blob: 938ae6c34c000202cbc6897876c1f98ebcb608e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package slices
// Clone returns a copy of the slice.
// The elements are copied using assignment, so this is a shallow clone.
// TODO(rfindley): use go1.21 slices.Clone.
func Clone[S ~[]E, E any](s S) S {
// The s[:0:0] preserves nil in case it matters.
return append(s[:0:0], s...)
// Contains reports whether x is present in slice.
// TODO(adonovan): use go1.21 slices.Contains.
func Contains[S ~[]E, E comparable](slice S, x E) bool {
for _, elem := range slice {
if elem == x {
return true
return false
// IndexFunc returns the first index i satisfying f(s[i]),
// or -1 if none do.
// TODO(adonovan): use go1.21 slices.IndexFunc.
func IndexFunc[S ~[]E, E any](s S, f func(E) bool) int {
for i := range s {
if f(s[i]) {
return i
return -1
// ContainsFunc reports whether at least one
// element e of s satisfies f(e).
// TODO(adonovan): use go1.21 slices.ContainsFunc.
func ContainsFunc[S ~[]E, E any](s S, f func(E) bool) bool {
return IndexFunc(s, f) >= 0
// Concat returns a new slice concatenating the passed in slices.
// TODO(rfindley): use go1.22 slices.Concat.
func Concat[S ~[]E, E any](slices ...S) S {
size := 0
for _, s := range slices {
size += len(s)
if size < 0 {
panic("len out of range")
newslice := Grow[S](nil, size)
for _, s := range slices {
newslice = append(newslice, s...)
return newslice
// Grow increases the slice's capacity, if necessary, to guarantee space for
// another n elements. After Grow(n), at least n elements can be appended
// to the slice without another allocation. If n is negative or too large to
// allocate the memory, Grow panics.
// TODO(rfindley): use go1.21 slices.Grow.
func Grow[S ~[]E, E any](s S, n int) S {
if n < 0 {
panic("cannot be negative")
if n -= cap(s) - len(s); n > 0 {
s = append(s[:cap(s)], make([]E, n)...)[:len(s)]
return s
// Remove removes all values equal to elem from slice.
// The closest equivalent in the standard slices package is:
// DeleteFunc(func(x T) bool { return x == elem })
func Remove[T comparable](slice []T, elem T) []T {
out := slice[:0]
for _, v := range slice {
if v != elem {
out = append(out, v)
return out