blob: 9856b5b4ba7080995dfe7a99fb596766525a8b57 [file] [log] [blame]
package a
import "sync"
// These examples are taken from golang/go#61678, modified so that A and B
// contain a mutex.
type A struct {
a A
mu sync.Mutex
type B struct {
a A
b B
mu sync.Mutex
func okay(x A) {}
func sure() { var x A; nop(x) }
var fine B
func what(x B) {} // want `passes lock by value`
func bad() { var x B; nop(x) } // want `copies lock value`
func good() { nop(B{}) }
func stillgood() { nop(B{b: B{b: B{b: B{}}}}) }
func nope() { nop(B{}.b) } // want `copies lock value`
func nop(any) {} // only used to get around unused variable errors