blob: 7f15a41c1cf84ce4f27ba6012524ba4986bbd113 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package fake
import (
// Pos represents a position in a text buffer.
// Both Line and Column are 0-indexed.
// Column counts runes.
type Pos struct {
Line, Column int
func (p Pos) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", p.Line, p.Column)
// Range corresponds to protocol.Range, but uses the editor friend Pos
// instead of UTF-16 oriented protocol.Position
type Range struct {
Start Pos
End Pos
func (p Pos) ToProtocolPosition() protocol.Position {
return protocol.Position{
Line: uint32(p.Line),
Character: uint32(p.Column),
func fromProtocolPosition(pos protocol.Position) Pos {
return Pos{
Line: int(pos.Line),
Column: int(pos.Character),
// Edit represents a single (contiguous) buffer edit.
type Edit struct {
Start, End Pos
Text string
// Location is the editor friendly equivalent of protocol.Location
type Location struct {
Path string
Range Range
// SymbolInformation is an editor friendly version of
// protocol.SymbolInformation, with location information transformed to byte
// offsets. Field names correspond to the protocol type.
type SymbolInformation struct {
Name string
Kind protocol.SymbolKind
Location Location
// NewEdit creates an edit replacing all content between
// (startLine, startColumn) and (endLine, endColumn) with text.
func NewEdit(startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn int, text string) Edit {
return Edit{
Start: Pos{Line: startLine, Column: startColumn},
End: Pos{Line: endLine, Column: endColumn},
Text: text,
func (e Edit) toProtocolChangeEvent() protocol.TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
return protocol.TextDocumentContentChangeEvent{
Range: &protocol.Range{
Start: e.Start.ToProtocolPosition(),
End: e.End.ToProtocolPosition(),
Text: e.Text,
func fromProtocolTextEdit(textEdit protocol.TextEdit) Edit {
return Edit{
Start: fromProtocolPosition(textEdit.Range.Start),
End: fromProtocolPosition(textEdit.Range.End),
Text: textEdit.NewText,
// inText reports whether p is a valid position in the text buffer.
func inText(p Pos, content []string) bool {
if p.Line < 0 || p.Line >= len(content) {
return false
// Note the strict right bound: the column indexes character _separators_,
// not characters.
if p.Column < 0 || p.Column > len([]rune(content[p.Line])) {
return false
return true
// applyEdits applies the edits to a file with the specified lines,
// and returns a new slice containing the lines of the patched file.
// It is a wrapper around diff.Apply; see that function for preconditions.
func applyEdits(lines []string, edits []Edit) ([]string, error) {
src := strings.Join(lines, "\n")
// Build a table of byte offset of start of each line.
lineOffset := make([]int, len(lines))
offset := 0
for i, line := range lines {
lineOffset[i] = offset
offset += len(line) + len("\n")
var posErr error
posToOffset := func(pos Pos) int {
// Convert pos.Column (runes) to a UTF-8 byte offset.
if pos.Line > len(lines) {
posErr = fmt.Errorf("bad line")
return 0
if pos.Line == len(lines) {
if pos.Column > 0 {
posErr = fmt.Errorf("bad column")
return len(src) // EOF
offset := lineOffset[pos.Line]
for i := 0; i < pos.Column; i++ {
r, sz := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(src[offset:])
if r == '\n' && posErr == nil {
posErr = fmt.Errorf("bad column")
offset += sz
return offset
// Convert fake.Edits to diff.Edits
diffEdits := make([]diff.Edit, len(edits))
for i, edit := range edits {
diffEdits[i] = diff.Edit{
Start: posToOffset(edit.Start),
End: posToOffset(edit.End),
New: edit.Text,
patched, err := diff.Apply(src, diffEdits)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return strings.Split(patched, "\n"), posErr