blob: deebc30d222336100270fbb5c5d30555aaf79f78 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains tests for the atomic alignment checker.
//go:build arm || 386
// +build arm 386
package testdata
import (
func intsAlignment() {
var s struct {
a bool
b uint8
c int8
d byte
f int16
g int16
h int64
i byte
j uint64
atomic.AddInt64(&s.h, 9)
atomic.AddUint64(&s.j, 0) // want "address of non 64-bit aligned field .j passed to atomic.AddUint64"
func floatAlignment() {
var s struct {
a float32
b int64
c float32
d float64
e uint64
atomic.LoadInt64(&s.b) // want "address of non 64-bit aligned field .b passed to atomic.LoadInt64"
func uintptrAlignment() {
var s struct {
a uintptr
b int64
c int
d uint
e int32
f uint64
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.b, 0) // want "address of non 64-bit aligned field .b passed to atomic.StoreInt64"
atomic.StoreUint64(&s.f, 0)
func runeAlignment() {
var s struct {
a rune
b int64
_ rune
c uint64
atomic.SwapInt64(&s.b, 0) // want "address of non 64-bit aligned field .b passed to atomic.SwapInt64"
atomic.SwapUint64(&s.c, 0)
func complexAlignment() {
var s struct {
a complex64
b int64
c complex128
d uint64
atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&s.b, 0, 1)
atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&s.d, 0, 1)
// continuer ici avec les tests
func channelAlignment() {
var a struct {
a chan struct{}
b int64
c <-chan struct{}
d uint64
atomic.AddInt64(&a.b, 0) // want "address of non 64-bit aligned field .b passed to atomic.AddInt64"
atomic.AddUint64(&a.d, 0)
func arrayAlignment() {
var a struct {
a [1]uint16
b int64
_ [2]uint16
c int64
d [1]uint16
e uint64
atomic.LoadInt64(&a.b) // want "address of non 64-bit aligned field .b passed to atomic.LoadInt64"
atomic.LoadUint64(&a.e) // want "address of non 64-bit aligned field .e passed to atomic.LoadUint64"
(atomic.LoadUint64)(&a.e) // want "address of non 64-bit aligned field .e passed to atomic.LoadUint64"
func anonymousFieldAlignment() {
var f struct {
a, b int32
c, d int64
_ bool
e, f uint64
atomic.StoreInt64(&f.c, 12)
atomic.StoreInt64(&f.d, 27)
atomic.StoreUint64(&f.e, 6) // want "address of non 64-bit aligned field .e passed to atomic.StoreUint64"
atomic.StoreUint64(&f.f, 79) // want "address of non 64-bit aligned field .f passed to atomic.StoreUint64"
type ts struct {
e int64
e2 []int
f uint64
func typedStructAlignment() {
var b ts
atomic.SwapInt64(&b.e, 9)
atomic.SwapUint64(&b.f, 9) // want "address of non 64-bit aligned field .f passed to atomic.SwapUint64"
func aliasAlignment() {
type (
mybytea uint8
mybyteb byte
mybytec = uint8
mybyted = byte
var e struct {
a byte
b mybytea
c mybyteb
e mybytec
f int64
g, h uint16
i uint64
atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&e.f, 0, 1) // want "address of non 64-bit aligned field .f passed to atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64"
atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&e.i, 1, 2)
func stringAlignment() {
var a struct {
a uint32
b string
c int64
atomic.AddInt64(&a.c, 10) // want "address of non 64-bit aligned field .c passed to atomic.AddInt64"
func sliceAlignment() {
var s struct {
a []int32
b int64
c uint32
d uint64
atomic.LoadInt64(&s.b) // want "address of non 64-bit aligned field .b passed to atomic.LoadInt64"
func interfaceAlignment() {
var s struct {
a interface{}
b int64
c io.Writer
e int64
_ int32
f uint64
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.b, 9)
atomic.StoreInt64(&s.e, 9)
atomic.StoreUint64(&s.f, 9) // want "address of non 64-bit aligned field .f passed to atomic.StoreUint64"
func pointerAlignment() {
var s struct {
a, b *int
c int64
d *interface{}
e uint64
atomic.SwapInt64(&s.c, 9)
atomic.SwapUint64(&s.e, 9) // want "address of non 64-bit aligned field .e passed to atomic.SwapUint64"
// non-struct fields are already 64-bits correctly aligned per Go spec
func nonStructFields() {
var (
a *int64
b [2]uint64
c int64
atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(a, 10, 11)
atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&b[0], 5, 23)
atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&c, -1, -15)
func embeddedStructFields() {
var s1 struct {
_ struct{ _ int32 }
a int64
_ struct{}
b uint64
_ struct{ _ [2]uint16 }
c int64
atomic.AddInt64(&s1.a, 9) // want "address of non 64-bit aligned field .a passed to atomic.AddInt64"
atomic.AddUint64(&s1.b, 9) // want "address of non 64-bit aligned field .b passed to atomic.AddUint64"
atomic.AddInt64(&s1.c, 9)