blob: 56da0ae7a684464cd6ad73cccb101ec496decba7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package bench
import (
// Use a global edit counter as bench function may execute multiple times, and
// we want to avoid cache hits. Use time.Now to also avoid cache hits from the
// shared file cache.
var editID int64 = time.Now().UnixNano()
type changeTest struct {
repo string
file string
canSave bool
var didChangeTests = []changeTest{
{"google-cloud-go", "internal/annotate.go", true},
{"istio", "pkg/fuzz/util.go", true},
{"kubernetes", "pkg/controller/lookup_cache.go", true},
{"kuma", "api/generic/insights.go", true},
{"oracle", "dataintegration/data_type.go", false}, // diagnoseSave fails because this package is generated
{"pkgsite", "internal/frontend/server.go", true},
{"starlark", "starlark/eval.go", true},
{"tools", "internal/lsp/cache/snapshot.go", true},
// BenchmarkDidChange benchmarks modifications of a single file by making
// synthetic modifications in a comment. It controls pacing by waiting for the
// server to actually start processing the didChange notification before
// proceeding. Notably it does not wait for diagnostics to complete.
func BenchmarkDidChange(b *testing.B) {
for _, test := range didChangeTests {
b.Run(test.repo, func(b *testing.B) {
env := getRepo(b, test.repo).sharedEnv(b)
defer closeBuffer(b, env, test.file)
// Insert the text we'll be modifying at the top of the file.
env.EditBuffer(test.file, protocol.TextEdit{NewText: "// __REGTEST_PLACEHOLDER_0__\n"})
if stopAndRecord := startProfileIfSupported(b, env, qualifiedName(test.repo, "didchange")); stopAndRecord != nil {
defer stopAndRecord()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
edits := atomic.AddInt64(&editID, 1)
env.EditBuffer(test.file, protocol.TextEdit{
Range: protocol.Range{
Start: protocol.Position{Line: 0, Character: 0},
End: protocol.Position{Line: 1, Character: 0},
// Increment the placeholder text, to ensure cache misses.
NewText: fmt.Sprintf("// __REGTEST_PLACEHOLDER_%d__\n", edits),
func BenchmarkDiagnoseChange(b *testing.B) {
for _, test := range didChangeTests {
runChangeDiagnosticsBenchmark(b, test, false, "diagnoseChange")
// TODO(rfindley): add a benchmark for with a metadata-affecting change, when
// this matters.
func BenchmarkDiagnoseSave(b *testing.B) {
for _, test := range didChangeTests {
runChangeDiagnosticsBenchmark(b, test, true, "diagnoseSave")
// runChangeDiagnosticsBenchmark runs a benchmark to edit the test file and
// await the resulting diagnostics pass. If save is set, the file is also saved.
func runChangeDiagnosticsBenchmark(b *testing.B, test changeTest, save bool, operation string) {
b.Run(test.repo, func(b *testing.B) {
if !test.canSave {
b.Skipf("skipping as %s cannot be saved", test.file)
sharedEnv := getRepo(b, test.repo).sharedEnv(b)
config := fake.EditorConfig{
Env: map[string]string{
"GOPATH": sharedEnv.Sandbox.GOPATH(),
Settings: map[string]interface{}{
"diagnosticsDelay": "0s",
// Use a new env to avoid the diagnostic delay: we want to measure how
// long it takes to produce the diagnostics.
env := getRepo(b, test.repo).newEnv(b, config, operation, false)
defer env.Close()
// Insert the text we'll be modifying at the top of the file.
env.EditBuffer(test.file, protocol.TextEdit{NewText: "// __REGTEST_PLACEHOLDER_0__\n"})
if save {
// We must use an extra subtest layer here, so that we only set up the
// shared env once (otherwise we pay additional overhead and the profiling
// flags don't work).
b.Run("diagnose", func(b *testing.B) {
if stopAndRecord := startProfileIfSupported(b, env, qualifiedName(test.repo, operation)); stopAndRecord != nil {
defer stopAndRecord()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
edits := atomic.AddInt64(&editID, 1)
env.EditBuffer(test.file, protocol.TextEdit{
Range: protocol.Range{
Start: protocol.Position{Line: 0, Character: 0},
End: protocol.Position{Line: 1, Character: 0},
// Increment the placeholder text, to ensure cache misses.
NewText: fmt.Sprintf("// __REGTEST_PLACEHOLDER_%d__\n", edits),
if save {