internal/telemetry/export/ocagent: update metric tutorial to use oragent

This change updates the metric exporting tutorial to use oragent to spin
up OpenCensus, Prometheus, and Zipkin all at once using docker-compose
rather than manually setting each one up. This allows developers to set
up an environment for testing metrics and traces with minimal effort.

While oragent also spins up Zipkin for traces, the tutorial does not yet
have a section outlining how to export traces from Go tools. A section
for traces will added in a later CL.

Change-Id: I07f49977f7ab49995853ff8ee8eb6ccdf6ef1642
Reviewed-by: Emmanuel Odeke <>
diff --git a/internal/telemetry/export/ocagent/ b/internal/telemetry/export/ocagent/
index e1a9dc9..2f5c876 100644
--- a/internal/telemetry/export/ocagent/
+++ b/internal/telemetry/export/ocagent/
@@ -2,54 +2,26 @@
 This tutorial provides a minimum example to verify that metrics can be exported to OpenCensus from Go tools.
-## Setting up the OpenCensus Agent
-1. Follow the instructions for setting up the [OpenCensus Service]( You will need to be able to run the agent.
-2. Create a file named `config.yaml` with the following contents:
-  prometheus:
-    namespace: "promdemo"
-    address: "localhost:8888"
-    const_labels: {
-        "vendor": "gotools"
-    }
-  opencensus:
-    address: "localhost:55678"
+## Setting up oragent
-3. Run the OpenCensus Agent with the configuration file. The following command assumes that you are running from binary:
+1. Ensure you have [docker]( and [docker-compose](
+2. Clone [oragent](
+3. In the oragent directory, start the services:
-bin/ocagent_linux --config config.yaml
+docker-compose up
-4. If you see output similar to the following, the OpenCensus Agent is now running:
-{"level":"info","ts":1574381470.1922305,"caller":"config/config.go:497","msg":"Metrics Exporter enabled","exporter":"prometheus"}
-2019/11/21 18:11:11 Running OpenCensus Trace and Metrics receivers as a gRPC service at "localhost:55678"
-2019/11/21 18:11:11 Running zPages on port 55679
+If everything goes well, you should see output resembling the following:
-5. You can check the status of the agent using zPages at http://localhost:55679/debug/tracez.
-## Setting up Prometheus
-1. Follow the instructions for setting up [Prometheus](
-2. Create a file named `prom.yaml` with the following contents:
-  - job_name: 'agent1'
-    scrape_interval: 5s
-    static_configs:
-      - targets: ['localhost:8888']
+Starting oragent_zipkin_1 ... done
+Starting oragent_oragent_1 ... done
+Starting oragent_prometheus_1 ... done
-3. Run Prometheus with the new configuration file. The following command assumes that you are running from pre-compiled binaries:
-./prometheus --config.file=prom.yaml
-4. If you see output similar to the following, Prometheus is now running:
-level=info ts=2019-11-22T00:27:13.772Z caller=main.go:626 msg="Server is ready to receive web requests."
-5. You can now access the Prometheus UI at http://localhost:9090.
-6. Check to make sure Prometheus is able to scrape metrics from OpenCensus at http://localhost:9090/targets. If the state for the endpoint `http://localhost:8888/metrics` is not `UP`, make sure the OpenCensus agent is running. If you are running Prometheus using Docker, you may have to add `--net="host"` to your run command so that `localhost` resolves correctly.
+* You can check the status of the OpenCensus agent using zPages at http://localhost:55679/debug/tracez.
+* You can now access the Prometheus UI at http://localhost:9445.
+* You can now access the Zipkin UI at http://localhost:9444.
+4. To shut down oragent, hit Ctrl+C in the terminal.
+5. You can also start oragent in detached mode by running `docker-compose up -d`. To stop oragent while detached, run `docker-compose down`.
 ## Exporting Metrics
 1. Clone the [tools]( subrepository.
@@ -124,7 +96,7 @@
 go run internal/main.go
-4. After about 5 seconds, OpenCensus should start receiving your new metrics, which you can see at http://localhost:8888/metrics. This page will look similar to the following:
+4. After about 5 seconds, OpenCensus should start receiving your new metrics, which you can see at http://localhost:8844/metrics. This page will look similar to the following:
 # HELP promdemo_latencyDistribution the various latencies
 # TYPE promdemo_latencyDistribution histogram
@@ -145,4 +117,4 @@
 promdemo_latencyDistribution_sum{vendor="otc"} 1641
 promdemo_latencyDistribution_count{vendor="otc"} 15
-5. After a few more seconds, Prometheus should start displaying your new metrics. You can view the distribution at http://localhost:9090/graph?g0.range_input=5m&g0.stacked=1&g0.expr=rate(promdemo_latencyDistribution_bucket%5B5m%5D)&
+5. After a few more seconds, Prometheus should start displaying your new metrics. You can view the distribution at http://localhost:9445/graph?g0.range_input=5m&g0.stacked=1&g0.expr=rate(oragent_latencyDistribution_bucket%5B5m%5D)&