blob: effc38a3b18fad88a84a5c3f48a964464c929856 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package types declares the data types and implements
// the algorithms for type-checking of Go packages.
// Use Check and Config.Check to invoke the type-checker.
// Type-checking consists of several interdependent phases:
// Name resolution maps each identifier (ast.Ident) in the program to the
// language object (Object) it denotes.
// Use Info.Objects, Info.Implicits for the results of name resolution.
// Constant folding computes the exact constant value (exact.Value) for
// every expression (ast.Expr) that is a compile-time constant.
// Use Info.Values for the results of constant folding.
// Type inference computes the type (Type) of every expression (ast.Expr)
// and checks for compliance with the language specification.
// Use Info.Types for the results of type evaluation.
package types
import (
// Check type-checks a package and returns the resulting complete package
// object, or a nil package and the first error. The package is specified
// by a list of *ast.Files and corresponding file set, and the import path
// the package is identified with. The clean path must not be empty or dot (".").
// For more control over type-checking and results, use Config.Check.
func Check(path string, fset *token.FileSet, files []*ast.File) (*Package, error) {
var conf Config
pkg, err := conf.Check(path, fset, files, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return pkg, nil
// A Config specifies the configuration for type checking.
// The zero value for Config is a ready-to-use default configuration.
type Config struct {
// If IgnoreFuncBodies is set, function bodies are not
// type-checked.
IgnoreFuncBodies bool
// If FakeImportC is set, `import "C"` (for packages requiring Cgo)
// declares an empty "C" package and errors are omitted for qualified
// identifiers referring to package C (which won't find an object).
// This feature is intended for the standard library cmd/api tool.
// Caution: Effects may be unpredictable due to follow-up errors.
// Do not use casually!
FakeImportC bool
// Packages is used to look up (and thus canonicalize) packages by
// package path. If Packages is nil, it is set to a new empty map.
// During type-checking, imported packages are added to the map.
Packages map[string]*Package
// If Error != nil, it is called with each error found
// during type checking. The error strings of errors with
// detailed position information are formatted as follows:
// filename:line:column: message
Error func(err error)
// If Import != nil, it is called for each imported package.
// Otherwise, GcImporter is called.
// An importer resolves import paths to Packages.
// The imports map records packages already known,
// indexed by canonical package path. The type-checker will
// invoke Import with Config.Packages.
// An importer must determine the canonical package path and
// check imports to see if it is already present in the map.
// If so, the Importer can return the map entry. Otherwise,
// the importer must load the package data for the given path
// into a new *Package, record it in imports map, and return
// the package.
Import func(imports map[string]*Package, path string) (pkg *Package, err error)
// If Alignof != nil, it is called to determine the alignment
// of the given type. Otherwise DefaultAlignmentof is called.
// Alignof must implement the alignment guarantees required by
// the spec.
Alignof func(Type) int64
// If Offsetsof != nil, it is called to determine the offsets
// of the given struct fields, in bytes. Otherwise DefaultOffsetsof
// is called. Offsetsof must implement the offset guarantees
// required by the spec.
Offsetsof func(fields []*Var) []int64
// If Sizeof != nil, it is called to determine the size of the
// given type. Otherwise, DefaultSizeof is called. Sizeof must
// implement the size guarantees required by the spec.
Sizeof func(Type) int64
// Info holds result type information for a type-checked package.
// Only the information for which a map is provided is collected.
// If the package has type errors, the collected information may
// be incomplete.
type Info struct {
// Types maps expressions to their types. Identifiers on the
// lhs of declarations are collected in Objects, not Types.
Types map[ast.Expr]Type
// Values maps constant expressions to their values.
Values map[ast.Expr]exact.Value
// Objects maps identifiers to their corresponding objects (including
// package names, dots "." of dot-imports, and blank "_" identifiers).
// For identifiers that do not denote objects (e.g., the package name
// in package clauses, blank identifiers on the lhs of assignments, or
// symbolic variables t in t := x.(type) of type switch headers), the
// corresponding objects are nil.
// BUG(gri) Label identifiers in break, continue, or goto statements
// are not yet mapped.
Objects map[*ast.Ident]Object
// Implicits maps nodes to their implicitly declared objects, if any.
// The following node and object types may appear:
// node declared object
// *ast.ImportSpec *PkgName (imports w/o renames), or imported objects (dot-imports)
// *ast.CaseClause type-specific *Var for each type switch case clause (incl. default)
// *ast.Field anonymous struct field or parameter *Var
Implicits map[ast.Node]Object
// Selections maps selector expressions to their corresponding selections.
Selections map[*ast.SelectorExpr]*Selection
// Scopes maps ast.Nodes to the scopes they define. Note that package scopes
// are not associated with a specific node but with all files belonging to a
// package. Thus, the package scope can be found in the type-checked package
// object.
// The following node types may appear in Scopes:
// *ast.File
// *ast.FuncType
// *ast.BlockStmt
// *ast.IfStmt
// *ast.SwitchStmt
// *ast.TypeSwitchStmt
// *ast.CaseClause
// *ast.CommClause
// *ast.ForStmt
// *ast.RangeStmt
Scopes map[ast.Node]*Scope
// Check type-checks a package and returns the resulting package object,
// the first error if any, and if info != nil, additional type information.
// The package is marked as complete if no errors occurred, otherwise it is
// incomplete.
// The package is specified by a list of *ast.Files and corresponding
// file set, and the package path the package is identified with.
// The clean path must not be empty or dot (".").
func (conf *Config) Check(path string, fset *token.FileSet, files []*ast.File, info *Info) (*Package, error) {
pkg, err := conf.check(path, fset, files, info)
if err == nil {
pkg.complete = true
return pkg, err
// IsAssignableTo reports whether a value of type V
// is assignable to a variable of type T.
func IsAssignableTo(V, T Type) bool {
x := operand{mode: value, typ: V}
return x.isAssignableTo(nil, T) // config not needed for non-constant x
// BUG(gri): Some built-ins don't check parameters fully, yet (e.g. append).
// BUG(gri): Use of labels is only partially checked.
// BUG(gri): Unused variables and imports are not reported.
// BUG(gri): Interface vs non-interface comparisons are not correctly implemented.
// BUG(gri): Switch statements don't check duplicate cases for all types for which it is required.
// BUG(gri): Some built-ins may not be callable if in statement-context.