blob: 796e1594042de3b8cf6dc6c2faf08d76099fc5fc [file] [log] [blame]
Test of "too new" diagnostics from the stdversion analyzer.
This test references go1.21 and go1.22 symbols from std.
It uses a txtar file due to golang/go#37054.
See also gopls/internal/test/marker/testdata/diagnostics/stdversion.txt
which runs the same test within the gopls analysis driver, to ensure
coverage of per-file Go version support.
-- go.mod --
go 1.21
-- a/a.go --
package a
import "go/types"
func _() {
// old package-level type
var _ types.Info // ok: defined by go1.0
// new field of older type
_ = new(types.Info).FileVersions // want `types.FileVersions requires go1.22 or later \(module is go1.21\)`
// new method of older type
new(types.Info).PkgNameOf // want `types.PkgNameOf requires go1.22 or later \(module is go1.21\)`
// new package-level type
var a types.Alias // want `types.Alias requires go1.22 or later \(module is go1.21\)`
// new method of new type
a.Underlying() // no diagnostic
-- sub/go.mod --
go 1.21
-- sub/sub.go --
package sub
import "go/types"
func _() {
// old package-level type
var _ types.Info // ok: defined by go1.0
// new field of older type
_ = new(types.Info).FileVersions // want `types.FileVersions requires go1.22 or later \(module is go1.21\)`
// new method of older type
new(types.Info).PkgNameOf // want `types.PkgNameOf requires go1.22 or later \(module is go1.21\)`
// new package-level type
var a types.Alias // want `types.Alias requires go1.22 or later \(module is go1.21\)`
// new method of new type
a.Underlying() // no diagnostic
invalid syntax // exercise RunDespiteErrors
-- sub/tagged.go --
//go:build go1.22
package sub
import "go/types"
func _() {
// old package-level type
var _ types.Info
// new field of older type
_ = new(types.Info).FileVersions
// new method of older type
// new package-level type
var a types.Alias
// new method of new type
-- old/go.mod --
go 1.5
-- old/old.go --
package old
import "go/types"
var _ types.Alias // no diagnostic: go.mod is too old for us to care