blob: e791bbc0d5553b1550e30fd0abf3383daede4071 [file] [log] [blame]
gopls is a Go language server.
It is typically used with an editor to provide language features. When no
command is specified, gopls will default to the 'serve' command. The language
features can also be accessed via the gopls command-line interface.
gopls help [<subject>]
serve run a server for Go code using the Language Server Protocol
version print the gopls version information
bug report a bug in gopls
help print usage information for subcommands
api-json print JSON describing gopls API
licenses print licenses of included software
call_hierarchy display selected identifier's call hierarchy
check show diagnostic results for the specified file
codelens List or execute code lenses for a file
definition show declaration of selected identifier
execute Execute a gopls custom LSP command
folding_ranges display selected file's folding ranges
format format the code according to the go standard
highlight display selected identifier's highlights
implementation display selected identifier's implementation
imports updates import statements
remote interact with the gopls daemon
inspect interact with the gopls daemon (deprecated: use 'remote')
links list links in a file
prepare_rename test validity of a rename operation at location
references display selected identifier's references
rename rename selected identifier
semtok show semantic tokens for the specified file
signature display selected identifier's signature
stats print workspace statistics
fix apply suggested fixes
symbols display selected file's symbols
workspace_symbol search symbols in workspace
serve debug information on the supplied address
address on which to listen for remote connections. If prefixed by 'unix;', the subsequent address is assumed to be a unix domain socket. Otherwise, TCP is used.
when used with -listen, shut down the server when there are no connected clients for this duration
filename to log to. if value is "auto", then logging to a default output file is enabled
no effect
the address of the ocagent (e.g. http://localhost:55678), or off (default "off")
port on which to run gopls for debugging purposes
write alloc profile to this file
write CPU profile to this file
write memory profile to this file
write trace log to this file
forward all commands to a remote lsp specified by this flag. With no special prefix, this is assumed to be a TCP address. If prefixed by 'unix;', the subsequent address is assumed to be a unix domain socket. If 'auto', or prefixed by 'auto;', the remote address is automatically resolved based on the executing environment.
when used with -remote=auto, the -debug value used to start the daemon
when used with -remote=auto, the -listen.timeout value used to start the daemon (default 1m0s)
when used with -remote=auto, the -logfile value used to start the daemon
print the full rpc trace in lsp inspector format
verbose output
very verbose output