blob: 1a56fbaa3f66832f2319735d5b10b00e43809e86 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package deepcomplete
import "context" //@item(ctxPackage, "context", "\"context\"", "package")
type deepA struct {
b deepB //@item(deepBField, "b", "deepB", "field")
type deepB struct {
func wantsDeepB(deepB) {}
func _() {
var a deepA //@item(deepAVar, "a", "deepA", "var")
a.b //@item(deepABField, "a.b", "deepB", "field")
wantsDeepB(a) //@complete(")", deepABField, deepAVar)
deepA{a} //@snippet("}", deepABField, "a.b", "a.b")
func wantsContext(context.Context) {}
func _() {
context.Background() //@item(ctxBackground, "context.Background()", "context.Context", "func")
context.TODO() //@item(ctxTODO, "context.TODO()", "context.Context", "func")
/* context.WithValue(parent context.Context, key interface{}, val interface{}) */ //@item(ctxWithValue, "context.WithValue(parent context.Context, key interface{}, val interface{})", "context.Context", "func")
wantsContext(c) //@complete(")", ctxBackground, ctxTODO, ctxWithValue, ctxPackage)
func _() {
type deepCircle struct {
var circle deepCircle //@item(deepCircle, "circle", "deepCircle", "var")
circle.deepCircle //@item(deepCircleField, "circle.deepCircle", "*deepCircle", "field")
var _ deepCircle = ci //@complete(" //", deepCircle, deepCircleField)
func _() {
type deepEmbedC struct {
type deepEmbedB struct {
type deepEmbedA struct {
wantsC := func(deepEmbedC) {}
var a deepEmbedA //@item(deepEmbedA, "a", "deepEmbedA", "var")
a.deepEmbedB //@item(deepEmbedB, "a.deepEmbedB", "deepEmbedB", "field")
a.deepEmbedC //@item(deepEmbedC, "a.deepEmbedC", "deepEmbedC", "field")
wantsC(a) //@complete(")", deepEmbedC, deepEmbedA, deepEmbedB)