go/analysis/passes/asmdecl: turn two diagnostics into log messages

Vet issues a warning (non-error diagnostic) when, for example, it
cannot check an assembly file because the Go and asm symbols are in
different packages. The new analysis API has no concept of warnings:
any diagnostic always causes a non-zero exit.

This change turns the asmdecl diagnostics back into warnings using
log.Print, which is not ideal, but is necessary to pacify cmd/vet/all
and its whitelist during the transition. Better solutions would be for
the new analysis API to have a concept of warning, or for asmdecl to
be silent and cmd/vet/all's whitelist not to expect these messages.

Also, fix a bug in the "cross-check" predicate: cmd/vet confuses the
name of a package and its path. The a∕b∕c names (using Unicode
division slash) that appear in assembly correspond directly to the

The only effective test of this change will be cmd/vet/all itself.

Change-Id: I2e402d48717df723e2efdc2379636ec9b204031d
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/149598
Reviewed-by: Daniel Martí <mvdan@mvdan.cc>
Reviewed-by: Michael Matloob <matloob@golang.org>
diff --git a/go/analysis/passes/asmdecl/asmdecl.go b/go/analysis/passes/asmdecl/asmdecl.go
index 11dfbf6..0f8abb5 100644
--- a/go/analysis/passes/asmdecl/asmdecl.go
+++ b/go/analysis/passes/asmdecl/asmdecl.go
@@ -243,16 +243,17 @@
 					if arch == "" {
-						badf("%s: cannot determine architecture for assembly file")
+						log.Printf("%s: cannot determine architecture for assembly file", fname)
 						continue Files
 				fnName = m[2]
-				if pkgName := strings.TrimSpace(m[1]); pkgName != "" {
-					pathParts := strings.Split(pkgName, "∕")
-					pkgName = pathParts[len(pathParts)-1]
-					if pkgName != pass.Pkg.Path() {
-						badf("[%s] cannot check cross-package assembly function: %s is in package %s", arch, fnName, pkgName)
+				if pkgPath := strings.TrimSpace(m[1]); pkgPath != "" {
+					// The assembler uses Unicode division slash within
+					// identifiers to represent the directory separator.
+					pkgPath = strings.Replace(pkgPath, "∕", "/", -1)
+					if pkgPath != pass.Pkg.Path() {
+						log.Printf("%s:%d: [%s] cannot check cross-package assembly function: %s is in package %s", fname, lineno, arch, fnName, pkgPath)
 						fn = nil
 						fnName = ""