the set of
+// changes with IDs ending in those bits, + is set addition, - is set subtraction,
+// and the expression is evaluated in the usual left-to-right order.
+// The special binary number “y” denotes the set of all changes,
+// standing in for the empty bit string.
+// In the expression, all the + operators must appear before all the - operators.
+// A leading + adds to an empty set. A leading - subtracts from the set of all
+// possible suffixes.
+// For example:
+// - “01+10” and “+01+10” both denote the set of changes
+// with IDs ending with the bits 01 or 10.
+// - “01+10-1001” denotes the set of changes with IDs
+// ending with the bits 01 or 10, but excluding those ending in 1001.
+// - “-01-1000” and “y-01-1000 both denote the set of all changes
+// with IDs not ending in 01 nor 1000.
+// - “0+1-01+001” is not a valid pattern, because all the + operators do not
+// appear before all the - operators.
+// In the syntaxes described so far, the pattern specifies the changes to
+// enable and report. If a pattern is prefixed by a “!”, the meaning
+// changes: the pattern specifies the changes to DISABLE and report. This
+// mode of operation is needed when a program passes with all changes
+// enabled but fails with no changes enabled. In this case, bisect
+// searches for minimal sets of changes to disable.
+// Put another way, the leading “!” inverts the result from [Matcher.ShouldEnable]
+// but does not invert the result from [Matcher.ShouldReport].
+// As a convenience for manual debugging, “n” is an alias for “!y”,
+// meaning to disable and report all changes.
+// Finally, a leading “v” in the pattern indicates that the reports will be shown
+// to the user of bisect to describe the changes involved in a failure.
+// At the API level, the leading “v” causes [Matcher.Visible] to return true.
+// See the next section for details.
+// # Match Reports
+// The target program must enable only those changed matched
+// by the pattern, and it must print a match report for each such change.
+// A match report consists of one or more lines of text that will be
+// printed by the bisect tool to describe a change implicated in causing
+// a failure. Each line in the report for a given change must contain a
+// match marker with that change ID, as returned by [Marker].
+// The markers are elided when displaying the lines to the user.
+// A match marker has the form “[bisect-match 0x1234]” where
+// 0x1234 is the change ID in hexadecimal.
+// An alternate form is “[bisect-match 010101]”, giving the change ID in binary.
+// When [Matcher.Visible] returns false, the match reports are only
+// being processed by bisect to learn the set of enabled changes,
+// not shown to the user, meaning that each report can be a match
+// marker on a line by itself, eliding the usual textual description.
+// When the textual description is expensive to compute,
+// checking [Matcher.Visible] can help the avoid that expense
+// in most runs.
+package bisect
+// New creates and returns a new Matcher implementing the given pattern.
+// The pattern syntax is defined in the package doc comment.
+// In addition to the pattern syntax syntax, New("") returns nil, nil.
+// The nil *Matcher is valid for use: it returns true from ShouldEnable
+// and false from ShouldReport for all changes. Callers can avoid calling
+// [Hash], [Matcher.ShouldEnable], and [Matcher.ShouldPrint] entirely
+// when they recognize the nil Matcher.
+func New(pattern string) (*Matcher, error) {
+ if pattern == "" {
+ return nil, nil
+ }
+ m := new(Matcher)
+ // Allow multiple v, so that “bisect cmd vPATTERN” can force verbose all the time.
+ p := pattern
+ for len(p) > 0 && p[0] == 'v' {
+ m.verbose = true
+ p = p[1:]
+ if p == "" {
+ return nil, &parseError{"invalid pattern syntax: " + pattern}
+ }
+ }
+ // Allow multiple !, each negating the last, so that “bisect cmd !PATTERN” works
+ // even when bisect chooses to add its own !.
+ m.enable = true
+ for len(p) > 0 && p[0] == '!' {
+ m.enable = !m.enable
+ p = p[1:]
+ if p == "" {
+ return nil, &parseError{"invalid pattern syntax: " + pattern}
+ }
+ }
+ if p == "n" {
+ // n is an alias for !y.
+ m.enable = !m.enable
+ p = "y"
+ }
+ // Parse actual pattern syntax.
+ result := true
+ bits := uint64(0)
+ start := 0
+ for i := 0; i <= len(p); i++ {
+ // Imagine a trailing - at the end of the pattern to flush final suffix
+ c := byte('-')
+ if i < len(p) {
+ c = p[i]
+ }
+ switch c {
+ default:
+ return nil, &parseError{"invalid pattern syntax: " + pattern}
+ case '0', '1':
+ bits = bits<<1 | uint64(c-'0')
+ case 'y':
+ if i+1 < len(p) && (p[i+1] == '0' || p[i+1] == '1') {
+ return nil, &parseError{"invalid pattern syntax: " + pattern}
+ }
+ bits = 0
+ case '+', '-':
+ if c == '+' && result == false {
+ // Have already seen a -. Should be - from here on.
+ return nil, &parseError{"invalid pattern syntax (+ after -): " + pattern}
+ }
+ if i > 0 {
+ n := i - start
+ if n > 64 {
+ return nil, &parseError{"pattern bits too long: " + pattern}
+ }
+ if n <= 0 {
+ return nil, &parseError{"invalid pattern syntax: " + pattern}
+ }
+ if p[start] == 'y' {
+ n = 0
+ }
+ mask := uint64(1)<<n - 1
+ m.list = append(m.list, cond{mask, bits, result})
+ } else if c == '-' {
+ // leading - subtracts from complete set
+ m.list = append(m.list, cond{0, 0, true})
+ }
+ bits = 0
+ result = c == '+'
+ start = i + 1
+ }
+ }
+ return m, nil
+// A Matcher is the parsed, compiled form of a PATTERN string.
+// The nil *Matcher is valid: it has all changes enabled but none reported.
+type Matcher struct {
+ verbose bool
+ enable bool // when true, list is for “enable and report” (when false, “disable and report”)
+ list []cond // conditions; later ones win over earlier ones
+// A cond is a single condition in the matcher.
+// Given an input id, if id&mask == bits, return the result.
+type cond struct {
+ mask uint64
+ bits uint64
+ result bool
+// Verbose reports whether the reports will be shown to users
+// and need to include a human-readable change description.
+// If not, the target can print just the Marker on a line by itself
+// and perhaps save some computation.
+func (m *Matcher) Verbose() bool {
+ return m.verbose
+// ShouldEnable reports whether the change with the given id should be enabled.
+func (m *Matcher) ShouldEnable(id uint64) bool {
+ if m == nil {
+ return true
+ }
+ for i := len(m.list) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ c := &m.list[i]
+ if id&c.mask == c.bits {
+ return c.result == m.enable
+ }
+ }
+ return false == m.enable
+// ShouldReport reports whether the change with the given id should be reported.
+func (m *Matcher) ShouldReport(id uint64) bool {
+ if m == nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ for i := len(m.list) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ c := &m.list[i]
+ if id&c.mask == c.bits {
+ return c.result
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+// Marker returns the match marker text to use on any line reporting details
+// about a match of the given ID.
+// It always returns the hexadecimal format.
+func Marker(id uint64) string {
+ return string(AppendMarker(nil, id))
+// AppendMarker is like [Marker] but appends the marker to dst.
+func AppendMarker(dst []byte, id uint64) []byte {
+ const prefix = "[bisect-match 0x"
+ var buf [len(prefix) + 16 + 1]byte
+ copy(buf[:], prefix)
+ for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
+ buf[len(prefix)+i] = "0123456789abcdef"[id>>60]
+ id <<= 4
+ }
+ buf[len(prefix)+16] = ']'
+ return append(dst, buf[:]...)
+// CutMarker finds the first match marker in line and removes it,
+// returning the shortened line (with the marker removed),
+// the ID from the match marker,
+// and whether a marker was found at all.
+// If there is no marker, CutMarker returns line, 0, false.
+func CutMarker(line string) (short string, id uint64, ok bool) {
+ // Find first instance of prefix.
+ prefix := "[bisect-match "
+ i := 0
+ for ; ; i++ {
+ if i >= len(line)-len(prefix) {
+ return line, 0, false
+ }
+ if line[i] == '[' && line[i:i+len(prefix)] == prefix {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ // Scan to ].
+ j := i + len(prefix)
+ for j < len(line) && line[j] != ']' {
+ j++
+ }
+ if j >= len(line) {
+ return line, 0, false
+ }
+ // Parse id.
+ idstr := line[i+len(prefix) : j]
+ if len(idstr) >= 3 && idstr[:2] == "0x" {
+ // parse hex
+ if len(idstr) > 2+16 { // max 0x + 16 digits
+ return line, 0, false
+ }
+ for i := 2; i < len(idstr); i++ {
+ id <<= 4
+ switch c := idstr[i]; {
+ case '0' <= c && c <= '9':
+ id |= uint64(c - '0')
+ case 'a' <= c && c <= 'f':
+ id |= uint64(c - 'a' + 10)
+ case 'A' <= c && c <= 'F':
+ id |= uint64(c - 'A' + 10)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if idstr == "" || len(idstr) > 64 { // min 1 digit, max 64 digits
+ return line, 0, false
+ }
+ // parse binary
+ for i := 0; i < len(idstr); i++ {
+ id <<= 1
+ switch c := idstr[i]; c {
+ default:
+ return line, 0, false
+ case '0', '1':
+ id |= uint64(c - '0')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Construct shortened line.
+ // Remove at most one space from around the marker,
+ // so that "foo [marker] bar" shortens to "foo bar".
+ j++ // skip ]
+ if i > 0 && line[i-1] == ' ' {
+ i--
+ } else if j < len(line) && line[j] == ' ' {
+ j++
+ }
+ short = line[:i] + line[j:]
+ return short, id, true
+// Hash computes a hash of the data arguments,
+// each of which must be of type string, byte, int, uint, int32, uint32, int64, uint64, uintptr, or a slice of one of those types.
+func Hash(data ...any) uint64 {
+ h := offset64
+ for _, v := range data {
+ switch v := v.(type) {
+ default:
+ // Note: Not printing the type, because reflect.ValueOf(v)
+ // would make the interfaces prepared by the caller escape
+ // and therefore allocate. This way, Hash(file, line) runs
+ // without any allocation. It should be clear from the
+ // source code calling Hash what the bad argument was.
+ panic("bisect.Hash: unexpected argument type")
+ case string:
+ h = fnvString(h, v)
+ case byte:
+ h = fnv(h, v)
+ case int:
+ h = fnvUint64(h, uint64(v))
+ case uint:
+ h = fnvUint64(h, uint64(v))
+ case int32:
+ h = fnvUint32(h, uint32(v))
+ case uint32:
+ h = fnvUint32(h, v)
+ case int64:
+ h = fnvUint64(h, uint64(v))
+ case uint64:
+ h = fnvUint64(h, v)
+ case uintptr:
+ h = fnvUint64(h, uint64(v))
+ case []string:
+ for _, x := range v {
+ h = fnvString(h, x)
+ }
+ case []byte:
+ for _, x := range v {
+ h = fnv(h, x)
+ }
+ case []int:
+ for _, x := range v {
+ h = fnvUint64(h, uint64(x))
+ }
+ case []uint:
+ for _, x := range v {
+ h = fnvUint64(h, uint64(x))
+ }
+ case []int32:
+ for _, x := range v {
+ h = fnvUint32(h, uint32(x))
+ }
+ case []uint32:
+ for _, x := range v {
+ h = fnvUint32(h, x)
+ }
+ case []int64:
+ for _, x := range v {
+ h = fnvUint64(h, uint64(x))
+ }
+ case []uint64:
+ for _, x := range v {
+ h = fnvUint64(h, x)
+ }
+ case []uintptr:
+ for _, x := range v {
+ h = fnvUint64(h, uint64(x))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return h
+// Trivial error implementation, here to avoid importing errors.
+type parseError struct{ text string }
+func (e *parseError) Error() string { return e.text }
+// FNV-1a implementation. See Go's hash/fnv/fnv.go.
+// Copied here for simplicity (can handle uints directly)
+// and to avoid the dependency.
+const (
+ offset64 uint64 = 14695981039346656037
+ prime64 uint64 = 1099511628211
+func fnv(h uint64, x byte) uint64 {
+ h ^= uint64(x)
+ h *= prime64
+ return h
+func fnvString(h uint64, x string) uint64 {
+ for i := 0; i < len(x); i++ {
+ h ^= uint64(x[i])
+ h *= prime64
+ }
+ return h
+func fnvUint64(h uint64, x uint64) uint64 {
+ for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
+ h ^= uint64(x & 0xFF)
+ x >>= 8
+ h *= prime64
+ }
+ return h
+func fnvUint32(h uint64, x uint32) uint64 {
+ for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
+ h ^= uint64(x & 0xFF)
+ x >>= 8
+ h *= prime64
+ }
+ return h
diff --git a/bisect/bisect_test.go b/bisect/bisect_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1688f47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bisect/bisect_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package bisect
+import (
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+// In order for package bisect to be copied into the standard library
+// and used by very low-level packages such as internal/godebug,
+// it needs to have no imports at all.
+func TestNoImports(t *testing.T) {
+ files, err := filepath.Glob("*.go")
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ for _, file := range files {
+ if strings.HasSuffix(file, "_test.go") {
+ continue
+ }
+ data, err := os.ReadFile(file)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Error(err)
+ continue
+ }
+ if strings.Contains(string(data), "\nimport") {
+ t.Errorf("%s contains imports; package bisect must not import other packages", file)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/cmd/bisect/go119.go b/cmd/bisect/go119.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..debe4e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bisect/go119.go
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+//go:build !go1.20
+package main
+import "os/exec"
+func cmdInterrupt(cmd *exec.Cmd) {
+ // cmd.Cancel and cmd.WaitDelay not available before Go 1.20.
diff --git a/cmd/bisect/go120.go b/cmd/bisect/go120.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c85edf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bisect/go120.go
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+//go:build go1.20
+package main
+import (
+ "os"
+ "os/exec"
+ "time"
+func cmdInterrupt(cmd *exec.Cmd) {
+ cmd.Cancel = func() error {
+ // On timeout, send interrupt,
+ // in hopes of shutting down process tree.
+ // Ignore errors sending signal; it's all best effort
+ // and not even implemented on Windows.
+ // TODO(rsc): Maybe use a new process group and kill the whole group?
+ cmd.Process.Signal(os.Interrupt)
+ return nil
+ }
+ cmd.WaitDelay = 2 * time.Second
diff --git a/cmd/bisect/main.go b/cmd/bisect/main.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0679b66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bisect/main.go
@@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Bisect finds changes responsible for causing a failure.
+// A typical use is to identify the source locations in a program
+// that are miscompiled by a given compiler optimization.
+// Usage:
+// bisect [flags] [var=value...] command [arguments...]
+// Bisect operates on a target command line – the target – that can be
+// run with various changes individually enabled or disabled. With none
+// of the changes enabled, the target is known to succeed (exit with exit
+// code zero). With all the changes enabled, the target is known to fail
+// (exit any other way). Bisect repeats the target with different sets of
+// changes enabled, using binary search to find (non-overlapping) minimal
+// change sets that preserve the failure.
+// The target must cooperate with bisect by accepting a change pattern
+// and then enabling and reporting the changes that match that pattern.
+// The change pattern is passed to the target by substituting it anywhere
+// the string PATTERN appears in the environment values or the command
+// arguments. For each change that matches the pattern, the target must
+// enable that change and also print one or more “match lines”
+// (to standard output or standard error) describing the change.
+// The [] package provides functions to help
+// targets implement this protocol.
+// # Command Line Flags
+// Bisect supports the following command-line flags:
+// -max M
+// Stop after finding M minimal change sets. The default is no maximum, meaning to run until
+// all changes that provoke a failure have been identified.
+// -maxset S
+// Disallow change sets larger than S elements. The default is no maximum.
+// -timeout D
+// If the target runs for longer than duration D, stop the target and interpret that as a failure.
+// The default is no timeout.
+// -count N
+// Run each trial N times (default 2), checking for consistency.
+// -v
+// Print verbose output, showing each run and its match lines.
+// # Example
+// For example, the Go compiler can be used as a bisect target to
+// determine the source locations that cause a test failure when compiled with
+// a new optimization:
+// bisect go test -gcflags=all=-d=loopvarhash=PATTERN
+// The -gcflags=all= instructs the go command to pass the -d=... to the Go compiler
+// when compiling all packages. Bisect replaces the literal text “PATTERN” with a specific pattern
+// on each invocation, varying the patterns to determine the minimal set of changes
+// needed to reproduce the failure.
+// # Defeating Build Caches
+// Build systems cache build results, to avoid repeating the same compilations
+// over and over. When using a cached build result, the go command (correctly)
+// reprints the cached standard output and standard error associated with that
+// command invocation. (This makes commands like 'go build -gcflags=-S' for
+// printing an assembly listing work reliably.)
+// Unfortunately, most build systems, including Bazel, are not as careful
+// as the go command about reprinting compiler output. If the compiler is
+// what prints match lines, a build system that suppresses compiler
+// output when using cached compiler results will confuse bisect.
+// To defeat such build caches, bisect replaces the literal text “RANDOM”
+// in environment values and command arguments with a random 64-bit value
+// during each invocation. The Go compiler conveniently accepts a
+// -d=ignore=... debug flag that ignores its argument, so to run the
+// previous example using Bazel, the invocation is:
+// bazel test --define=gc_goopts=-d=loopvarhash=PATTERN,unused=RANDOM //path/to:test
+package main
+import (
+ "context"
+ "flag"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "log"
+ "math/rand"
+ "os"
+ "os/exec"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ ""
+// Preserve import of bisect, to allow [bisect.Match] in the doc comment.
+var _ bisect.Matcher
+func usage() {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: bisect [flags] [var=value...] command [arguments...]\n")
+ flag.PrintDefaults()
+ os.Exit(2)
+func main() {
+ log.SetFlags(0)
+ log.SetPrefix("bisect: ")
+ var b Bisect
+ b.Stdout = os.Stdout
+ b.Stderr = os.Stderr
+ flag.IntVar(&b.Max, "max", 0, "stop after finding `m` failing change sets")
+ flag.IntVar(&b.MaxSet, "maxset", 0, "do not search for change sets larger than `s` elements")
+ flag.DurationVar(&b.Timeout, "timeout", 0, "stop target and consider failed after duration `d`")
+ flag.IntVar(&b.Count, "count", 2, "run target `n` times for each trial")
+ flag.BoolVar(&b.Verbose, "v", false, "enable verbose output")
+ flag.Usage = usage
+ flag.Parse()
+ args := flag.Args()
+ // Split command line into env settings, command name, args.
+ i := 0
+ for i < len(args) && strings.Contains(args[i], "=") {
+ i++
+ }
+ if i == len(args) {
+ usage()
+ }
+ b.Env, b.Cmd, b.Args = args[:i], args[i], args[i+1:]
+ if !b.Search() {
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
+// A Bisect holds the state for a bisect invocation.
+type Bisect struct {
+ // Env is the additional environment variables for the command.
+ // PATTERN and RANDOM are substituted in the values, but not the names.
+ Env []string
+ // Cmd is the command (program name) to run.
+ // PATTERN and RANDOM are not substituted.
+ Cmd string
+ // Args is the command arguments.
+ // PATTERN and RANDOM are substituted anywhere they appear.
+ Args []string
+ // Command-line flags controlling bisect behavior.
+ Max int // maximum number of sets to report (0 = unlimited)
+ MaxSet int // maximum number of elements in a set (0 = unlimited)
+ Timeout time.Duration // kill target and assume failed after this duration (0 = unlimited)
+ Count int // run target this many times for each trial and give up if flaky (min 1 assumed; default 2 on command line set in main)
+ Verbose bool // print long output about each trial (only useful for debugging bisect itself)
+ // State for running bisect, replaced during testing.
+ // Failing change sets are printed to Stdout; all other output goes to Stderr.
+ Stdout io.Writer // where to write standard output (usually os.Stdout)
+ Stderr io.Writer // where to write standard error (usually os.Stderr)
+ TestRun func(env []string, cmd string, args []string) (out []byte, err error) // if non-nil, used instead of exec.Command
+ // State maintained by Search.
+ // By default, Search looks for a minimal set of changes that cause a failure when enabled.
+ // If Disable is true, the search is inverted and seeks a minimal set of changes that
+ // cause a failure when disabled. In this case, the search proceeds as normal except that
+ // each pattern starts with a !.
+ Disable bool
+ // Add is a list of suffixes to add to every trial, because they
+ // contain changes that are necessary for a group we are assembling.
+ Add []string
+ // Skip is a list of suffixes that uniquely identify changes to exclude from every trial,
+ // because they have already been used in failing change sets.
+ // Suffixes later in the list may only be unique after removing
+ // the ones earlier in the list.
+ // Skip applies after Add.
+ Skip []string
+// A Result holds the result of a single target trial.
+type Result struct {
+ Success bool // whether the target succeeded (exited with zero status)
+ Cmd string // full target command line
+ Out string // full target output (stdout and stderr combined)
+ Suffix string // the suffix used for collecting MatchIDs, MatchText, and MatchFull
+ MatchIDs []uint64 // match IDs enabled during this trial
+ MatchText []string // match reports for the IDs, with match markers removed
+ MatchFull []string // full match lines for the IDs, with match markers kept
+// &searchFatal is a special panic value to signal that Search failed.
+// This lets us unwind the search recursion on a fatal error
+// but have Search return normally.
+var searchFatal int
+// Search runs a bisect search according to the configuration in b.
+// It reports whether any failing change sets were found.
+func (b *Bisect) Search() bool {
+ defer func() {
+ // Recover from panic(&searchFatal), implicitly returning false from Search.
+ // Re-panic on any other panic.
+ if e := recover(); e != nil && e != &searchFatal {
+ panic(e)
+ }
+ }()
+ // Run with no changes and all changes, to figure out which direction we're searching.
+ // The goal is to find the minimal set of changes to toggle
+ // starting with the state where everything works.
+ // If "no changes" succeeds and "all changes" fails,
+ // we're looking for a minimal set of changes to enable to provoke the failure
+ // (broken = runY, b.Negate = false)
+ // If "no changes" fails and "all changes" succeeds,
+ // we're looking for a minimal set of changes to disable to provoke the failure
+ // (broken = runN, b.Negate = true).
+ b.Logf("checking target with all changes disabled")
+ runN := b.Run("n")
+ b.Logf("checking target with all changes enabled")
+ runY := b.Run("y")
+ var broken *Result
+ switch {
+ case runN.Success && !runY.Success:
+ b.Logf("target succeeds with no changes, fails with all changes")
+ b.Logf("searching for minimal set of changes to enable to cause failure")
+ broken = runY
+ b.Disable = false
+ case !runN.Success && runY.Success:
+ b.Logf("target fails with no changes, succeeds with all changes")
+ b.Logf("searching for minimal set of changes to disable to cause failure")
+ broken = runN
+ b.Disable = true
+ case runN.Success && runY.Success:
+ b.Fatalf("target succeeds with no changes and all changes")
+ case !runN.Success && !runY.Success:
+ b.Fatalf("target fails with no changes and all changes")
+ }
+ // Loop finding and printing change sets, until none remain.
+ found := 0
+ for {
+ // Find set.
+ bad :=
+ if bad == nil {
+ if found == 0 {
+ b.Fatalf("cannot find any failing change sets of size ≤ %d", b.MaxSet)
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ // Confirm that set really does fail, to avoid false accusations.
+ // Also asking for user-visible output; earlier runs did not.
+ b.Logf("confirming failing change set")
+ b.Add = append(b.Add[:0], bad...)
+ broken = b.Run("v")
+ if broken.Success {
+ b.Logf("confirmation run succeeded unexpectedly")
+ }
+ b.Add = b.Add[:0]
+ // Print confirmed change set.
+ found++
+ b.Logf("FOUND failing change set")
+ desc := "(enabling changes causes failure)"
+ if b.Disable {
+ desc = "(disabling changes causes failure)"
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(b.Stdout, "--- change set #%d %s\n%s\n---\n", found, desc, strings.Join(broken.MatchText, "\n"))
+ // Stop if we've found enough change sets.
+ if b.Max > 0 && found >= b.Max {
+ break
+ }
+ // If running bisect target | tee bad.txt, prints to stdout and stderr
+ // both appear on the terminal, but the ones to stdout go through tee
+ // and can take a little bit of extra time. Sleep 1 millisecond to give
+ // tee time to catch up, so that its stdout print does not get interlaced
+ // with the stderr print from the next b.Log message.
+ time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
+ // Disable the now-known-bad changes and see if any failures remain.
+ b.Logf("checking for more failures")
+ b.Skip = append(bad, b.Skip...)
+ broken = b.Run("")
+ if broken.Success {
+ what := "enabled"
+ if b.Disable {
+ what = "disabled"
+ }
+ b.Logf("target succeeds with all remaining changes %s", what)
+ break
+ }
+ b.Logf("target still fails; searching for more bad changes")
+ }
+ return true
+// Fatalf prints a message to standard error and then panics,
+// causing Search to return false.
+func (b *Bisect) Fatalf(format string, args ...any) {
+ s := fmt.Sprintf("bisect: fatal error: "+format, args...)
+ if !strings.HasSuffix(s, "\n") {
+ s += "\n"
+ }
+ b.Stderr.Write([]byte(s))
+ panic(&searchFatal)
+// Logf prints a message to standard error.
+func (b *Bisect) Logf(format string, args ...any) {
+ s := fmt.Sprintf("bisect: "+format, args...)
+ if !strings.HasSuffix(s, "\n") {
+ s += "\n"
+ }
+ b.Stderr.Write([]byte(s))
+// search searches for a single locally minimal change set.
+// Invariant: r describes the result of r.Suffix + b.Add, which failed.
+// (There's an implicit -b.Skip everywhere here. b.Skip does not change.)
+// We want to extend r.Suffix to preserve the failure, working toward
+// a suffix that identifies a single change.
+func (b *Bisect) search(r *Result) []string {
+ // The caller should be passing in a failure result that we diagnose.
+ if r.Success {
+ b.Fatalf("internal error: unexpected success") // mistake by caller
+ }
+ // If the failure reported no changes, the target is misbehaving.
+ if len(r.MatchIDs) == 0 {
+ b.Fatalf("failure with no reported changes:\n\n$ %s\n%s\n", r.Cmd, r.Out)
+ }
+ // If there's one matching change, that's the one we're looking for.
+ if len(r.MatchIDs) == 1 {
+ if r.Suffix == "" {
+ return []string{"y"}
+ }
+ return []string{r.Suffix}
+ }
+ // If the suffix we were tracking in the trial is already 64 bits,
+ // either the target is bad or bisect itself is buggy.
+ if len(r.Suffix) >= 64 {
+ b.Fatalf("failed to isolate a single change with very long suffix")
+ }
+ // We want to split the current matchIDs by left-extending the suffix with 0 and 1.
+ // If all the matches have the same next bit, that won't cause a split, which doesn't
+ // break the algorithm but does waste time. Avoid wasting time by left-extending
+ // the suffix to the longest suffix shared by all the current match IDs
+ // before adding 0 or 1.
+ suffix := commonSuffix(r.MatchIDs)
+ if !strings.HasSuffix(suffix, r.Suffix) {
+ b.Fatalf("internal error: invalid common suffix") // bug in commonSuffix
+ }
+ // Run 0suffix and 1suffix. If one fails, chase down the failure in that half.
+ r0 := b.Run("0" + suffix)
+ if !r0.Success {
+ return
+ }
+ r1 := b.Run("1" + suffix)
+ if !r1.Success {
+ return
+ }
+ // suffix failed, but 0suffix and 1suffix succeeded.
+ // Assuming the target isn't flaky, this means we need
+ // at least one change from 0suffix AND at least one from 1suffix.
+ // We are already tracking N = len(b.Add) other changes and are
+ // allowed to build sets of size at least 1+N (or we shouldn't be here at all).
+ // If we aren't allowed to build sets of size 2+N, give up this branch.
+ if b.MaxSet > 0 && 2+len(b.Add) > b.MaxSet {
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Adding all matches for 1suffix, recurse to narrow down 0suffix.
+ old := len(b.Add)
+ b.Add = append(b.Add, "1"+suffix)
+ r0 = b.Run("0" + suffix)
+ if r0.Success {
+ // 0suffix + b.Add + 1suffix = suffix + b.Add is what r describes, and it failed.
+ b.Fatalf("target fails inconsistently")
+ }
+ bad0 :=
+ if bad0 == nil {
+ // Search failed due to MaxSet limit.
+ return nil
+ }
+ b.Add = b.Add[:old]
+ // Adding the specific match we found in 0suffix, recurse to narrow down 1suffix.
+ b.Add = append(b.Add[:old], bad0...)
+ r1 = b.Run("1" + suffix)
+ if r1.Success {
+ // 1suffix + b.Add + bad0 = bad0 + b.Add + 1suffix is what reported as a failure.
+ b.Fatalf("target fails inconsistently")
+ }
+ bad1 :=
+ if bad1 == nil {
+ // Search failed due to MaxSet limit.
+ return nil
+ }
+ b.Add = b.Add[:old]
+ // bad0 and bad1 together provoke the failure.
+ return append(bad0, bad1...)
+// Run runs a set of trials selecting changes with the given suffix,
+// plus the ones in b.Add and not the ones in b.Skip.
+// The returned result's MatchIDs, MatchText, and MatchFull
+// only list the changes that match suffix.
+// When b.Count > 1, Run runs b.Count trials and requires
+// that they all succeed or they all fail. If not, it calls b.Fatalf.
+func (b *Bisect) Run(suffix string) *Result {
+ out :=
+ for i := 1; i < b.Count; i++ {
+ r :=
+ if r.Success != out.Success {
+ b.Fatalf("target fails inconsistently")
+ }
+ }
+ return out
+// run runs a single trial for Run.
+func (b *Bisect) run(suffix string) *Result {
+ random := fmt.Sprint(rand.Uint64())
+ // Accept suffix == "v" to mean we need user-visible output.
+ visible := ""
+ if suffix == "v" {
+ visible = "v"
+ suffix = ""
+ }
+ // Construct change ID pattern.
+ var pattern string
+ if suffix == "y" || suffix == "n" {
+ pattern = suffix
+ suffix = ""
+ } else {
+ var elem []string
+ if suffix != "" {
+ elem = append(elem, "+", suffix)
+ }
+ for _, x := range b.Add {
+ elem = append(elem, "+", x)
+ }
+ for _, x := range b.Skip {
+ elem = append(elem, "-", x)
+ }
+ pattern = strings.Join(elem, "")
+ if pattern == "" {
+ pattern = "y"
+ }
+ }
+ if b.Disable {
+ pattern = "!" + pattern
+ }
+ pattern = visible + pattern
+ // Construct substituted env and args.
+ env := make([]string, len(b.Env))
+ for i, x := range b.Env {
+ k, v, _ := strings.Cut(x, "=")
+ env[i] = k + "=" + replace(v, pattern, random)
+ }
+ args := make([]string, len(b.Args))
+ for i, x := range b.Args {
+ args[i] = replace(x, pattern, random)
+ }
+ // Construct and log command line.
+ // There is no newline in the log print.
+ // The line will be completed when the command finishes.
+ cmdText := strings.Join(append(append(env, b.Cmd), args...), " ")
+ fmt.Fprintf(b.Stderr, "bisect: run %s...", cmdText)
+ // Run command with args and env.
+ var out []byte
+ var err error
+ if b.TestRun != nil {
+ out, err = b.TestRun(env, b.Cmd, args)
+ } else {
+ ctx := context.Background()
+ if b.Timeout != 0 {
+ var cancel context.CancelFunc
+ ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, b.Timeout)
+ defer cancel()
+ }
+ cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, b.Cmd, args...)
+ cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), env...)
+ // Set up cmd.Cancel, cmd.WaitDelay on Go 1.20 and later
+ // TODO(rsc): Inline go120.go's cmdInterrupt once we stop supporting Go 1.19.
+ cmdInterrupt(cmd)
+ out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
+ }
+ // Parse output to construct result.
+ r := &Result{
+ Suffix: suffix,
+ Success: err == nil,
+ Cmd: cmdText,
+ Out: string(out),
+ }
+ // Calculate bits, mask to identify suffix matches.
+ var bits, mask uint64
+ if suffix != "" && suffix != "y" && suffix != "n" && suffix != "v" {
+ var err error
+ bits, err = strconv.ParseUint(suffix, 2, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ b.Fatalf("internal error: bad suffix")
+ }
+ mask = uint64(1<<len(suffix)) - 1
+ }
+ // Process output, collecting match reports for suffix.
+ have := make(map[uint64]bool)
+ all := r.Out
+ for all != "" {
+ var line string
+ line, all, _ = strings.Cut(all, "\n")
+ short, id, ok := bisect.CutMarker(line)
+ if !ok || (id&mask) != bits {
+ continue
+ }
+ if !have[id] {
+ have[id] = true
+ r.MatchIDs = append(r.MatchIDs, id)
+ }
+ r.MatchText = append(r.MatchText, short)
+ r.MatchFull = append(r.MatchFull, line)
+ }
+ // Finish log print from above, describing the command's completion.
+ if err == nil {
+ fmt.Fprintf(b.Stderr, " ok (%d matches)\n", len(r.MatchIDs))
+ } else {
+ fmt.Fprintf(b.Stderr, " FAIL (%d matches)\n", len(r.MatchIDs))
+ }
+ // In verbose mode, print extra debugging: all the lines with match markers.
+ if b.Verbose {
+ b.Logf("matches:\n%s", strings.Join(r.MatchFull, "\n\t"))
+ }
+ return r
+// replace returns x with literal text PATTERN and RANDOM replaced by pattern and random.
+func replace(x, pattern, random string) string {
+ x = strings.ReplaceAll(x, "PATTERN", pattern)
+ x = strings.ReplaceAll(x, "RANDOM", random)
+ return x
+// commonSuffix returns the longest common binary suffix shared by all uint64s in list.
+// If list is empty, commonSuffix returns an empty string.
+func commonSuffix(list []uint64) string {
+ if len(list) == 0 {
+ return ""
+ }
+ b := list[0]
+ n := 64
+ for _, x := range list {
+ for x&((1<<n)-1) != b {
+ n--
+ b &= (1 << n) - 1
+ }
+ }
+ s := make([]byte, n)
+ for i := n - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ s[i] = '0' + byte(b&1)
+ b >>= 1
+ }
+ return string(s[:])
diff --git a/cmd/bisect/main_test.go b/cmd/bisect/main_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54f9270
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bisect/main_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package main
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "flag"
+ "fmt"
+ "go/build/constraint"
+ "math/rand"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+var update = flag.Bool("update", false, "update testdata with new stdout/stderr")
+func Test(t *testing.T) {
+ files, err := filepath.Glob("testdata/*.txt")
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ for _, file := range files {
+ t.Run(strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(file), ".txt"), func(t *testing.T) {
+ data, err := os.ReadFile(file)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ a := txtar.Parse(data)
+ var wantStdout, wantStderr []byte
+ files := a.Files
+ if len(files) > 0 && files[0].Name == "stdout" {
+ wantStdout = files[0].Data
+ files = files[1:]
+ }
+ if len(files) > 0 && files[0].Name == "stderr" {
+ wantStderr = files[0].Data
+ files = files[1:]
+ }
+ if len(files) > 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("unexpected txtar entry: %s", files[0].Name)
+ }
+ var tt struct {
+ Fail string
+ Bisect Bisect
+ }
+ if err := json.Unmarshal(a.Comment, &tt); err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ expr, err := constraint.Parse("//go:build " + tt.Fail)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("invalid Cmd: %v", err)
+ }
+ rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(1))
+ b := &tt.Bisect
+ b.Cmd = "test"
+ b.Args = []string{"PATTERN"}
+ var stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
+ b.Stdout = &stdout
+ b.Stderr = &stderr
+ b.TestRun = func(env []string, cmd string, args []string) (out []byte, err error) {
+ pattern := args[0]
+ m, err := bisect.New(pattern)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ have := make(map[string]bool)
+ for i, color := range colors {
+ if m.ShouldEnable(uint64(i)) {
+ have[color] = true
+ }
+ if m.ShouldReport(uint64(i)) {
+ out = fmt.Appendf(out, "%s %s\n", color, bisect.Marker(uint64(i)))
+ }
+ }
+ err = nil
+ if eval(rnd, expr, have) {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("failed")
+ }
+ return out, err
+ }
+ if !b.Search() {
+ stderr.WriteString("<bisect failed>\n")
+ }
+ rewrite := false
+ if !bytes.Equal(stdout.Bytes(), wantStdout) {
+ if *update {
+ rewrite = true
+ } else {
+ t.Errorf("incorrect stdout: %s", diffp.Diff("have", stdout.Bytes(), "want", wantStdout))
+ }
+ }
+ if !bytes.Equal(stderr.Bytes(), wantStderr) {
+ if *update {
+ rewrite = true
+ } else {
+ t.Errorf("incorrect stderr: %s", diffp.Diff("have", stderr.Bytes(), "want", wantStderr))
+ }
+ }
+ if rewrite {
+ a.Files = []txtar.File{{Name: "stdout", Data: stdout.Bytes()}, {Name: "stderr", Data: stderr.Bytes()}}
+ err := os.WriteFile(file, txtar.Format(a), 0666)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ t.Logf("updated %s", file)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+func eval(rnd *rand.Rand, z constraint.Expr, have map[string]bool) bool {
+ switch z := z.(type) {
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected type %T", z))
+ case *constraint.NotExpr:
+ return !eval(rnd, z.X, have)
+ case *constraint.AndExpr:
+ return eval(rnd, z.X, have) && eval(rnd, z.Y, have)
+ case *constraint.OrExpr:
+ return eval(rnd, z.X, have) || eval(rnd, z.Y, have)
+ case *constraint.TagExpr:
+ if z.Tag == "random" {
+ return rnd.Intn(2) == 1
+ }
+ return have[z.Tag]
+ }
+var colors = strings.Fields(`
+ aliceblue
+ amaranth
+ amber
+ amethyst
+ applegreen
+ applered
+ apricot
+ aquamarine
+ azure
+ babyblue
+ beige
+ brickred
+ black
+ blue
+ bluegreen
+ blueviolet
+ blush
+ bronze
+ brown
+ burgundy
+ byzantium
+ carmine
+ cerise
+ cerulean
+ champagne
+ chartreusegreen
+ chocolate
+ cobaltblue
+ coffee
+ copper
+ coral
+ crimson
+ cyan
+ desertsand
+ electricblue
+ emerald
+ erin
+ gold
+ gray
+ green
+ harlequin
+ indigo
+ ivory
+ jade
+ junglegreen
+ lavender
+ lemon
+ lilac
+ lime
+ magenta
+ magentarose
+ maroon
+ mauve
+ navyblue
+ ochre
+ olive
+ orange
+ orangered
+ orchid
+ peach
+ pear
+ periwinkle
+ persianblue
+ pink
+ plum
+ prussianblue
+ puce
+ purple
+ raspberry
+ red
+ redviolet
+ rose
+ ruby
+ salmon
+ sangria
+ sapphire
+ scarlet
+ silver
+ slategray
+ springbud
+ springgreen
+ tan
+ taupe
+ teal
+ turquoise
+ ultramarine
+ violet
+ viridian
+ white
+ yellow
diff --git a/cmd/bisect/rand.go b/cmd/bisect/rand.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daa01d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bisect/rand.go
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Starting in Go 1.20, the global rand is auto-seeded,
+// with a better value than the current Unix nanoseconds.
+// Only seed if we're using older versions of Go.
+//go:build !go1.20
+package main
+import (
+ "math/rand"
+ "time"
+func init() {
+ rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())
diff --git a/cmd/bisect/testdata/ b/cmd/bisect/testdata/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5978df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bisect/testdata/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+This directory contains test inputs for the bisect command.
+Each text file is a txtar archive (see <>
+or `go doc txtar`).
+The comment at the top of the archive is a JSON object describing a
+target behavior. Specifically, the Fail key gives a boolean expression
+that should provoke a failure. Bisect's job is to discover this
+The Bisect key describes settings in the Bisect struct that we want to
+change, to simulate the use of various command-line options.
+The txtar archive files should be "stdout" and "stderr", giving the
+expected standard output and standard error. If the bisect command
+should exit with a non-zero status, the stderr in the archive will end
+with the line "<bisect failed>".
+Running `go test -update` will rewrite the stdout and stderr files in
+each testdata archive to match the current state of the tool. This is
+a useful command when the logging prints from bisect change or when
+writing a new test.
+To use `go test -update` to write a new test:
+ - Create a new .txt file with just a JSON object at the top,
+ specifying what you want to test.
+ - Run `go test -update`.
+ - Reload the .txt file and read the stdout and stderr to see if you agree.
diff --git a/cmd/bisect/testdata/basic.txt b/cmd/bisect/testdata/basic.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97c64fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bisect/testdata/basic.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+{"Fail": "amber || apricot"}
+-- stdout --
+--- change set #1 (enabling changes causes failure)
+--- change set #2 (enabling changes causes failure)
+-- stderr --
+bisect: checking target with all changes disabled
+bisect: run test n... ok (90 matches)
+bisect: checking target with all changes enabled
+bisect: run test y... FAIL (90 matches)
+bisect: target succeeds with no changes, fails with all changes
+bisect: searching for minimal set of changes to enable to cause failure
+bisect: run test +0... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +00... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +10... FAIL (22 matches)
+bisect: run test +010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v+0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
+bisect: checking for more failures
+bisect: run test -0000010... FAIL (89 matches)
+bisect: target still fails; searching for more bad changes
+bisect: run test +0-0000010... FAIL (44 matches)
+bisect: run test +00-0000010... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +10-0000010... FAIL (21 matches)
+bisect: run test +010-0000010... ok (10 matches)
+bisect: run test +110-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0110-0000010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00110-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000110-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000110-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v+0000110-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
+bisect: checking for more failures
+bisect: run test -0000110-0000010... ok (88 matches)
+bisect: target succeeds with all remaining changes enabled
diff --git a/cmd/bisect/testdata/count2.txt b/cmd/bisect/testdata/count2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64d76a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bisect/testdata/count2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+{"Fail": "amber || apricot", "Bisect": {"Count": 2}}
+-- stdout --
+--- change set #1 (enabling changes causes failure)
+--- change set #2 (enabling changes causes failure)
+-- stderr --
+bisect: checking target with all changes disabled
+bisect: run test n... ok (90 matches)
+bisect: run test n... ok (90 matches)
+bisect: checking target with all changes enabled
+bisect: run test y... FAIL (90 matches)
+bisect: run test y... FAIL (90 matches)
+bisect: target succeeds with no changes, fails with all changes
+bisect: searching for minimal set of changes to enable to cause failure
+bisect: run test +0... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +0... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +00... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +00... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +10... FAIL (22 matches)
+bisect: run test +10... FAIL (22 matches)
+bisect: run test +010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +0010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +00010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v+0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: run test v+0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
+bisect: checking for more failures
+bisect: run test -0000010... FAIL (89 matches)
+bisect: run test -0000010... FAIL (89 matches)
+bisect: target still fails; searching for more bad changes
+bisect: run test +0-0000010... FAIL (44 matches)
+bisect: run test +0-0000010... FAIL (44 matches)
+bisect: run test +00-0000010... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +00-0000010... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +10-0000010... FAIL (21 matches)
+bisect: run test +10-0000010... FAIL (21 matches)
+bisect: run test +010-0000010... ok (10 matches)
+bisect: run test +010-0000010... ok (10 matches)
+bisect: run test +110-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +110-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0110-0000010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +0110-0000010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00110-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +00110-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000110-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +000110-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000110-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000110-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v+0000110-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: run test v+0000110-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
+bisect: checking for more failures
+bisect: run test -0000110-0000010... ok (88 matches)
+bisect: run test -0000110-0000010... ok (88 matches)
+bisect: target succeeds with all remaining changes enabled
diff --git a/cmd/bisect/testdata/double.txt b/cmd/bisect/testdata/double.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf24ac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bisect/testdata/double.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+{"Fail": "amber || apricot && peach"}
+-- stdout --
+--- change set #1 (enabling changes causes failure)
+--- change set #2 (enabling changes causes failure)
+-- stderr --
+bisect: checking target with all changes disabled
+bisect: run test n... ok (90 matches)
+bisect: checking target with all changes enabled
+bisect: run test y... FAIL (90 matches)
+bisect: target succeeds with no changes, fails with all changes
+bisect: searching for minimal set of changes to enable to cause failure
+bisect: run test +0... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +00... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +10... FAIL (22 matches)
+bisect: run test +010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v+0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
+bisect: checking for more failures
+bisect: run test -0000010... FAIL (89 matches)
+bisect: target still fails; searching for more bad changes
+bisect: run test +0-0000010... ok (44 matches)
+bisect: run test +1-0000010... ok (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +0+1-0000010... FAIL (44 matches)
+bisect: run test +00+1-0000010... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +10+1-0000010... FAIL (21 matches)
+bisect: run test +010+1-0000010... ok (10 matches)
+bisect: run test +110+1-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0110+1-0000010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00110+1-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000110+1-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000110+1-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +1+0000110-0000010... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +01+0000110-0000010... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +11+0000110-0000010... FAIL (22 matches)
+bisect: run test +011+0000110-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0011+0000110-0000010... ok (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +1011+0000110-0000010... FAIL (5 matches)
+bisect: run test +01011+0000110-0000010... ok (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +11011+0000110-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +011011+0000110-0000010... ok (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +111011+0000110-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v+0000110+111011-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
+bisect: checking for more failures
+bisect: run test -0000110-111011-0000010... ok (87 matches)
+bisect: target succeeds with all remaining changes enabled
diff --git a/cmd/bisect/testdata/max1.txt b/cmd/bisect/testdata/max1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a523ea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bisect/testdata/max1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+{"Fail": "amber || apricot && peach", "Bisect": {"Max": 1}}
+-- stdout --
+--- change set #1 (enabling changes causes failure)
+-- stderr --
+bisect: checking target with all changes disabled
+bisect: run test n... ok (90 matches)
+bisect: checking target with all changes enabled
+bisect: run test y... FAIL (90 matches)
+bisect: target succeeds with no changes, fails with all changes
+bisect: searching for minimal set of changes to enable to cause failure
+bisect: run test +0... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +00... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +10... FAIL (22 matches)
+bisect: run test +010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v+0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
diff --git a/cmd/bisect/testdata/max2.txt b/cmd/bisect/testdata/max2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63ea3a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bisect/testdata/max2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+{"Fail": "amber || apricot && peach || red && green && blue || cyan && magenta && yellow && black", "Bisect": {"Max": 2}}
+-- stdout --
+--- change set #1 (enabling changes causes failure)
+--- change set #2 (enabling changes causes failure)
+-- stderr --
+bisect: checking target with all changes disabled
+bisect: run test n... ok (90 matches)
+bisect: checking target with all changes enabled
+bisect: run test y... FAIL (90 matches)
+bisect: target succeeds with no changes, fails with all changes
+bisect: searching for minimal set of changes to enable to cause failure
+bisect: run test +0... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +00... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +10... FAIL (22 matches)
+bisect: run test +010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v+0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
+bisect: checking for more failures
+bisect: run test -0000010... FAIL (89 matches)
+bisect: target still fails; searching for more bad changes
+bisect: run test +0-0000010... ok (44 matches)
+bisect: run test +1-0000010... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +01-0000010... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +11-0000010... ok (22 matches)
+bisect: run test +01+11-0000010... FAIL (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +001+11-0000010... ok (12 matches)
+bisect: run test +101+11-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0101+11-0000010... ok (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +1101+11-0000010... ok (5 matches)
+bisect: run test +0101+11+1101-0000010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00101+11+1101-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000101+11+1101-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000101+11+1101-0000010... ok (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +1000101+11+1101-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +1101+11+1000101-0000010... FAIL (5 matches)
+bisect: run test +01101+11+1000101-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +001101+11+1000101-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0001101+11+1000101-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +11+1000101+0001101-0000010... FAIL (22 matches)
+bisect: run test +011+1000101+0001101-0000010... ok (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +111+1000101+0001101-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0111+1000101+0001101-0000010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00111+1000101+0001101-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000111+1000101+0001101-0000010... ok (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +100111+1000101+0001101-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v+1000101+0001101+100111-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
diff --git a/cmd/bisect/testdata/maxset.txt b/cmd/bisect/testdata/maxset.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dc4715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bisect/testdata/maxset.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+{"Fail": "amber || apricot && peach || red && green && blue || cyan && magenta && yellow && black", "Bisect": {"MaxSet": 3}}
+-- stdout --
+--- change set #1 (enabling changes causes failure)
+--- change set #2 (enabling changes causes failure)
+-- stderr --
+bisect: checking target with all changes disabled
+bisect: run test n... ok (90 matches)
+bisect: checking target with all changes enabled
+bisect: run test y... FAIL (90 matches)
+bisect: target succeeds with no changes, fails with all changes
+bisect: searching for minimal set of changes to enable to cause failure
+bisect: run test +0... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +00... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +10... FAIL (22 matches)
+bisect: run test +010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v+0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
+bisect: checking for more failures
+bisect: run test -0000010... FAIL (89 matches)
+bisect: target still fails; searching for more bad changes
+bisect: run test +0-0000010... ok (44 matches)
+bisect: run test +1-0000010... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +01-0000010... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +11-0000010... ok (22 matches)
+bisect: run test +01+11-0000010... FAIL (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +001+11-0000010... ok (12 matches)
+bisect: run test +101+11-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0101+11-0000010... ok (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +1101+11-0000010... ok (5 matches)
+bisect: run test +0101+11+1101-0000010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00101+11+1101-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000101+11+1101-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000101+11+1101-0000010... ok (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +1000101+11+1101-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +1101+11+1000101-0000010... FAIL (5 matches)
+bisect: run test +01101+11+1000101-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +001101+11+1000101-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0001101+11+1000101-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +11+1000101+0001101-0000010... FAIL (22 matches)
+bisect: run test +011+1000101+0001101-0000010... ok (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +111+1000101+0001101-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0111+1000101+0001101-0000010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00111+1000101+0001101-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000111+1000101+0001101-0000010... ok (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +100111+1000101+0001101-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v+1000101+0001101+100111-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
+bisect: checking for more failures
+bisect: run test -1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (86 matches)
+bisect: target still fails; searching for more bad changes
+bisect: run test +0-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (44 matches)
+bisect: run test +1-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (42 matches)
+bisect: run test +0+1-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (44 matches)
+bisect: run test +00+1-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +000+1-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (12 matches)
+bisect: run test +100+1-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +000+1+100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (12 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000+1+100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00000+1+100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000000+1+100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +100000+1+100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +100+1+100000-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0100+1+100000-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +1100+1+100000-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (5 matches)
+bisect: run test +01100+1+100000-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +001100+1+100000-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0001100+1+100000-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +1+100000+0001100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (42 matches)
+bisect: run test +01+100000+0001100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (21 matches)
+bisect: run test +001+100000+0001100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (12 matches)
+bisect: run test +0001+100000+0001100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +1001+100000+0001100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (6 matches)
diff --git a/cmd/bisect/testdata/maxset1.txt b/cmd/bisect/testdata/maxset1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96bf578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bisect/testdata/maxset1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+{"Fail": "apricot && peach", "Bisect": {"MaxSet": 1}}
+-- stdout --
+-- stderr --
+bisect: checking target with all changes disabled
+bisect: run test n... ok (90 matches)
+bisect: checking target with all changes enabled
+bisect: run test y... FAIL (90 matches)
+bisect: target succeeds with no changes, fails with all changes
+bisect: searching for minimal set of changes to enable to cause failure
+bisect: run test +0... ok (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +1... ok (45 matches)
+bisect: fatal error: cannot find any failing change sets of size ≤ 1
+<bisect failed>
diff --git a/cmd/bisect/testdata/maxset4.txt b/cmd/bisect/testdata/maxset4.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0dbc58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bisect/testdata/maxset4.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+{"Fail": "amber || apricot && peach || red && green && blue || cyan && magenta && yellow && black", "Bisect": {"MaxSet": 4}}
+-- stdout --
+--- change set #1 (enabling changes causes failure)
+--- change set #2 (enabling changes causes failure)
+--- change set #3 (enabling changes causes failure)
+--- change set #4 (enabling changes causes failure)
+-- stderr --
+bisect: checking target with all changes disabled
+bisect: run test n... ok (90 matches)
+bisect: checking target with all changes enabled
+bisect: run test y... FAIL (90 matches)
+bisect: target succeeds with no changes, fails with all changes
+bisect: searching for minimal set of changes to enable to cause failure
+bisect: run test +0... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +00... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +10... FAIL (22 matches)
+bisect: run test +010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v+0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
+bisect: checking for more failures
+bisect: run test -0000010... FAIL (89 matches)
+bisect: target still fails; searching for more bad changes
+bisect: run test +0-0000010... ok (44 matches)
+bisect: run test +1-0000010... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +01-0000010... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +11-0000010... ok (22 matches)
+bisect: run test +01+11-0000010... FAIL (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +001+11-0000010... ok (12 matches)
+bisect: run test +101+11-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0101+11-0000010... ok (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +1101+11-0000010... ok (5 matches)
+bisect: run test +0101+11+1101-0000010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00101+11+1101-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000101+11+1101-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000101+11+1101-0000010... ok (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +1000101+11+1101-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +1101+11+1000101-0000010... FAIL (5 matches)
+bisect: run test +01101+11+1000101-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +001101+11+1000101-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0001101+11+1000101-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +11+1000101+0001101-0000010... FAIL (22 matches)
+bisect: run test +011+1000101+0001101-0000010... ok (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +111+1000101+0001101-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0111+1000101+0001101-0000010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00111+1000101+0001101-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000111+1000101+0001101-0000010... ok (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +100111+1000101+0001101-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v+1000101+0001101+100111-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
+bisect: checking for more failures
+bisect: run test -1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (86 matches)
+bisect: target still fails; searching for more bad changes
+bisect: run test +0-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (44 matches)
+bisect: run test +1-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (42 matches)
+bisect: run test +0+1-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (44 matches)
+bisect: run test +00+1-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +000+1-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (12 matches)
+bisect: run test +100+1-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +000+1+100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (12 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000+1+100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00000+1+100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000000+1+100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +100000+1+100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +100+1+100000-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0100+1+100000-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +1100+1+100000-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (5 matches)
+bisect: run test +01100+1+100000-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +001100+1+100000-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0001100+1+100000-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +1+100000+0001100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (42 matches)
+bisect: run test +01+100000+0001100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (21 matches)
+bisect: run test +001+100000+0001100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (12 matches)
+bisect: run test +0001+100000+0001100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +1001+100000+0001100-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +0001+100000+0001100+1001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00001+100000+0001100+1001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +10001+100000+0001100+1001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +010001+100000+0001100+1001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +110001+100000+0001100+1001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +1001+100000+0001100+110001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +01001+100000+0001100+110001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +11001+100000+0001100+110001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +011001+100000+0001100+110001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0011001+100000+0001100+110001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +1011001+100000+0001100+110001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v+100000+0001100+110001+1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (4 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
+bisect: checking for more failures
+bisect: run test -100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (82 matches)
+bisect: target still fails; searching for more bad changes
+bisect: run test +0-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (42 matches)
+bisect: run test +1-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (40 matches)
+bisect: run test +0+1-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (42 matches)
+bisect: run test +00+1-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (21 matches)
+bisect: run test +10+1-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (21 matches)
+bisect: run test +010+1-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (10 matches)
+bisect: run test +110+1-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0110+1-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00110+1-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000110+1-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000110+1-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +1+0000110-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (40 matches)
+bisect: run test +01+0000110-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (19 matches)
+bisect: run test +11+0000110-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (21 matches)
+bisect: run test +011+0000110-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0011+0000110-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +1011+0000110-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (5 matches)
+bisect: run test +01011+0000110-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +11011+0000110-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +011011+0000110-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +111011+0000110-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v+0000110+111011-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
+bisect: checking for more failures
+bisect: run test -0000110-111011-100000-0001100-110001-1011001-1000101-0001101-100111-0000010... ok (80 matches)
+bisect: target succeeds with all remaining changes enabled
diff --git a/cmd/bisect/testdata/negate.txt b/cmd/bisect/testdata/negate.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b45dfbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bisect/testdata/negate.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+{"Fail": "!amber || !apricot && !peach"}
+-- stdout --
+--- change set #1 (disabling changes causes failure)
+--- change set #2 (disabling changes causes failure)
+-- stderr --
+bisect: checking target with all changes disabled
+bisect: run test n... FAIL (90 matches)
+bisect: checking target with all changes enabled
+bisect: run test y... ok (90 matches)
+bisect: target fails with no changes, succeeds with all changes
+bisect: searching for minimal set of changes to disable to cause failure
+bisect: run test !+0... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test !+00... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test !+10... FAIL (22 matches)
+bisect: run test !+010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test !+0010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test !+00010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test !+000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test !+0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v!+0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
+bisect: checking for more failures
+bisect: run test !-0000010... FAIL (89 matches)
+bisect: target still fails; searching for more bad changes
+bisect: run test !+0-0000010... ok (44 matches)
+bisect: run test !+1-0000010... ok (45 matches)
+bisect: run test !+0+1-0000010... FAIL (44 matches)
+bisect: run test !+00+1-0000010... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test !+10+1-0000010... FAIL (21 matches)
+bisect: run test !+010+1-0000010... ok (10 matches)
+bisect: run test !+110+1-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test !+0110+1-0000010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test !+00110+1-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test !+000110+1-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test !+0000110+1-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: run test !+1+0000110-0000010... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test !+01+0000110-0000010... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test !+11+0000110-0000010... FAIL (22 matches)
+bisect: run test !+011+0000110-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test !+0011+0000110-0000010... ok (6 matches)
+bisect: run test !+1011+0000110-0000010... FAIL (5 matches)
+bisect: run test !+01011+0000110-0000010... ok (3 matches)
+bisect: run test !+11011+0000110-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test !+011011+0000110-0000010... ok (1 matches)
+bisect: run test !+111011+0000110-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v!+0000110+111011-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
+bisect: checking for more failures
+bisect: run test !-0000110-111011-0000010... ok (87 matches)
+bisect: target succeeds with all remaining changes disabled
diff --git a/cmd/bisect/testdata/rand.txt b/cmd/bisect/testdata/rand.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cec39a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bisect/testdata/rand.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+{"Fail": "amber || apricot || blue && random"}
+-- stdout --
+--- change set #1 (enabling changes causes failure)
+--- change set #2 (enabling changes causes failure)
+-- stderr --
+bisect: checking target with all changes disabled
+bisect: run test n... ok (90 matches)
+bisect: checking target with all changes enabled
+bisect: run test y... FAIL (90 matches)
+bisect: target succeeds with no changes, fails with all changes
+bisect: searching for minimal set of changes to enable to cause failure
+bisect: run test +0... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +00... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +10... FAIL (22 matches)
+bisect: run test +010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v+0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
+bisect: checking for more failures
+bisect: run test -0000010... FAIL (89 matches)
+bisect: target still fails; searching for more bad changes
+bisect: run test +0-0000010... FAIL (44 matches)
+bisect: run test +00-0000010... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +10-0000010... FAIL (21 matches)
+bisect: run test +010-0000010... ok (10 matches)
+bisect: run test +110-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0110-0000010... FAIL (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +00110-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +000110-0000010... FAIL (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +0000110-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: confirming failing change set
+bisect: run test v+0000110-0000010... FAIL (1 matches)
+bisect: FOUND failing change set
+bisect: checking for more failures
+bisect: run test -0000110-0000010... FAIL (88 matches)
+bisect: target still fails; searching for more bad changes
+bisect: run test +0-0000110-0000010... ok (43 matches)
+bisect: run test +1-0000110-0000010... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +01-0000110-0000010... FAIL (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +001-0000110-0000010... ok (12 matches)
+bisect: run test +101-0000110-0000010... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0101-0000110-0000010... ok (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +1101-0000110-0000010... FAIL (5 matches)
+bisect: run test +01101-0000110-0000010... ok (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +11101-0000110-0000010... ok (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +01101+11101-0000110-0000010... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +001101+11101-0000110-0000010... ok (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +101101+11101-0000110-0000010... ok (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +001101+11101+101101-0000110-0000010... ok (2 matches)
+bisect: fatal error: target fails inconsistently
+<bisect failed>
diff --git a/cmd/bisect/testdata/rand1.txt b/cmd/bisect/testdata/rand1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97c024a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bisect/testdata/rand1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+{"Fail": "blue && random"}
+-- stdout --
+-- stderr --
+bisect: checking target with all changes disabled
+bisect: run test n... ok (90 matches)
+bisect: checking target with all changes enabled
+bisect: run test y... FAIL (90 matches)
+bisect: target succeeds with no changes, fails with all changes
+bisect: searching for minimal set of changes to enable to cause failure
+bisect: run test +0... ok (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +1... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +01... FAIL (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +001... ok (12 matches)
+bisect: run test +101... FAIL (11 matches)
+bisect: run test +0101... ok (6 matches)
+bisect: run test +1101... FAIL (5 matches)
+bisect: run test +01101... ok (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +11101... ok (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +01101+11101... FAIL (3 matches)
+bisect: run test +001101+11101... ok (2 matches)
+bisect: run test +101101+11101... ok (1 matches)
+bisect: run test +001101+11101+101101... ok (2 matches)
+bisect: fatal error: target fails inconsistently
+<bisect failed>
diff --git a/cmd/bisect/testdata/rand2.txt b/cmd/bisect/testdata/rand2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ad2473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/bisect/testdata/rand2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+{"Fail": "blue && random", "Bisect": {"Count": 2}}
+-- stdout --
+-- stderr --
+bisect: checking target with all changes disabled
+bisect: run test n... ok (90 matches)
+bisect: run test n... ok (90 matches)
+bisect: checking target with all changes enabled
+bisect: run test y... FAIL (90 matches)
+bisect: run test y... FAIL (90 matches)
+bisect: target succeeds with no changes, fails with all changes
+bisect: searching for minimal set of changes to enable to cause failure
+bisect: run test +0... ok (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +0... ok (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +1... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +1... FAIL (45 matches)
+bisect: run test +01... FAIL (23 matches)
+bisect: run test +01... ok (23 matches)
+bisect: fatal error: target fails inconsistently
+<bisect failed>