blob: 8f49b84ba5c8a5392cc5c17c4b5ca68326a2eb5d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file implements New, Eval and EvalNode.
package types
import (
// New is a convenience function to create a new type from a given
// expression or type literal string evaluated in Universe scope.
// New(str) is shorthand for Eval(str, nil, nil), but only returns
// the type result, and panics in case of an error.
// Position info for objects in the result type is undefined.
func New(str string) Type {
typ, _, err := Eval(str, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return typ
// Eval returns the type and, if constant, the value for the
// expression or type literal string str evaluated in scope.
// If the expression contains function literals, the function
// bodies are ignored (though they must be syntactically correct).
// If pkg == nil, the Universe scope is used and the provided
// scope is ignored. Otherwise, the scope must belong to the
// package (either the package scope, or nested within the
// package scope).
// An error is returned if the scope is incorrect, the string
// has syntax errors, or if it cannot be evaluated in the scope.
// Position info for objects in the result type is undefined.
// Note: Eval should not be used instead of running Check to compute
// types and values, but in addition to Check. Eval will re-evaluate
// its argument each time, and it also does not know about the context
// in which an expression is used (e.g., an assignment). Thus, top-
// level untyped constants will return an untyped type rather then the
// respective context-specific type.
func Eval(str string, pkg *Package, scope *Scope) (typ Type, val exact.Value, err error) {
node, err := parser.ParseExpr(str)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// Create a file set that looks structurally identical to the
// one created by parser.ParseExpr for correct error positions.
fset := token.NewFileSet()
fset.AddFile("", len(str), fset.Base()).SetLinesForContent([]byte(str))
return EvalNode(fset, node, pkg, scope)
// EvalNode is like Eval but instead of string it accepts
// an expression node and respective file set.
// An error is returned if the scope is incorrect
// if the node cannot be evaluated in the scope.
func EvalNode(fset *token.FileSet, node ast.Expr, pkg *Package, scope *Scope) (typ Type, val exact.Value, err error) {
// verify package/scope relationship
if pkg == nil {
scope = Universe
} else {
s := scope
for s != nil && s != pkg.scope {
s = s.parent
// s == nil || s == pkg.scope
if s == nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("scope does not belong to package %s",
// initialize checker
var conf Config
check := newChecker(&conf, fset, pkg)
check.topScope = scope
defer check.handleBailout(&err)
// evaluate node
var x operand
check.exprOrType(&x, node)
switch x.mode {
case invalid, novalue:
unreachable() // or bailed out with error
case constant:
val = x.val
case typexpr, variable, value, valueok:
typ = x.typ