blob: 393e7f1854bd37ad8d30c80333ac31fb6ae284b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package checker_test
import (
func TestApplyFixes(t *testing.T) {
files := map[string]string{
"rename/test.go": `package rename
func Foo() {
bar := 12
_ = bar
// the end
want := `package rename
func Foo() {
baz := 12
_ = baz
// the end
testdata, cleanup, err := analysistest.WriteFiles(files)
if err != nil {
path := filepath.Join(testdata, "src/rename/test.go")
checker.Fix = true
checker.Run([]string{"file=" + path}, []*analysis.Analyzer{analyzer})
contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
got := string(contents)
if got != want {
t.Errorf("contents of rewritten file\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", got, want)
defer cleanup()
var analyzer = &analysis.Analyzer{
Name: "rename",
Requires: []*analysis.Analyzer{inspect.Analyzer},
Run: run,
var other = &analysis.Analyzer{ // like analyzer but with a different Name.
Name: "other",
Requires: []*analysis.Analyzer{inspect.Analyzer},
Run: run,
func run(pass *analysis.Pass) (interface{}, error) {
const (
from = "bar"
to = "baz"
conflict = "conflict" // add conflicting edits to package conflict.
duplicate = "duplicate" // add duplicate edits to package conflict.
other = "other" // add conflicting edits to package other from different analyzers.
if pass.Analyzer.Name == other {
if pass.Pkg.Name() != other {
return nil, nil // only apply Analyzer other to packages named other
inspect := pass.ResultOf[inspect.Analyzer].(*inspector.Inspector)
nodeFilter := []ast.Node{(*ast.Ident)(nil)}
inspect.Preorder(nodeFilter, func(n ast.Node) {
ident := n.(*ast.Ident)
if ident.Name == from {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("renaming %q to %q", from, to)
edits := []analysis.TextEdit{
{Pos: ident.Pos(), End: ident.End(), NewText: []byte(to)},
switch pass.Pkg.Name() {
case conflict:
edits = append(edits, []analysis.TextEdit{
{Pos: ident.Pos() - 1, End: ident.End(), NewText: []byte(to)},
{Pos: ident.Pos(), End: ident.End() - 1, NewText: []byte(to)},
{Pos: ident.Pos(), End: ident.End(), NewText: []byte("lorem ipsum")},
case duplicate:
edits = append(edits, edits...)
case other:
if pass.Analyzer.Name == other {
edits[0].Pos = edits[0].Pos + 1 // shift by one to mismatch analyzer and other
Pos: ident.Pos(),
End: ident.End(),
Message: msg,
SuggestedFixes: []analysis.SuggestedFix{{Message: msg, TextEdits: edits}}})
return nil, nil
func TestRunDespiteErrors(t *testing.T) {
files := map[string]string{
"rderr/test.go": `package rderr
// Foo deliberately has a type error
func Foo(s string) int {
return s + 1
testdata, cleanup, err := analysistest.WriteFiles(files)
if err != nil {
path := filepath.Join(testdata, "src/rderr/test.go")
// A no-op analyzer that should finish regardless of
// parse or type errors in the code.
noop := &analysis.Analyzer{
Name: "noop",
Requires: []*analysis.Analyzer{inspect.Analyzer},
Run: func(pass *analysis.Pass) (interface{}, error) {
return nil, nil
RunDespiteErrors: true,
// A no-op analyzer that should finish regardless of
// parse or type errors in the code.
noopWithFact := &analysis.Analyzer{
Name: "noopfact",
Requires: []*analysis.Analyzer{inspect.Analyzer},
Run: func(pass *analysis.Pass) (interface{}, error) {
return nil, nil
RunDespiteErrors: true,
FactTypes: []analysis.Fact{&EmptyFact{}},
for _, test := range []struct {
name string
pattern []string
analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer
code int
// parse/type errors
{name: "skip-error", pattern: []string{"file=" + path}, analyzers: []*analysis.Analyzer{analyzer}, code: 1},
// RunDespiteErrors allows a driver to run an Analyzer even after parse/type errors.
// The noop analyzer doesn't use facts, so the driver loads only the root
// package from source. For the rest, it asks 'go list' for export data,
// which fails because the compiler encounters the type error. Since the
// errors come from 'go list', the driver doesn't run the analyzer.
{name: "despite-error", pattern: []string{"file=" + path}, analyzers: []*analysis.Analyzer{noop}, code: 1},
// The noopfact analyzer does use facts, so the driver loads source for
// all dependencies, does type checking itself, recognizes the error as a
// type error, and runs the analyzer.
{name: "despite-error-fact", pattern: []string{"file=" + path}, analyzers: []*analysis.Analyzer{noopWithFact}, code: 0},
// combination of parse/type errors and no errors
{name: "despite-error-and-no-error", pattern: []string{"file=" + path, "sort"}, analyzers: []*analysis.Analyzer{analyzer, noop}, code: 1},
// non-existing package error
{name: "no-package", pattern: []string{"xyz"}, analyzers: []*analysis.Analyzer{analyzer}, code: 1},
{name: "no-package-despite-error", pattern: []string{"abc"}, analyzers: []*analysis.Analyzer{noop}, code: 1},
{name: "no-multi-package-despite-error", pattern: []string{"xyz", "abc"}, analyzers: []*analysis.Analyzer{noop}, code: 1},
// combination of type/parsing and different errors
{name: "different-errors", pattern: []string{"file=" + path, "xyz"}, analyzers: []*analysis.Analyzer{analyzer, noop}, code: 1},
// non existing dir error
{name: "no-match-dir", pattern: []string{"file=non/existing/dir"}, analyzers: []*analysis.Analyzer{analyzer, noop}, code: 1},
// no errors
{name: "no-errors", pattern: []string{"sort"}, analyzers: []*analysis.Analyzer{analyzer, noop}, code: 0},
} {
if == "despite-error" && testenv.Go1Point() < 20 {
// The behavior in the comment on the despite-error test only occurs for Go 1.20+.
if got := checker.Run(test.pattern, test.analyzers); got != test.code {
t.Errorf("got incorrect exit code %d for test %s; want %d", got,, test.code)
defer cleanup()
type EmptyFact struct{}
func (f *EmptyFact) AFact() {}
func TestURL(t *testing.T) {
// TestURL test that URLs get forwarded to diagnostics by internal/checker.
files := map[string]string{
"p/test.go": `package p // want "package name is p"`,
pkgname := &analysis.Analyzer{
Name: "pkgname",
Doc: "trivial analyzer that reports package names",
URL: "",
Run: func(p *analysis.Pass) (interface{}, error) {
for _, f := range p.Files {
p.ReportRangef(f.Name, "package name is %s", f.Name.Name)
return nil, nil
testdata, cleanup, err := analysistest.WriteFiles(files)
if err != nil {
defer cleanup()
path := filepath.Join(testdata, "src/p/test.go")
results := analysistest.Run(t, testdata, pkgname, "file="+path)
var urls []string
for _, r := range results {
for _, d := range r.Diagnostics {
urls = append(urls, d.URL)
want := []string{""}
if !reflect.DeepEqual(urls, want) {
t.Errorf("Expected Diagnostics.URLs %v. got %v", want, urls)