blob: 18a3e22c8ccccf2ba50ecb643cb6233a1309fc10 [file] [log] [blame]
-------- @describe ref-pkg-import --------
import of package "lib"
const Const untyped int = 3
func Func func()
type Outer struct{...}
type Sorter interface{...}
method (Sorter) Len() int
method (Sorter) Less(i int, j int) bool
method (Sorter) Swap(i int, j int)
type Type int
method (Type) Method(x *int) *int
var Var int
-------- @describe ref-pkg-import2 --------
import of package "lib/sublib"
const C untyped int = 0
-------- @describe ref-const --------
reference to const lib.Const untyped int of value 3
defined here
-------- @describe ref-func --------
reference to func lib.Func()
defined here
-------- @describe ref-var --------
reference to var lib.Var int
defined here
-------- @describe ref-type --------
reference to type lib.Type (size 8, align 8)
defined as int
method (Type) Method(x *int) *int
-------- @describe ref-method --------
reference to method func (lib.Type).Method(x *int) *int
defined here
-------- @describe ref-pkg --------
reference to package "lib"
const Const untyped int = 3
func Func func()
type Outer struct{...}
type Sorter interface{...}
method (Sorter) Len() int
method (Sorter) Less(i int, j int) bool
method (Sorter) Swap(i int, j int)
type Type int
method (Type) Method(x *int) *int
var Var int