internal/jsonrpc2: remove unnecessary Log comment from Handler interface

Change-Id: If488397bbf543ff77ff789e955c04dfe84501c14
Reviewed-by: Rebecca Stambler <>
Run-TryBot: Rebecca Stambler <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
diff --git a/internal/jsonrpc2/handler.go b/internal/jsonrpc2/handler.go
index bf8bfb3..819e652 100644
--- a/internal/jsonrpc2/handler.go
+++ b/internal/jsonrpc2/handler.go
@@ -28,15 +28,6 @@
 	// cancelled set to true, and should not attempt to cancel the message.
 	Cancel(ctx context.Context, conn *Conn, id ID, cancelled bool) bool
-	// Log is invoked for all messages flowing through a Conn.
-	// direction indicates if the message being received or sent
-	// id is the message id, if not set it was a notification
-	// elapsed is the time between a call being seen and the response, and is
-	// negative for anything that is not a response.
-	// method is the method name specified in the message
-	// payload is the parameters for a call or notification, and the result for a
-	// response
 	// Request is called near the start of processing any request.
 	Request(ctx context.Context, conn *Conn, direction Direction, r *WireRequest) context.Context
 	// Response is called near the start of processing any response.