blob: b5258979caf9674aa583edd68af7e1477a671c6f [file] [log] [blame]
# Simple test of Go oracle/Emacs integration.
# Requires that GOROOT and GOPATH are set.
# Side effect: builds and installs oracle in $GOROOT.
set -eu
[ -z "$GOROOT" ] && { echo "Error: GOROOT is unset." >&2; exit 1; }
[ -z "$GOPATH" ] && { echo "Error: GOPATH is unset." >&2; exit 1; }
log=/tmp/$(basename $0)-$$.log
thisdir=$(dirname $0)
function die() {
echo "Error: $@."
cat $log
exit 1
} >&2
trap "rm -f $log" EXIT
# Build and install oracle.
go get || die "'go get' failed"
mv -f $GOPATH/bin/oracle $GOROOT/bin/
$GOROOT/bin/oracle >$log 2>&1 || true # (prints usage and exits 1)
grep -q "Usage: oracle" $log || die "$GOROOT/bin/oracle not installed"
# Run Emacs, set the scope to the oracle tool itself,
# load ./main.go, and describe the "fmt" import.
emacs --batch --no-splash --no-window-system --no-init \
--load $GOROOT/misc/emacs/go-mode.el \
--load $thisdir/oracle.el \
--eval '
(setq go-oracle-scope "")
(find-file "'$thisdir'/main.go")
(search-forward "\"fmt\"")
(princ (with-current-buffer "*go-oracle*"
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
(kill-emacs 0))
' main.go >$log 2>&1 || die "emacs command failed"
# Check that Println is mentioned.
grep -q "fmt/print.go.*func Println" $log || die "didn't find expected lines in log; got:"
echo "PASS"