blob: 1d22aaa9d85ec7c1458865e0ffae60e27a313d67 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package regtest
import (
exec ""
// Mode is a bitmask that defines for which execution modes a test should run.
// Each mode controls several aspects of gopls' configuration:
// - Which server options to use for gopls sessions
// - Whether to use a shared cache
// - Whether to use a shared server
// - Whether to run the server in-process or in a separate process
// The behavior of each mode with respect to these aspects is summarized below.
// TODO(rfindley, cleanup): rather than using arbitrary names for these modes,
// we can compose them explicitly out of the features described here, allowing
// individual tests more freedom in constructing problematic execution modes.
// For example, a test could assert on a certain behavior when running with
// experimental options on a separate process. Moreover, we could unify 'Modes'
// with 'Options', and use RunMultiple rather than a hard-coded loop through
// modes.
// Mode | Options | Shared Cache? | Shared Server? | In-process?
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default | Default | Y | N | Y
// Forwarded | Default | Y | Y | Y
// SeparateProcess | Default | Y | Y | N
// Experimental | Experimental | N | N | Y
type Mode int
const (
// Default mode runs gopls with the default options, communicating over pipes
// to emulate the lsp sidecar execution mode, which communicates over
// stdin/stdout.
// It uses separate servers for each test, but a shared cache, to avoid
// duplicating work when processing GOROOT.
Default Mode = 1 << iota
// Forwarded uses the default options, but forwards connections to a shared
// in-process gopls server.
// SeparateProcess uses the default options, but forwards connection to an
// external gopls daemon.
// Experimental enables all of the experimental configurations that are
// being developed, and runs gopls in sidecar mode.
// It uses a separate cache for each test, to exercise races that may only
// appear with cache misses.
func (m Mode) String() string {
switch m {
case Default:
return "default"
case Forwarded:
return "forwarded"
case SeparateProcess:
return "separate process"
case Experimental:
return "experimental"
return "unknown mode"
// A Runner runs tests in gopls execution environments, as specified by its
// modes. For modes that share state (for example, a shared cache or common
// remote), any tests that execute on the same Runner will share the same
// state.
type Runner struct {
// Configuration
DefaultModes Mode // modes to run for each test
Timeout time.Duration // per-test timeout, if set
PrintGoroutinesOnFailure bool // whether to dump goroutines on test failure
SkipCleanup bool // if set, don't delete test data directories when the test exits
OptionsHook func(*source.Options) // if set, use these options when creating gopls sessions
// Immutable state shared across test invocations
goplsPath string // path to the gopls executable (for SeparateProcess mode)
tempDir string // shared parent temp directory
fset *token.FileSet // shared FileSet
store *memoize.Store // shared store
// Lazily allocated resources
mu sync.Mutex
ts *servertest.TCPServer
socketDir string
type runConfig struct {
editor fake.EditorConfig
sandbox fake.SandboxConfig
modes Mode
noDefaultTimeout bool
debugAddr string
skipLogs bool
skipHooks bool
// A RunOption augments the behavior of the test runner.
type RunOption interface {
type optionSetter func(*runConfig)
func (f optionSetter) set(opts *runConfig) {
// NoDefaultTimeout removes the timeout set by the -regtest_timeout flag, for
// individual tests that are expected to run longer than is reasonable for
// ordinary regression tests.
func NoDefaultTimeout() RunOption {
return optionSetter(func(opts *runConfig) {
opts.noDefaultTimeout = true
// ProxyFiles configures a file proxy using the given txtar-encoded string.
func ProxyFiles(txt string) RunOption {
return optionSetter(func(opts *runConfig) {
opts.sandbox.ProxyFiles = fake.UnpackTxt(txt)
// Modes configures the execution modes that the test should run in.
// By default, modes are configured by the test runner. If this option is set,
// it overrides the set of default modes and the test runs in exactly these
// modes.
func Modes(modes Mode) RunOption {
return optionSetter(func(opts *runConfig) {
if opts.modes != 0 {
panic("modes set more than once")
opts.modes = modes
// WindowsLineEndings configures the editor to use windows line endings.
func WindowsLineEndings() RunOption {
return optionSetter(func(opts *runConfig) {
opts.editor.WindowsLineEndings = true
// Settings is a RunOption that sets user-provided configuration for the LSP
// server.
// As a special case, the env setting must not be provided via Settings: use
// EnvVars instead.
type Settings map[string]interface{}
func (s Settings) set(opts *runConfig) {
if opts.editor.Settings == nil {
opts.editor.Settings = make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range s {
opts.editor.Settings[k] = v
// WorkspaceFolders configures the workdir-relative workspace folders to send
// to the LSP server. By default the editor sends a single workspace folder
// corresponding to the workdir root. To explicitly configure no workspace
// folders, use WorkspaceFolders with no arguments.
func WorkspaceFolders(relFolders ...string) RunOption {
if len(relFolders) == 0 {
// Use an empty non-nil slice to signal explicitly no folders.
relFolders = []string{}
return optionSetter(func(opts *runConfig) {
opts.editor.WorkspaceFolders = relFolders
// EnvVars sets environment variables for the LSP session. When applying these
// variables to the session, the special string $SANDBOX_WORKDIR is replaced by
// the absolute path to the sandbox working directory.
type EnvVars map[string]string
func (e EnvVars) set(opts *runConfig) {
if opts.editor.Env == nil {
opts.editor.Env = make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range e {
opts.editor.Env[k] = v
// InGOPATH configures the workspace working directory to be GOPATH, rather
// than a separate working directory for use with modules.
func InGOPATH() RunOption {
return optionSetter(func(opts *runConfig) {
opts.sandbox.InGoPath = true
// DebugAddress configures a debug server bound to addr. This option is
// currently only supported when executing in Default mode. It is intended to
// be used for long-running stress tests.
func DebugAddress(addr string) RunOption {
return optionSetter(func(opts *runConfig) {
opts.debugAddr = addr
// SkipLogs skips the buffering of logs during test execution. It is intended
// for long-running stress tests.
func SkipLogs() RunOption {
return optionSetter(func(opts *runConfig) {
opts.skipLogs = true
// InExistingDir runs the test in a pre-existing directory. If set, no initial
// files may be passed to the runner. It is intended for long-running stress
// tests.
func InExistingDir(dir string) RunOption {
return optionSetter(func(opts *runConfig) {
opts.sandbox.Workdir = dir
// SkipHooks allows for disabling the test runner's client hooks that are used
// for instrumenting expectations (tracking diagnostics, logs, work done,
// etc.). It is intended for performance-sensitive stress tests or benchmarks.
func SkipHooks(skip bool) RunOption {
return optionSetter(func(opts *runConfig) {
opts.skipHooks = skip
// GOPROXY configures the test environment to have an explicit proxy value.
// This is intended for stress tests -- to ensure their isolation, regtests
// should instead use WithProxyFiles.
func GOPROXY(goproxy string) RunOption {
return optionSetter(func(opts *runConfig) {
opts.sandbox.GOPROXY = goproxy
type TestFunc func(t *testing.T, env *Env)
// Run executes the test function in the default configured gopls execution
// modes. For each a test run, a new workspace is created containing the
// un-txtared files specified by filedata.
func (r *Runner) Run(t *testing.T, files string, test TestFunc, opts ...RunOption) {
// TODO(rfindley): this function has gotten overly complicated, and warrants
// refactoring.
tests := []struct {
name string
mode Mode
getServer func(*testing.T, func(*source.Options)) jsonrpc2.StreamServer
{"default", Default, r.defaultServer},
{"forwarded", Forwarded, r.forwardedServer},
{"separate_process", SeparateProcess, r.separateProcessServer},
{"experimental", Experimental, r.experimentalServer},
for _, tc := range tests {
tc := tc
var config runConfig
for _, opt := range opts {
modes := r.DefaultModes
if config.modes != 0 {
modes = config.modes
if modes&tc.mode == 0 {
if config.debugAddr != "" && tc.mode != Default {
// Debugging is useful for running stress tests, but since the daemon has
// likely already been started, it would be too late to debug.
t.Fatalf("debugging regtest servers only works in Default mode, "+
"got debug addr %q and mode %v", config.debugAddr, tc.mode)
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
// TODO(rfindley): once jsonrpc2 shutdown is fixed, we should not leak
// goroutines in this test function.
// stacktest.NoLeak(t)
ctx := context.Background()
if r.Timeout != 0 && !config.noDefaultTimeout {
var cancel context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, r.Timeout)
defer cancel()
} else if d, ok := testenv.Deadline(t); ok {
timeout := time.Until(d) * 19 / 20 // Leave an arbitrary 5% for cleanup.
var cancel context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
defer cancel()
ctx = debug.WithInstance(ctx, "", "off")
if config.debugAddr != "" {
di := debug.GetInstance(ctx)
di.Serve(ctx, config.debugAddr)
rootDir := filepath.Join(r.tempDir, filepath.FromSlash(t.Name()))
if err := os.MkdirAll(rootDir, 0755); err != nil {
files := fake.UnpackTxt(files)
if config.editor.WindowsLineEndings {
for name, data := range files {
files[name] = bytes.ReplaceAll(data, []byte("\n"), []byte("\r\n"))
config.sandbox.Files = files
config.sandbox.RootDir = rootDir
sandbox, err := fake.NewSandbox(&config.sandbox)
if err != nil {
defer func() {
if !r.SkipCleanup {
if err := sandbox.Close(); err != nil {
pprof.Lookup("goroutine").WriteTo(os.Stderr, 1)
t.Errorf("closing the sandbox: %v", err)
ss := tc.getServer(t, r.OptionsHook)
framer := jsonrpc2.NewRawStream
ls := &loggingFramer{}
if !config.skipLogs {
framer = ls.framer(jsonrpc2.NewRawStream)
ts := servertest.NewPipeServer(ss, framer)
env, cleanup := NewEnv(ctx, t, sandbox, ts, config.editor, !config.skipHooks)
defer cleanup()
defer func() {
if t.Failed() && r.PrintGoroutinesOnFailure {
pprof.Lookup("goroutine").WriteTo(os.Stderr, 1)
if t.Failed() || *printLogs {
ls.printBuffers(t.Name(), os.Stderr)
// For tests that failed due to a timeout, don't fail to shutdown
// because ctx is done.
// golang/go#53820: now that we await the completion of ongoing work in
// shutdown, we must allow a significant amount of time for ongoing go
// command invocations to exit.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(xcontext.Detach(ctx), 30*time.Second)
defer cancel()
if err := env.Editor.Close(ctx); err != nil {
pprof.Lookup("goroutine").WriteTo(os.Stderr, 1)
t.Errorf("closing editor: %v", err)
// Always await the initial workspace load.
test(t, env)
// longBuilders maps builders that are skipped when -short is set to a
// (possibly empty) justification.
var longBuilders = map[string]string{
"openbsd-amd64-64": "",
"openbsd-386-64": "",
"openbsd-386-68": "",
"openbsd-amd64-68": "",
"darwin-amd64-10_12": "",
"freebsd-amd64-race": "",
"illumos-amd64": "",
"netbsd-arm-bsiegert": "",
"solaris-amd64-oraclerel": "",
"windows-arm-zx2c4": "",
func checkBuilder(t *testing.T) {
builder := os.Getenv("GO_BUILDER_NAME")
if reason, ok := longBuilders[builder]; ok && testing.Short() {
if reason != "" {
t.Skipf("Skipping %s with -short due to %s", builder, reason)
} else {
t.Skipf("Skipping %s with -short", builder)
type loggingFramer struct {
mu sync.Mutex
buf *safeBuffer
// safeBuffer is a threadsafe buffer for logs.
type safeBuffer struct {
mu sync.Mutex
buf bytes.Buffer
func (b *safeBuffer) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
return b.buf.Write(p)
func (s *loggingFramer) framer(f jsonrpc2.Framer) jsonrpc2.Framer {
return func(nc net.Conn) jsonrpc2.Stream {
framed := false
if s.buf == nil {
s.buf = &safeBuffer{buf: bytes.Buffer{}}
framed = true
stream := f(nc)
if framed {
return protocol.LoggingStream(stream, s.buf)
return stream
func (s *loggingFramer) printBuffers(testname string, w io.Writer) {
if s.buf == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "#### Start Gopls Test Logs for %q\n", testname)
io.Copy(w, &s.buf.buf)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "#### End Gopls Test Logs for %q\n", testname)
// defaultServer handles the Default execution mode.
func (r *Runner) defaultServer(t *testing.T, optsHook func(*source.Options)) jsonrpc2.StreamServer {
return lsprpc.NewStreamServer(cache.New(r.fset,, optsHook), false)
// experimentalServer handles the Experimental execution mode.
func (r *Runner) experimentalServer(t *testing.T, optsHook func(*source.Options)) jsonrpc2.StreamServer {
options := func(o *source.Options) {
// ExperimentalWorkspaceModule is not (as of writing) enabled by
// source.Options.EnableAllExperiments, but we want to test it.
o.ExperimentalWorkspaceModule = true
return lsprpc.NewStreamServer(cache.New(nil, nil, options), false)
// forwardedServer handles the Forwarded execution mode.
func (r *Runner) forwardedServer(_ *testing.T, optsHook func(*source.Options)) jsonrpc2.StreamServer {
if r.ts == nil {
ctx := context.Background()
ctx = debug.WithInstance(ctx, "", "off")
ss := lsprpc.NewStreamServer(cache.New(nil, nil, optsHook), false)
r.ts = servertest.NewTCPServer(ctx, ss, nil)
return newForwarder("tcp", r.ts.Addr)
// separateProcessServer handles the SeparateProcess execution mode.
func (r *Runner) separateProcessServer(t *testing.T, optsHook func(*source.Options)) jsonrpc2.StreamServer {
// TODO(rfindley): can we use the autostart behavior here, instead of
// pre-starting the remote?
socket := r.getRemoteSocket(t)
return newForwarder("unix", socket)
func newForwarder(network, address string) *lsprpc.Forwarder {
server, err := lsprpc.NewForwarder(network+";"+address, nil)
if err != nil {
// This should never happen, as we are passing an explicit address.
panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: unable to create forwarder: %v", err))
return server
// runTestAsGoplsEnvvar triggers TestMain to run gopls instead of running
// tests. It's a trick to allow tests to find a binary to use to start a gopls
// subprocess.
const runTestAsGoplsEnvvar = "_GOPLS_TEST_BINARY_RUN_AS_GOPLS"
func (r *Runner) getRemoteSocket(t *testing.T) string {
const daemonFile = "gopls-test-daemon"
if r.socketDir != "" {
return filepath.Join(r.socketDir, daemonFile)
if r.goplsPath == "" {
t.Fatal("cannot run tests with a separate process unless a path to a gopls binary is configured")
var err error
r.socketDir, err = ioutil.TempDir(r.tempDir, "gopls-regtest-socket")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("creating tempdir: %v", err)
socket := filepath.Join(r.socketDir, daemonFile)
args := []string{"serve", "-listen", "unix;" + socket, "-listen.timeout", "10s"}
cmd := exec.Command(r.goplsPath, args...)
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), runTestAsGoplsEnvvar+"=true")
var stderr bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
go func() {
// TODO(rfindley): this is racy; we're returning before we know that the command is running.
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("error running external gopls: %v\nstderr:\n%s", err, stderr.String()))
return socket
// Close cleans up resource that have been allocated to this workspace.
func (r *Runner) Close() error {
var errmsgs []string
if r.ts != nil {
if err := r.ts.Close(); err != nil {
errmsgs = append(errmsgs, err.Error())
if r.socketDir != "" {
if err := os.RemoveAll(r.socketDir); err != nil {
errmsgs = append(errmsgs, err.Error())
if !r.SkipCleanup {
if err := os.RemoveAll(r.tempDir); err != nil {
errmsgs = append(errmsgs, err.Error())
if len(errmsgs) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("errors closing the test runner:\n\t%s", strings.Join(errmsgs, "\n\t"))
return nil