blob: 0b5ec7e63a1a74e609d0bd9a361494fc863559d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vta
import (
// want extracts the contents of the first comment
// section starting with "WANT:\n". The returned
// content is split into lines without // prefix.
func want(f *ast.File) []string {
for _, c := range f.Comments {
text := strings.TrimSpace(c.Text())
if t := strings.TrimPrefix(text, "WANT:\n"); t != text {
return strings.Split(t, "\n")
return nil
// testProg returns an ssa representation of a program at
// `path`, assumed to define package "testdata," and the
// test want result as list of strings.
func testProg(path string) (*ssa.Program, []string, error) {
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
conf := loader.Config{
ParserMode: parser.ParseComments,
f, err := conf.ParseFile(path, content)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
conf.CreateFromFiles("testdata", f)
iprog, err := conf.Load()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
prog := ssautil.CreateProgram(iprog, 0)
// Set debug mode to exercise DebugRef instructions.
return prog, want(f), nil
func firstRegInstr(f *ssa.Function) ssa.Value {
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
for _, i := range b.Instrs {
if v, ok := i.(ssa.Value); ok {
return v
return nil
func TestNodeInterface(t *testing.T) {
// Since ssa package does not allow explicit creation of ssa
// values, we use the values from the program testdata/simple.go:
// - basic type int
// - struct X with two int fields a and b
// - global variable "gl"
// - "main" function and its
// - first register instruction t0 := *gl
prog, _, err := testProg("testdata/simple.go")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("couldn't load testdata/simple.go program: %v", err)
pkg := prog.AllPackages()[0]
main := pkg.Func("main")
reg := firstRegInstr(main) // t0 := *gl
X := pkg.Type("X").Type()
gl := pkg.Var("gl")
glPtrType, ok := gl.Type().(*types.Pointer)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("could not cast gl variable to pointer type")
bint := glPtrType.Elem()
pint := types.NewPointer(bint)
i := types.NewInterface(nil, nil)
for _, test := range []struct {
n node
s string
t types.Type
{constant{typ: bint}, "Constant(int)", bint},
{pointer{typ: pint}, "Pointer(*int)", pint},
{mapKey{typ: bint}, "MapKey(int)", bint},
{mapValue{typ: pint}, "MapValue(*int)", pint},
{sliceElem{typ: bint}, "Slice([]int)", bint},
{channelElem{typ: pint}, "Channel(chan *int)", pint},
{field{StructType: X, index: 0}, "Field(testdata.X:a)", bint},
{field{StructType: X, index: 1}, "Field(testdata.X:b)", bint},
{global{val: gl}, "Global(gl)", gl.Type()},
{local{val: reg}, "Local(t0)", bint},
{indexedLocal{val: reg, typ: X, index: 0}, "Local(t0[0])", X},
{function{f: main}, "Function(main)", main.Signature.Underlying()},
{nestedPtrInterface{typ: i}, "PtrInterface(interface{})", i},
{panicArg{}, "Panic", nil},
{recoverReturn{}, "Recover", nil},
} {
if test.s != test.n.String() {
t.Errorf("want %s; got %s", test.s, test.n.String())
if test.t != test.n.Type() {
t.Errorf("want %s; got %s", test.t, test.n.Type())
func TestVtaGraph(t *testing.T) {
// Get the basic type int from a real program.
prog, _, err := testProg("testdata/simple.go")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("couldn't load testdata/simple.go program: %v", err)
glPtrType, ok := prog.AllPackages()[0].Var("gl").Type().(*types.Pointer)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("could not cast gl variable to pointer type")
bint := glPtrType.Elem()
n1 := constant{typ: bint}
n2 := pointer{typ: types.NewPointer(bint)}
n3 := mapKey{typ: types.NewMap(bint, bint)}
n4 := mapValue{typ: types.NewMap(bint, bint)}
// Create graph
// n1 n2
// \ / /
// n3 /
// | /
// n4
g := make(vtaGraph)
g.addEdge(n1, n3)
g.addEdge(n2, n3)
g.addEdge(n3, n4)
g.addEdge(n2, n4)
// for checking duplicates
g.addEdge(n1, n3)
want := vtaGraph{
n1: map[node]bool{n3: true},
n2: map[node]bool{n3: true, n4: true},
n3: map[node]bool{n4: true},
if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, g) {
t.Errorf("want %v; got %v", want, g)
for _, test := range []struct {
n node
l int
{n1, 1},
{n2, 2},
{n3, 1},
{n4, 0},
} {
if sl := len(g.successors(test.n)); sl != test.l {
t.Errorf("want %d successors; got %d", test.l, sl)