blob: a76df880f1b2507674f475300019f0b4b8cbd475 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package typeparams
import "unsafe"
func GenericShiftTest[DifferentSize ~int8|int16|int64, SameSize int8|byte]() {
var d DifferentSize
_ = d << 7
_ = d << 8 // want "d .may be 8 bits. too small for shift of 8"
_ = d << 15 // want "d .may be 8 bits. too small for shift of 15"
_ = (d + 1) << 8 // want ".d . 1. .may be 8 bits. too small for shift of 8"
_ = (d + 1) << 16 // want ".d . 1. .may be 8 bits. too small for shift of 16"
_ = d << (7 + 1) // want "d .may be 8 bits. too small for shift of 8"
_ = d >> 8 // want "d .may be 8 bits. too small for shift of 8"
d <<= 8 // want "d .may be 8 bits. too small for shift of 8"
d >>= 8 // want "d .may be 8 bits. too small for shift of 8"
// go/types does not compute constant sizes for type parameters, so we do not
// report a diagnostic here.
_ = d << (8 * DifferentSize(unsafe.Sizeof(d)))
var s SameSize
_ = s << 7
_ = s << 8 // want "s .8 bits. too small for shift of 8"
_ = s << (7 + 1) // want "s .8 bits. too small for shift of 8"
_ = s >> 8 // want "s .8 bits. too small for shift of 8"
s <<= 8 // want "s .8 bits. too small for shift of 8"
s >>= 8 // want "s .8 bits. too small for shift of 8"