blob: 7710d524aa7624994174bee750076086ef1add42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package findcall_test
import (
func init() {
findcall.Analyzer.Flags.Set("name", "println")
// TestFromStringLiterals demonstrates how to test an analysis using
// a table of string literals for each test case.
// Such tests are typically quite compact.
func TestFromStringLiterals(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range [...]struct {
desc string
pkgpath string
files map[string]string
desc: "SimpleTest",
pkgpath: "main",
files: map[string]string{"main/main.go": `package main // want package:"found"
func main() {
println("hello") // want "call of println"
print("goodbye") // not a call of println
func println(s string) {} // want println:"found"`,
} {
t.Run(test.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
dir, cleanup, err := analysistest.WriteFiles(test.files)
if err != nil {
defer cleanup()
analysistest.Run(t, dir, findcall.Analyzer, test.pkgpath)
// TestFromFileSystem demonstrates how to test an analysis using input
// files stored in the file system.
// These tests have the advantages that test data can be edited
// directly, and that files named in error messages can be opened.
// However, they tend to spread a small number of lines of text across a
// rather deep directory hierarchy, and obscure similarities among
// related tests, especially when tests involve multiple packages, or
// multiple variants of a single scenario.
func TestFromFileSystem(t *testing.T) {
testdata := analysistest.TestData()
analysistest.Run(t, testdata, findcall.Analyzer, "a") // loads testdata/src/a/a.go.