| -------- @describe pkgdecl -------- |
| definition of package "describe" |
| type C int |
| method (*C) f() |
| type D struct{...} |
| method (D) f() |
| type I interface{f()} |
| method (I) f() |
| const c untyped int = 0 |
| type cake float64 |
| var global *string |
| func main func() |
| const pi untyped float = 3.141 |
| const pie cake = 3.141 |
| |
| -------- @describe unsafe -------- |
| import of package "unsafe" |
| builtin Alignof |
| builtin Offsetof |
| type Pointer unsafe.Pointer |
| builtin Sizeof |
| |
| -------- @describe type-ref-builtin -------- |
| reference to built-in type float64 |
| |
| -------- @describe const-ref-iota -------- |
| reference to const iota untyped int of value 0 |
| |
| -------- @describe const-def-pi -------- |
| definition of const pi untyped float of value 3.141 |
| |
| -------- @describe const-def-pie -------- |
| definition of const pie cake of value 3.141 |
| |
| -------- @describe const-ref-pi -------- |
| reference to const pi untyped float of value 3.141 |
| defined here |
| |
| -------- @describe func-def-main -------- |
| definition of func main() |
| |
| -------- @describe func-ref-main -------- |
| reference to func main() |
| defined here |
| |
| -------- @describe func-ref-*C.f -------- |
| reference to method func (*C).f() |
| defined here |
| |
| -------- @describe func-ref-D.f -------- |
| reference to method func (D).f() |
| defined here |
| |
| -------- @describe func-ref-I.f -------- |
| reference to interface method func (I).f() |
| defined here |
| |
| -------- @describe type-D -------- |
| reference to type D (size 24, align 8) |
| defined as struct{Field int; AnotherField string} |
| Methods: |
| method (D) f() |
| Fields: |
| Field int |
| AnotherField string |
| |
| -------- @describe type-I -------- |
| reference to type I (size 16, align 8) |
| defined as interface{f()} |
| Methods: |
| method (I) f() |
| |
| -------- @describe func-ref-d.f -------- |
| reference to method func (D).f() |
| defined here |
| |
| -------- @describe func-ref-i.f -------- |
| reference to interface method func (I).f() |
| defined here |
| |
| -------- @describe ptr-with-nonptr-methods -------- |
| definition of var dptr *D |
| Methods: |
| method (*D) f() |
| Fields: |
| Field int |
| AnotherField string |
| |
| -------- @describe ref-lexical-d -------- |
| reference to var d D |
| defined here |
| Methods: |
| method (D) f() |
| Fields: |
| Field int |
| AnotherField string |
| |
| -------- @describe ref-anon -------- |
| reference to var anon func() |
| defined here |
| |
| -------- @describe ref-global -------- |
| reference to var global *string |
| defined here |
| |
| -------- @describe var-def-x-1 -------- |
| definition of var x *int |
| |
| -------- @describe var-ref-x-1 -------- |
| reference to var x *int |
| defined here |
| |
| -------- @describe var-def-x-2 -------- |
| reference to var x *int |
| defined here |
| |
| -------- @describe var-ref-x-2 -------- |
| reference to var x *int |
| defined here |
| |
| -------- @describe var-ref-i-C -------- |
| reference to var i I |
| defined here |
| Methods: |
| method (I) f() |
| |
| -------- @describe var-ref-i-D -------- |
| reference to var i I |
| defined here |
| Methods: |
| method (I) f() |
| |
| -------- @describe var-ref-i -------- |
| reference to var i I |
| defined here |
| Methods: |
| method (I) f() |
| |
| -------- @describe const-local-pi -------- |
| definition of const localpi untyped float of value 3.141 |
| |
| -------- @describe const-local-pie -------- |
| definition of const localpie cake of value 3.141 |
| |
| -------- @describe const-ref-localpi -------- |
| reference to const localpi untyped float of value 3.141 |
| defined here |
| |
| -------- @describe type-def-T -------- |
| definition of type T (size 8, align 8) |
| No methods. |
| |
| -------- @describe type-ref-T -------- |
| reference to type T (size 8, align 8) |
| defined as int |
| No methods. |
| |
| -------- @describe const-expr -------- |
| binary * operation of value 6 |
| |
| -------- @describe const-expr2 -------- |
| binary - operation of value -2 |
| |
| -------- @describe map-lookup,ok -------- |
| index expression of type (*int, bool) |
| |
| -------- @describe mapval -------- |
| reference to var mapval *int |
| defined here |
| |
| -------- @describe m -------- |
| reference to var m map[string]*int |
| defined here |
| |
| -------- @describe defer-stmt -------- |
| defer statement |
| |
| -------- @describe go-stmt -------- |
| go statement |
| |
| -------- @describe builtin-ref-panic -------- |
| function call (or conversion) of type () |
| |
| -------- @describe var-decl-stmt -------- |
| definition of var a2 int |
| |
| -------- @describe var-decl-stmt2 -------- |
| definition of var _ int |
| |
| -------- @describe var-def-blank -------- |
| definition of var _ int |
| |
| -------- @describe lib-outer -------- |
| reference to type lib.Outer (size 56, align 8) |
| defined as struct{A int; b int; lib.inner} |
| No methods. |
| Fields: |
| A int |
| inner.C bool |
| inner.recursive.E bool |
| |
| -------- @describe call-unknown -------- |
| function call of type invalid type |
| |
| -------- @describe def-iface-I -------- |
| definition of type I (size 16, align 8) |
| Methods: |
| method (I) f() |
| |
| -------- @describe def-imethod-I.f -------- |
| definition of interface method func (I).f() |
| |