blob: c78728f8d01fc17a74db0a00ee7f2770ad95c6cd [file] [log] [blame]
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
interface Const {
typeName: string // repeated in each const
goType: string
me: ts.Node
name: string // constant's name
value: string // constant's value
let Consts: Const[] = [];
let seenConstTypes = new Map<string, boolean>();
interface Struct {
me: ts.Node
name: string
embeds: string[]
fields?: Field[]
let Structs: Struct[] = [];
interface Field {
me: ts.Node
id: ts.Identifier
goName: string
optional: boolean
goType: string
json: string
gostuff?: string
substruct?: Field[] // embedded struct from TypeLiteral
interface Type {
me: ts.Node
goName: string
goType: string
stuff: string
let Types: Type[] = [];
// Used in printing the AST
let seenThings = new Map<string, number>();
function seenAdd(x: string) {
seenThings[x] = (seenThings[x] === undefined ? 1 : seenThings[x] + 1)
let dir = process.env['HOME'];
let fnames = [
let outFname = '/tmp/tsprotocol.go';
let fda: number, fdb: number, fde: number; // file descriptors
function createOutputFiles() {
fda = fs.openSync('/tmp/ts-a', 'w') // dump of AST
fdb = fs.openSync('/tmp/ts-b', 'w') // unused, for debugging
fde = fs.openSync(outFname, 'w') // generated Go
function pra(s: string) {
return (fs.writeSync(fda, s))
function prb(s: string) {
return (fs.writeSync(fdb, s))
function prgo(s: string) {
return (fs.writeSync(fde, s))
function generate(files: string[], options: ts.CompilerOptions): void {
let program = ts.createProgram(files, options);
program.getTypeChecker(); // used for side-effects
// dump the ast, for debugging
for (const sourceFile of program.getSourceFiles()) {
if (!sourceFile.isDeclarationFile) {
// walk the tree to do stuff
ts.forEachChild(sourceFile, describe);
for (const key of Object.keys(seenThings).sort()) {
pra(`${key}: ${seenThings[key]}\n`)
// visit every sourceFile in the program, generating types
for (const sourceFile of program.getSourceFiles()) {
if (!sourceFile.isDeclarationFile) {
ts.forEachChild(sourceFile, genTypes)
function genTypes(node: ts.Node) {
// Ignore top-level items with no output
if (ts.isExpressionStatement(node) || ts.isFunctionDeclaration(node) ||
ts.isImportDeclaration(node) || ts.isVariableStatement(node) ||
ts.isExportDeclaration(node) ||
node.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken) {
if (ts.isInterfaceDeclaration(node)) {
} else if (ts.isTypeAliasDeclaration(node)) {
} else if (ts.isModuleDeclaration(node)) {
} else if (ts.isEnumDeclaration(node)) {
} else if (ts.isClassDeclaration(node)) {
} else {
throw new Error(`unexpected ${ts.SyntaxKind[node.kind]} ${loc(node)}`)
function doClassDeclaration(node: ts.ClassDeclaration) {
let id: ts.Identifier
let props = new Array<ts.PropertyDeclaration>()
let extend: ts.HeritageClause;
let bad = false
node.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => {
if (ts.isIdentifier(n)) {
id = n;
if (ts.isPropertyDeclaration(n)) {
if (n.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword) {
if (n.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.Constructor || ts.isMethodDeclaration(n) ||
ts.isGetAccessor(n) || ts.isTypeParameterDeclaration(n)) {
bad = true;
if (ts.isHeritageClause(n)) {
extend = n;
throw new Error(`doClass ${loc(n)} ${kinds(n)}`)
if (bad) {
// the class is not useful for Go.
} // might we want the PropertyDecls? (don't think so)
let fields: Field[] = [];
for (const pr of props) {
let ans = {
me: node,
name: toGoName(getText(id)),
embeds: heritageStrs(extend),
fields: fields
function fromPropDecl(node: ts.PropertyDeclaration): Field {
let id: ts.Identifier;
let opt = false
let typ: ts.Node
node.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => {
if (ts.isIdentifier(n)) {
id = n;
if (n.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.QuestionToken) {
opt = true;
if (typ != undefined)
throw new Error(`fromPropDecl too long ${loc(node)}`)
typ = n
let goType = computeType(typ).goType
let ans = {
me: node,
id: id,
goName: toGoName(getText(id)),
optional: opt,
goType: goType,
json: `\`json:"${id.text}${opt ? ',omitempty' : ''}"\``
return ans
function doInterface(node: ts.InterfaceDeclaration) {
// name: Identifier;
// typeParameters?: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration>;
// heritageClauses?: NodeArray<HeritageClause>;
// members: NodeArray<TypeElement>;
// find the Identifier from children
// process the PropertySignature children
// the members might have generic info, but so do the children
let id: ts.Identifier;
let extend: ts.HeritageClause
let generid: ts.Identifier
let properties = new Array<ts.PropertySignature>()
let index: ts.IndexSignatureDeclaration // generate some sort of map
node.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => {
if (n.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword || ts.isMethodSignature(n)) {
// ignore
} else if (ts.isIdentifier(n)) {
id = n;
} else if (ts.isHeritageClause(n)) {
extend = n;
} else if (ts.isTypeParameterDeclaration(n)) {
// Act as if this is <T = any>
generid =;
} else if (ts.isPropertySignature(n)) {
} else if (ts.isIndexSignatureDeclaration(n)) {
if (index !== undefined) {
throw new Error(`${loc(n)} multiple index expressions`)
index = n
} else {
throw new Error(`${loc(n)} doInterface ${ts.SyntaxKind[n.kind]} `)
let fields: Field[] = [];
for (const p of properties) {
fields.push(genProp(p, generid))
if (index != undefined) {
const ans = {
me: node,
name: toGoName(getText(id)),
embeds: heritageStrs(extend),
fields: fields
function heritageStrs(node: ts.HeritageClause): string[] {
// ExpressionWithTypeArguments+, and each is an Identifier
let ans: string[] = [];
if (node == undefined) {
return ans
let x: ts.ExpressionWithTypeArguments[] = []
node.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => {
if (ts.isExpressionWithTypeArguments(n)) x.push(n)
for (const p of x) {
p.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => {
if (ts.isIdentifier(n)) {
if (ts.isTypeReferenceNode(n)) {
// don't want these, ignore them
throw new Error(`expected Identifier ${loc(n)} ${kinds(p)} `)
return ans
function genProp(node: ts.PropertySignature, gen: ts.Identifier): Field {
let id: ts.Identifier
let thing: ts.Node
let opt = false
node.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => {
if (ts.isIdentifier(n)) {
id = n
} else if (n.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.QuestionToken) {
opt = true
} else if (n.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword) {
} else {
if (thing !== undefined) {
throw new Error(`${loc(n)} weird`)
thing = n
let goName = toGoName(id.text)
let { goType, gostuff, optional, fields } = computeType(thing)
// Generics
if (gen && gen.text == goType) goType = 'interface{}';
opt = opt || optional;
let ans = {
me: node,
id: id,
goName: goName,
optional: opt,
goType: goType,
gostuff: gostuff,
substruct: fields,
json: `\`json:"${id.text}${opt ? ',omitempty' : ''}"\``
// Rather than checking that goName is a const type, just do
switch (goType) {
case 'CompletionItemKind':
case 'TextDocumentSyncKind':
case 'CodeActionKind':
case 'InsertTextFormat': // float64
case 'DiagnosticSeverity':
ans.optional = false
return ans
function doModuleDeclaration(node: ts.ModuleDeclaration) {
// Export Identifier ModuleBlock
let id: ts.Identifier;
let mb: ts.ModuleBlock;
node.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => {
if ((ts.isIdentifier(n) && (id = n)) ||
(ts.isModuleBlock(n) && mb === undefined && (mb = n)) ||
(n.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword)) {
throw new Error(`doModuleDecl ${loc(n)} ${ts.SyntaxKind[n.kind]}`)
// Don't want FunctionDeclarations
// mb has VariableStatement and useless TypeAliasDeclaration
// some of the VariableStatement are consts, and want their comments
// and each VariableStatement is Export, VariableDeclarationList
// and each VariableDeclarationList is a single VariableDeclaration
let v: ts.VariableDeclaration[] = [];
function f(n: ts.Node) {
if (ts.isVariableDeclaration(n)) {
if (ts.isFunctionDeclaration(n)) {
for (const vx of v) {
if (hasNewExpression(vx)) {
buildConst(getText(id), vx)
function buildConst(tname: string, node: ts.VariableDeclaration): Const {
// node is Identifier, optional-goo, (FirstLiteralToken|StringLiteral)
let id: ts.Identifier
let str: string
let first: string
node.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => {
if (ts.isIdentifier(n)) {
id = n
} else if (ts.isStringLiteral(n)) {
str = getText(n)
} else if (n.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.FirstLiteralToken) {
first = getText(n)
if (str == undefined && first == undefined) {
} // various
const ty = (str != undefined) ? 'string' : 'float64'
const val = (str != undefined) ? str.replace(/'/g, '"') : first
const name = toGoName(getText(id))
const c = {
typeName: tname,
goType: ty,
me: node.parent.parent,
name: name,
value: val
return c
// is node an ancestor of a NewExpression
function hasNewExpression(n: ts.Node): boolean {
let ans = false;
n.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => {
if (ts.isNewExpression(n)) ans = true;
return ans
function doEnumDecl(node: ts.EnumDeclaration) {
// Generates Consts. Identifier EnumMember+
// EnumMember: Identifier StringLiteral
let id: ts.Identifier
let mems: ts.EnumMember[] = []
node.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => {
if (ts.isIdentifier(n)) {
id = n // check for uniqueness?
} else if (ts.isEnumMember(n)) {
} else if (n.kind != ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword) {
throw new Error(`doEnumDecl ${ts.SyntaxKind[n.kind]} ${loc(n)}`)
for (const m of mems) {
let name: string
let value: string
m.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => {
if (ts.isIdentifier(n)) {
name = getText(n)
} else if (ts.isStringLiteral(n)) {
value = getText(n).replace(/'/g, '"')
} else {
throw new Error(`in doEnumDecl ${ts.SyntaxKind[n.kind]} ${loc(n)}`)
let ans = {
typeName: getText(id),
goType: 'string',
me: m,
name: name,
value: value
// top-level TypeAlias
function doTypeAlias(node: ts.TypeAliasDeclaration) {
// these are all Export Identifier alias
let id: ts.Identifier;
let alias: ts.Node;
let genid: ts.TypeParameterDeclaration // <T>, but we don't care
node.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => {
if ((ts.isIdentifier(n) && (id = n)) ||
(n.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword) ||
ts.isTypeParameterDeclaration(n) && (genid = n) ||
(alias === undefined && (alias = n))) {
throw new Error(`doTypeAlias ${loc(n)} ${ts.SyntaxKind[n.kind]}`)
let ans = {
me: node,
id: id,
goName: toGoName(getText(id)),
goType: '?',
stuff: ''
if (id.text.indexOf('--') != -1) {
} // don't care
if (ts.isUnionTypeNode(alias)) {
ans.goType = weirdUnionType(alias)
if (ans.goType == undefined) { // these are redundant
if (ts.isIntersectionTypeNode(alias)) { // a Struct, not a Type
let embeds: string[] = []
alias.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => {
if (ts.isTypeReferenceNode(n)) {
} else
throw new Error(`expected TypeRef ${ts.SyntaxKind[n.kind]} ${loc(n)}`)
let ans = { me: node, name: toGoName(getText(id)), embeds: embeds };
if (ts.isArrayTypeNode(alias)) { // []DocumentFilter
ans.goType = '[]DocumentFilter';
if (ts.isLiteralTypeNode(alias)) {
return // type A = 1, so nope
if (ts.isTypeReferenceNode(alias)) {
ans.goType = computeType(alias).goType
if (ans.goType.match(/und/) != null) throw new Error('396')
Types.push(ans) // type A B
if (alias.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.StringKeyword) { // type A string
ans.goType = 'string';
throw new Error(`in doTypeAlias ${loc(node)} ${kinds(node)} ${
// extract the one useful but weird case ()
function weirdUnionType(node: ts.UnionTypeNode): string {
let bad = false
let tl: ts.TypeLiteralNode[] = []
node.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => {
if (ts.isTypeLiteralNode(n)) {
} else
bad = true
if (bad) return // none of these are useful (so far)
let x = computeType(tl[0])
x.fields[0].json = x.fields[0].json.replace(/"`/, ',omitempty"`')
let out: string[] = [];
for (const f of x.fields) {
let ans = 'struct {\n'.concat(...out);
return ans
function computeType(node: ts.Node): { goType: string, gostuff?: string, optional?: boolean, fields?: Field[] } {
switch (node.kind) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword:
case ts.SyntaxKind.ObjectKeyword:
return { goType: 'interface{}' };
case ts.SyntaxKind.BooleanKeyword:
return { goType: 'bool' };
case ts.SyntaxKind.NumberKeyword:
return { goType: 'float64' };
case ts.SyntaxKind.StringKeyword:
return { goType: 'string' };
case ts.SyntaxKind.NullKeyword:
case ts.SyntaxKind.UndefinedKeyword:
return { goType: 'nil' };
if (ts.isArrayTypeNode(node)) {
let { goType, gostuff, optional } = computeType(node.elementType)
return ({ goType: '[]' + goType, gostuff: gostuff, optional: optional })
} else if (ts.isTypeReferenceNode(node)) {
// typeArguments?: NodeArray<TypeNode>;typeName: EntityName;
// typeArguments won't show up in the generated Go
// EntityName: Identifier|QualifiedName
let tn: ts.EntityName = node.typeName;
if (ts.isQualifiedName(tn)) {
throw new Error(`qualified name at ${loc(node)}`);
} else if (ts.isIdentifier(tn)) {
return { goType: tn.text };
} else {
throw new Error(`expected identifier got ${
ts.SyntaxKind[node.typeName.kind]} at ${loc(tn)}`)
} else if (ts.isLiteralTypeNode(node)) {
// string|float64 (are there other possibilities?)
const txt = getText(node);
let typ = 'float64'
if (txt.charAt(0) == '\'') {
typ = 'string'
return { goType: typ, gostuff: getText(node) };
} else if (ts.isTypeLiteralNode(node)) {
let x: Field[] = [];
let indexCnt = 0
node.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => {
if (ts.isPropertySignature(n)) {
x.push(genProp(n, undefined))
} else if (ts.isIndexSignatureDeclaration(n)) {
throw new Error(
`${loc(n)} gotype ${ts.SyntaxKind[n.kind]}, not expected`)
if (indexCnt > 0) {
if (indexCnt != 1 || x.length != 1)
throw new Error(`undexpected Index ${loc(x[0].me)}`)
// instead of {map...} just the map
return ({ goType: x[0].goType, gostuff: x[0].gostuff })
return ({ goType: 'embedded!', fields: x })
} else if (ts.isUnionTypeNode(node)) {
let x = new Array<{ goType: string, gostuff?: string, optiona?: boolean }>()
node.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => { x.push(computeType(n)) })
if (x.length == 2 && x[1].goType == 'nil') {
return x[0] // make it optional somehow? TODO
if (x[0].goType == 'bool') { // take it
return ({ goType: 'bool', gostuff: getText(node) })
// these are special cases from looking at the source
let gostuff = getText(node);
if (x[0].goType == `"off"` || x[0].goType == 'string') {
return ({ goType: 'string', gostuff: gostuff })
if (x[0].goType == 'TextDocumentSyncOptions') {
return ({ goType: 'interface{}', gostuff: gostuff })
if (x[0].goType == 'float64' && x[1].goType == 'string') {
return {
goType: 'interface{}', gostuff: gostuff
if (x[0].goType == 'MarkupContent' && x[1].goType == 'MarkedString') {
return {
goType: 'MarkupContent', gostuff: gostuff
// Fail loudly
console.log(`UnionType ${loc(node)}`)
for (const v of x) {
throw new Error('in UnionType, weird')
} else if (ts.isParenthesizedTypeNode(node)) {
// check that this is (TextDocumentEdit | CreateFile | RenameFile |
// DeleteFile)
return {
goType: 'TextDocumentEdit', gostuff: getText(node)
} else if (ts.isTupleTypeNode(node)) {
// string | [number, number]
return {
goType: 'string', gostuff: getText(node)
throw new Error(`unknown ${ts.SyntaxKind[node.kind]} at ${loc(node)}`)
function fromIndexSignature(node: ts.IndexSignatureDeclaration): Field {
let parm: ts.ParameterDeclaration
let at: ts.Node
node.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => {
if (ts.isParameter(n)) {
parm = n
} else if (
ts.isArrayTypeNode(n) || n.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword ||
ts.isUnionTypeNode(n)) {
at = n
} else
throw new Error(`fromIndexSig ${ts.SyntaxKind[n.kind]} ${loc(n)}`)
let goType = computeType(at).goType
let id: ts.Identifier
parm.forEachChild((n: ts.Node) => {
if (ts.isIdentifier(n)) {
id = n
} else if (n.kind != ts.SyntaxKind.StringKeyword) {
throw new Error(
`fromIndexSig expected string, ${ts.SyntaxKind[n.kind]} ${loc(n)}`)
goType = `map[string]${goType}`
return {
me: node, goName: toGoName(id.text), id: null, goType: goType,
optional: false, json: `\`json:"${id.text}"\``,
gostuff: `${getText(node)}`
function toGoName(s: string): string {
let ans = s
if (s.charAt(0) == '_') {
ans = 'Inner' + s.substring(1)
else { ans = s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1) };
ans = ans.replace(/Uri$/, 'URI')
ans = ans.replace(/Id$/, 'ID')
return ans
// find the text of a node
function getText(node: ts.Node): string {
let sf = node.getSourceFile();
let start = node.getStart(sf)
let end = node.getEnd()
return sf.text.substring(start, end)
// return a string of the kinds of the immediate descendants
function kinds(n: ts.Node): string {
let res = 'Seen ' + ts.SyntaxKind[n.kind];
function f(n: ts.Node): void { res += ' ' + ts.SyntaxKind[n.kind] };
ts.forEachChild(n, f)
return res
function describe(node: ts.Node) {
if (node === undefined) {
let indent = '';
function f(n: ts.Node) {
if (ts.isIdentifier(n)) {
pra(`${indent} ${loc(n)} ${ts.SyntaxKind[n.kind]} ${n.text}\n`)
else if (ts.isPropertySignature(n) || ts.isEnumMember(n)) {
pra(`${indent} ${loc(n)} ${ts.SyntaxKind[n.kind]}\n`)
else if (ts.isTypeLiteralNode(n)) {
let m = n.members
pra(`${indent} ${loc(n)} ${ts.SyntaxKind[n.kind]} ${m.length}\n`)
else { pra(`${indent} ${loc(n)} ${ts.SyntaxKind[n.kind]}\n`) };
indent += ' '
ts.forEachChild(n, f)
indent = indent.slice(0, indent.length - 2)
function loc(node: ts.Node): string {
const sf = node.getSourceFile()
const start = node.getStart()
const x = sf.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(start)
const full = node.getFullStart()
const y = sf.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(full)
let fn = sf.fileName
const n =
fn = fn.substring(n + 6)
return `${fn} ${x.line + 1}:${x.character + 1} (${y.line + 1}:${
y.character + 1})`
function getComments(node: ts.Node): string {
const sf = node.getSourceFile();
const start = node.getStart(sf, false)
const starta = node.getStart(sf, true)
const x = sf.text.substring(starta, start)
return x
function emitTypes() {
for (const t of Types) {
if (t.goName == 'CodeActionKind') continue; // consts better choice
let stuff = (t.stuff == undefined) ? '' : t.stuff;
prgo(`// ${t.goName} is a type\n`)
prgo(`type ${t.goName} ${t.goType}${stuff}\n`)
function emitStructs() {
let seenName = new Map<string, boolean>()
for (const str of Structs) {
if ( == 'InitializeError') {
// only want the consts
if (seenName[]) {
seenName[] = true
prgo(genComments(, getComments(
/* prgo(`// ${} is:\n`)
prgo(`type ${} struct {\n`)
for (const s of str.embeds) {
if (str.fields != undefined) {
for (const f of str.fields) {
function genComments(name: string, maybe: string): string {
if (maybe == '') return `\n\t// ${name} is\n`;
if (maybe.indexOf('/**') == 0) {
return maybe.replace('/**', `\n/*${name} defined:`)
throw new Error(`weird comment ${maybe.indexOf('/**')}`)
// Turn a Field into an output string
function strField(f: Field): string {
let ans: string[] = [];
let opt = f.optional ? '*' : ''
switch (f.goType.charAt(0)) {
case 's': // string
case 'b': // bool
case 'f': // float64
case 'i': // interface{}
case '[': // []foo
opt = ''
let stuff = (f.gostuff == undefined) ? '' : ` // ${f.gostuff}`
ans.push(genComments(f.goName, getComments(
if (f.substruct == undefined) {
ans.push(`\t${f.goName} ${opt}${f.goType} ${f.json}${stuff}\n`)
else {
ans.push(`\t${f.goName} ${opt}struct {\n`)
for (const x of f.substruct) {
ans.push(`\t} ${f.json}${stuff}\n`)
return (''.concat(...ans))
function emitConsts() {
// Generate modifying prefixes and suffixes to ensure consts are
// unique. (Go consts are package-level, but Typescript's are not.)
// Use suffixes to minimize changes to gopls.
let pref = new Map<string, string>(
[['DiagnosticSeverity', 'Severity']]) // typeName->prefix
let suff = new Map<string, string>([
['CompletionItemKind', 'Completion'], ['InsertTextFormat', 'TextFormat']
for (const c of Consts) {
if (seenConstTypes[c.typeName]) {
seenConstTypes[c.typeName] = true
if (pref.get(c.typeName) == undefined) {
pref.set(c.typeName, '') // initialize to empty value
if (suff.get(c.typeName) == undefined) {
suff.set(c.typeName, '')
prgo(`// ${c.typeName} defines constants\n`)
prgo(`type ${c.typeName} ${c.goType}\n`)
prgo('const (\n')
let seenConsts = new Map<string, boolean>() // to avoid duplicates
for (const c of Consts) {
const x = `${pref.get(c.typeName)}${}${suff.get(c.typeName)}`
if (seenConsts.get(x)) {
seenConsts.set(x, true)
prgo(genComments(x, getComments(
prgo(`\t${x} ${c.typeName} = ${c.value}\n`)
function emitHeader(files: string[]) {
let lastMod = 0
let lastDate: Date
for (const f of files) {
const st = fs.statSync(f)
if (st.mtimeMs > lastMod) {
lastMod = st.mtimeMs
lastDate = st.mtime
prgo(`// Package protocol contains data types for LSP jsonrpcs\n`)
prgo(`// generated automatically from vscode-languageserver-node
// version of ${lastDate}\n`)
prgo('package protocol\n\n')
// ad hoc argument parsing: [-d dir] [-o outputfile], and order matters
function main() {
let args = process.argv.slice(2) // effective command line
if (args.length > 0) {
let j = 0;
if (args[j] == '-d') {
dir = args[j + 1]
j += 2
if (args[j] == '-o') {
outFname = args[j + 1]
j += 2
if (j != args.length) throw new Error(`incomprehensible args ${args}`)
let files: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < fnames.length; i++) {
files, { target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5, module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS });