blob: 47dc02ef793cf6cefe6f8e7b64fdae32c85fe3a1 [file] [log] [blame]
Regression test for 'references' bug golang/go#61618:
references to instantiated fields were missing.
-- go.mod --
go 1.18
-- a.go --
package a
// This file is adapted from the example in the issue.
type builder[S ~[]F, F ~string] struct {
name string
elements S //@loc(def, "elements"), refs(def, def, assign, use)
elemData map[F][]ElemData[F]
type ElemData[F ~string] struct {
Name F
type BuilderImpl[S ~[]F, F ~string] struct{ builder[S, F] }
func NewBuilderImpl[S ~[]F, F ~string](name string) *BuilderImpl[S, F] {
impl := &BuilderImpl[S,F]{
builder[S, F]{
name: name,
elements: S{}, //@loc(assign, "elements"), refs(assign, def, assign, use)
elemData: map[F][]ElemData[F]{},
_ = impl.elements //@loc(use, "elements"), refs(use, def, assign, use)
return impl