blob: 2f6b1d92ee415c234a89a8b78822a7e6967ec58b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package typerefs
import (
// Encode analyzes the Go syntax trees of a package, constructs a
// reference graph, and uses it to compute, for each exported
// declaration, the set of exported symbols of directly imported
// packages that it references, perhaps indirectly.
// It returns a serializable index of this information.
// Use Decode to expand the result.
func Encode(files []*source.ParsedGoFile, id source.PackageID, imports map[source.ImportPath]*source.Metadata) []byte {
return index(files, id, imports)
// Decode decodes a serializable index of symbol
// reachability produced by Encode.
// Because many declarations reference the exact same set of symbols,
// the results are grouped into equivalence classes.
// Classes are sorted by Decls[0], ascending.
// The class with empty reachability is omitted.
// See the package documentation for more details as to what a
// reference does (and does not) represent.
func Decode(pkgIndex *PackageIndex, id source.PackageID, data []byte) []Class {
return decode(pkgIndex, id, data)
// A Class is a reachability equivalence class.
// It attests that each exported package-level declaration in Decls
// references (perhaps indirectly) one of the external (imported)
// symbols in Refs.
// Because many Decls reach the same Refs,
// it is more efficient to group them into classes.
type Class struct {
Decls []string // sorted set of names of exported decls with same reachability
Refs []Symbol // set of external symbols, in ascending (PackageID, Name) order
// A Symbol represents an external (imported) symbol
// referenced by the analyzed package.
type Symbol struct {
Package IndexID // w.r.t. PackageIndex passed to decoder
Name string
// An IndexID is a small integer that uniquely identifies a package within a
// given PackageIndex.
type IndexID int
// -- internals --
// A symbolSet is a set of symbols used internally during index construction.
// TODO(adonovan): opt: evaluate unifying Symbol and symbol.
// (Encode would have to create a private PackageIndex.)
type symbolSet map[symbol]bool
// A symbol is the internal representation of an external
// (imported) symbol referenced by the analyzed package.
type symbol struct {
pkg source.PackageID
name string
// declNode holds information about a package-level declaration
// (or more than one with the same name, in ill-typed code).
// It is a node in the symbol reference graph, whose outgoing edges
// are of two kinds: intRefs and extRefs.
type declNode struct {
name string
rep *declNode // canonical representative of this SCC (initially self)
// outgoing graph edges
intRefs map[*declNode]bool // to symbols in this package
extRefs symbolSet // to imported symbols
extRefsClass int // extRefs equivalence class number (-1 until set at end)
// Tarjan's SCC algorithm
index, lowlink int32 // Tarjan numbering
scc int32 // -ve => on stack; 0 => unvisited; +ve => node is root of a found SCC
// state holds the working state of the Refs algorithm for a single package.
// The number of distinct symbols referenced by a single package
// (measured across all of kubernetes), was found to be:
// - max = 1750.
// - Several packages reference > 100 symbols.
// - p95 = 32, p90 = 22, p50 = 8.
type state struct {
// numbering of unique symbol sets
class []symbolSet // unique symbol sets
classIndex map[string]int // index of above (using SymbolSet.hash as key)
// Tarjan's SCC algorithm
index int32
stack []*declNode
// getClassIndex returns the small integer (an index into
// state.class) that identifies the given set.
func (st *state) getClassIndex(set symbolSet) int {
key := classKey(set)
i, ok := st.classIndex[key]
if !ok {
i = len(st.class)
st.classIndex[key] = i
st.class = append(st.class, set)
return i
// appendSorted appends the symbols to syms, sorts by ascending
// (PackageID, name), and returns the result.
// The argument must be an empty slice, ideally with capacity len(set).
func (set symbolSet) appendSorted(syms []symbol) []symbol {
for sym := range set {
syms = append(syms, sym)
sort.Slice(syms, func(i, j int) bool {
x, y := syms[i], syms[j]
if x.pkg != y.pkg {
return x.pkg < y.pkg
return <
return syms
// classKey returns a key such that equal keys imply equal sets.
// (e.g. a sorted string representation, or a cryptographic hash of same).
func classKey(set symbolSet) string {
// Sort symbols into a stable order.
// TODO(adonovan): opt: a cheap crypto hash (e.g. BLAKE2b) might
// make a cheaper map key than a large string.
// Try using a hasher instead of a builder.
var s strings.Builder
for _, sym := range set.appendSorted(make([]symbol, 0, len(set))) {
fmt.Fprintf(&s, "%s:%s;", sym.pkg,
return s.String()
// index builds the reference graph and encodes the index.
func index(pgfs []*source.ParsedGoFile, id source.PackageID, imports map[source.ImportPath]*source.Metadata) []byte {
// First pass: gather package-level names and create a declNode for each.
// In ill-typed code, there may be multiple declarations of the
// same name; a single declInfo node will represent them all.
decls := make(map[string]*declNode)
addDecl := func(id *ast.Ident) {
if name := id.Name; name != "_" && decls[name] == nil {
node := &declNode{name: name, extRefsClass: -1}
node.rep = node
decls[name] = node
for _, pgf := range pgfs {
for _, d := range pgf.File.Decls {
switch d := d.(type) {
case *ast.GenDecl:
switch d.Tok {
case token.TYPE:
for _, spec := range d.Specs {
case token.VAR, token.CONST:
for _, spec := range d.Specs {
for _, ident := range spec.(*ast.ValueSpec).Names {
case *ast.FuncDecl:
// non-method functions
if d.Recv.NumFields() == 0 {
// Second pass: process files to collect referring identifiers.
st := &state{classIndex: make(map[string]int)}
for _, pgf := range pgfs {
visitFile(pgf.File, imports, decls)
// Find the strong components of the declNode graph
// using Tarjan's algorithm, and coalesce each component.
st.index = 1
for _, decl := range decls {
if decl.index == 0 { // unvisited
// TODO(adonovan): opt: consider compressing the serialized
// representation by recording not the classes but the DAG of
// non-trivial union operations (the "pointer equivalence"
// optimization of Hardekopf & Lin). Unlike that algorithm,
// which piggybacks on SCC coalescing, in our case it would
// be better to make a forward traversal from the exported
// decls, since it avoids visiting unreachable nodes, and
// results in a dense (not sparse) numbering of the sets.
// Tabulate the unique reachability sets of
// each exported package member.
classNames := make(map[int][]string) // set of decls (names) for a given reachability set
for name, decl := range decls {
if !ast.IsExported(name) {
decl = decl.find()
// Skip decls with empty reachability.
if len(decl.extRefs) == 0 {
// Canonicalize the set (and memoize).
class := decl.extRefsClass
if class < 0 {
class = st.getClassIndex(decl.extRefs)
decl.extRefsClass = class
classNames[class] = append(classNames[class], name)
return encode(classNames, st.class)
// visitFile inspects the file syntax for referring identifiers, and
// populates the internal and external references of decls.
func visitFile(file *ast.File, imports map[source.ImportPath]*source.Metadata, decls map[string]*declNode) {
// Import information for this file. Multiple packages
// may be referenced by a given name in the presence
// of type errors (or multiple dot imports, which are
// keyed by ".").
fileImports := make(map[string][]source.PackageID)
// importEdge records a reference from decl to an imported symbol
// ( The package name may be ".".
importEdge := func(decl *declNode, pkgname, name string) {
if token.IsExported(name) {
for _, depID := range fileImports[pkgname] {
if decl.extRefs == nil {
decl.extRefs = make(symbolSet)
decl.extRefs[symbol{depID, name}] = true
// visit finds refs within node and builds edges from fromId's decl.
// References to the type parameters are ignored.
visit := func(fromId *ast.Ident, node ast.Node, tparams map[string]bool) {
if fromId.Name == "_" {
from := decls[fromId.Name]
// When visiting a method, there may not be a valid type declaration for
// the receiver. In this case there is no way to refer to the method, so
// we need not record edges.
if from == nil {
// Visit each reference to name or name.sel.
visitDeclOrSpec(node, func(name, sel string) {
// Ignore references to type parameters.
if tparams[name] {
// If name is declared in the package scope,
// record an edge whether or not sel is empty.
// A field or method selector may affect the
// type of the current decl via initializers:
// package p
// var x = y.F
// var y = struct{ F int }{}
if to, ok := decls[name]; ok {
if from.intRefs == nil {
from.intRefs = make(map[*declNode]bool)
from.intRefs[to] = true
} else {
// Only record an edge to dot-imported packages
// if there was no edge to a local name.
// This assumes that there are no duplicate declarations.
// We conservatively, assume that this name comes from
// every dot-imported package.
importEdge(from, ".", name)
// Record an edge to an import if it matches the name, even if that
// name collides with a package level name. Unlike the case of dotted
// imports, we know the package is invalid here, and choose to fail
// conservatively.
if sel != "" {
importEdge(from, name, sel)
// Visit the declarations and gather reference edges.
// Import declarations appear before all others.
for _, d := range file.Decls {
switch d := d.(type) {
case *ast.GenDecl:
switch d.Tok {
case token.IMPORT:
// Record local import names for this file.
for _, spec := range d.Specs {
spec := spec.(*ast.ImportSpec)
path := source.UnquoteImportPath(spec)
if path == "" {
dep := imports[path]
if dep == nil {
// Note here that we don't try to "guess"
// the name of an import based on e.g.
// its importPath. Doing so would only
// result in edges that don't go anywhere.
name := string(dep.Name)
if spec.Name != nil {
if spec.Name.Name == "_" {
name = spec.Name.Name // possibly "."
fileImports[name] = append(fileImports[name], dep.ID)
case token.TYPE:
for _, spec := range d.Specs {
spec := spec.(*ast.TypeSpec)
tparams := tparamsMap(typeparams.ForTypeSpec(spec))
visit(spec.Name, spec, tparams)
case token.VAR, token.CONST:
for _, spec := range d.Specs {
spec := spec.(*ast.ValueSpec)
for _, name := range spec.Names {
visit(name, spec, nil)
case *ast.FuncDecl:
// This check for NumFields() > 0 is consistent with go/types,
// which reports an error but treats the declaration like a
// normal function when Recv is non-nil but empty
// (as in func () f()).
if d.Recv.NumFields() > 0 {
// Method. Associate it with the receiver.
_, id, typeParams := astutil.UnpackRecv(d.Recv.List[0].Type)
if id != nil {
var tparams map[string]bool
if len(typeParams) > 0 {
tparams = make(map[string]bool)
for _, tparam := range typeParams {
if tparam.Name != "_" {
tparams[tparam.Name] = true
visit(id, d, tparams)
} else {
// Non-method.
tparams := tparamsMap(typeparams.ForFuncType(d.Type))
visit(d.Name, d, tparams)
// tparamsMap returns a set recording each name declared by the provided field
// list. It so happens that we only care about names declared by type parameter
// lists.
func tparamsMap(tparams *ast.FieldList) map[string]bool {
if tparams == nil || len(tparams.List) == 0 {
return nil
m := make(map[string]bool)
for _, f := range tparams.List {
for _, name := range f.Names {
if name.Name != "_" {
m[name.Name] = true
return m
// A refVisitor visits referring identifiers and dotted identifiers.
// For a referring identifier I, name="I" and sel="". For a dotted identifier
// q.I, name="q" and sel="I".
type refVisitor = func(name, sel string)
// visitDeclOrSpec visits referring idents or dotted idents that may affect
// the type of the declaration at the given node, which must be an ast.Decl or
// ast.Spec.
func visitDeclOrSpec(node ast.Node, f refVisitor) {
// Declarations
switch n := node.(type) {
// ImportSpecs should not appear here, and will panic in the default case.
case *ast.ValueSpec:
// Skip Doc, Names, Comments, which do not affect the decl type.
// Initializers only affect the type of a value spec if the type is unset.
if n.Type != nil {
visitExpr(n.Type, f)
} else { // only need to walk expr list if type is nil
visitExprList(n.Values, f)
case *ast.TypeSpec:
// Skip Doc, Name, and Comment, which do not affect the decl type.
if tparams := typeparams.ForTypeSpec(n); tparams != nil {
visitFieldList(tparams, f)
visitExpr(n.Type, f)
case *ast.BadDecl:
// nothing to do
// We should not reach here with a GenDecl, so panic below in the default case.
case *ast.FuncDecl:
// Skip Doc, Name, and Body, which do not affect the type.
// Recv is handled by Refs: methods are associated with their type.
visitExpr(n.Type, f)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected node type %T", node))
// visitExpr visits referring idents and dotted idents that may affect the
// type of expr.
// visitExpr can't reliably distinguish a dotted ident pkg.X from a
// selection expr.f or T.method.
func visitExpr(expr ast.Expr, f refVisitor) {
switch n := expr.(type) {
// These four cases account for about two thirds of all nodes,
// so we place them first to shorten the common control paths.
// (See
case *ast.Ident:
f(n.Name, "")
case *ast.BasicLit:
// nothing to do
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
if ident, ok := n.X.(*ast.Ident); ok {
f(ident.Name, n.Sel.Name)
} else {
visitExpr(n.X, f)
// Skip n.Sel as we don't care about which field or method is selected,
// as we'll have recorded an edge to all declarations relevant to the
// receiver type via visiting n.X above.
case *ast.CallExpr:
visitExpr(n.Fun, f)
visitExprList(n.Args, f) // args affect types for unsafe.Sizeof or builtins or generics
// Expressions
case *ast.Ellipsis:
if n.Elt != nil {
visitExpr(n.Elt, f)
case *ast.FuncLit:
visitExpr(n.Type, f)
// Skip Body, which does not affect the type.
case *ast.CompositeLit:
if n.Type != nil {
visitExpr(n.Type, f)
// Skip Elts, which do not affect the type.
case *ast.ParenExpr:
visitExpr(n.X, f)
case *ast.IndexExpr:
visitExpr(n.X, f)
visitExpr(n.Index, f) // may affect type for instantiations
case *typeparams.IndexListExpr:
visitExpr(n.X, f)
for _, index := range n.Indices {
visitExpr(index, f) // may affect the type for instantiations
case *ast.SliceExpr:
visitExpr(n.X, f)
// skip Low, High, and Max, which do not affect type.
case *ast.TypeAssertExpr:
// Skip X, as it doesn't actually affect the resulting type of the type
// assertion.
if n.Type != nil {
visitExpr(n.Type, f)
case *ast.StarExpr:
visitExpr(n.X, f)
case *ast.UnaryExpr:
visitExpr(n.X, f)
case *ast.BinaryExpr:
visitExpr(n.X, f)
visitExpr(n.Y, f)
case *ast.KeyValueExpr:
panic("unreachable") // unreachable, as we don't descend into elts of composite lits.
case *ast.ArrayType:
if n.Len != nil {
visitExpr(n.Len, f)
visitExpr(n.Elt, f)
case *ast.StructType:
visitFieldList(n.Fields, f)
case *ast.FuncType:
if tparams := typeparams.ForFuncType(n); tparams != nil {
visitFieldList(tparams, f)
if n.Params != nil {
visitFieldList(n.Params, f)
if n.Results != nil {
visitFieldList(n.Results, f)
case *ast.InterfaceType:
visitFieldList(n.Methods, f)
case *ast.MapType:
visitExpr(n.Key, f)
visitExpr(n.Value, f)
case *ast.ChanType:
visitExpr(n.Value, f)
case *ast.BadExpr:
// nothing to do
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ast.Walk: unexpected node type %T", n))
func visitExprList(list []ast.Expr, f refVisitor) {
for _, x := range list {
visitExpr(x, f)
func visitFieldList(n *ast.FieldList, f refVisitor) {
for _, field := range n.List {
visitExpr(field.Type, f)
// -- strong component graph construction (plundered from go/pointer) --
// visit implements the depth-first search of Tarjan's SCC algorithm
// (see
// Precondition: x is canonical.
func (st *state) visit(x *declNode) {
x.index = st.index
x.lowlink = st.index
st.stack = append(st.stack, x) // push
assert(x.scc == 0, "node revisited")
x.scc = -1
for y := range x.intRefs {
// Loop invariant: x is canonical.
y := y.find()
if x == y {
continue // nodes already coalesced
switch {
case y.scc > 0:
// y is already a collapsed SCC
case y.scc < 0:
// y is on the stack, and thus in the current SCC.
if y.index < x.lowlink {
x.lowlink = y.index
// y is unvisited; visit it now.
// Note: x and y are now non-canonical.
x = x.find()
if y.lowlink < x.lowlink {
x.lowlink = y.lowlink
// Is x the root of an SCC?
if x.lowlink == x.index {
// Coalesce all nodes in the SCC.
for {
// Pop y from stack.
i := len(st.stack) - 1
y := st.stack[i]
st.stack = st.stack[:i]
if x == y {
break // SCC is complete.
coalesce(x, y)
// Accumulate union of extRefs over
// internal edges (to other SCCs).
for y := range x.intRefs {
y := y.find()
if y == x {
continue // already coalesced
assert(y.scc == 1, "edge to non-scc node")
for z := range y.extRefs {
if x.extRefs == nil {
x.extRefs = make(symbolSet)
x.extRefs[z] = true // extRefs: x U= y
x.scc = 1
// coalesce combines two nodes in the strong component graph.
// Precondition: x and y are canonical.
func coalesce(x, y *declNode) {
// x becomes y's canonical representative.
y.rep = x
// x accumulates y's internal references.
for z := range y.intRefs {
x.intRefs[z] = true
y.intRefs = nil
// x accumulates y's external references.
for z := range y.extRefs {
if x.extRefs == nil {
x.extRefs = make(symbolSet)
x.extRefs[z] = true
y.extRefs = nil
// find returns the canonical node decl.
// (The nodes form a disjoint set forest.)
func (decl *declNode) find() *declNode {
rep := decl.rep
if rep != decl {
rep = rep.find()
decl.rep = rep // simple path compression (no union-by-rank)
return rep
const debugSCC = false // enable assertions in strong-component algorithm
func checkCanonical(x *declNode) {
if debugSCC {
assert(x == x.find(), "not canonical")
func assert(cond bool, msg string) {
if debugSCC && !cond {
// -- serialization --
// (The name says gob but in fact we use frob.)
// var classesCodec = frob.For[gobClasses]()
var classesCodec = frob.CodecFor117(new(gobClasses))
type gobClasses struct {
Strings []string // table of strings (PackageIDs and names)
Classes []gobClass
type gobClass struct {
Decls []int32 // indices into gobClasses.Strings
Refs []int32 // list of (package, name) pairs, each an index into gobClasses.Strings
// encode encodes the equivalence classes,
// (classNames[i], classes[i]), for i in range classes.
// With the current encoding, across kubernetes,
// the encoded size distribution has
// p50 = 511B, p95 = 4.4KB, max = 108K.
func encode(classNames map[int][]string, classes []symbolSet) []byte {
payload := gobClasses{
Classes: make([]gobClass, 0, len(classNames)),
// index of unique strings
strings := make(map[string]int32)
stringIndex := func(s string) int32 {
i, ok := strings[s]
if !ok {
i = int32(len(payload.Strings))
strings[s] = i
payload.Strings = append(payload.Strings, s)
return i
var refs []symbol // recycled temporary
for class, names := range classNames {
set := classes[class]
// names, sorted
gobDecls := make([]int32, len(names))
for i, name := range names {
gobDecls[i] = stringIndex(name)
// refs, sorted by ascending (PackageID, name)
gobRefs := make([]int32, 0, 2*len(set))
for _, sym := range set.appendSorted(refs[:0]) {
gobRefs = append(gobRefs,
payload.Classes = append(payload.Classes, gobClass{
Decls: gobDecls,
Refs: gobRefs,
return classesCodec.Encode(payload)
func decode(pkgIndex *PackageIndex, id source.PackageID, data []byte) []Class {
var payload gobClasses
classesCodec.Decode(data, &payload)
classes := make([]Class, len(payload.Classes))
for i, gobClass := range payload.Classes {
decls := make([]string, len(gobClass.Decls))
for i, decl := range gobClass.Decls {
decls[i] = payload.Strings[decl]
refs := make([]Symbol, len(gobClass.Refs)/2)
for i := range refs {
pkgID := pkgIndex.IndexID(source.PackageID(payload.Strings[gobClass.Refs[2*i]]))
name := payload.Strings[gobClass.Refs[2*i+1]]
refs[i] = Symbol{Package: pkgID, Name: name}
classes[i] = Class{
Decls: decls,
Refs: refs,
// Sort by ascending Decls[0].
// TODO(adonovan): move sort to encoder. Determinism is good.
sort.Slice(classes, func(i, j int) bool {
return classes[i].Decls[0] < classes[j].Decls[0]
return classes