blob: 725e9dbb52d3ce83238971372aa802ca2b468cc7 [file] [log] [blame]
This file contains tests for symbol matches using the casesensitive matcher.
For historical reasons, it also verifies general behavior of the symbol search.
-- settings.json --
"symbolMatcher": "casesensitive"
-- go.mod --
module mod.test/casesensitive
go 1.18
-- main.go --
package main
//@workspacesymbol("main.main", main)
//@workspacesymbol("p.Message", Message)
//@workspacesymbol("main.myvar", myvar)
//@workspacesymbol("main.myType", myType)
//@workspacesymbol("main.myType.Blahblah", blahblah)
//@workspacesymbol("main.myStruct", myStruct)
//@workspacesymbol("main.myStruct.myStructField", myStructField)
//@workspacesymbol("main.myInterface", myInterface)
//@workspacesymbol("main.myInterface.DoSomeCoolStuff", DoSomeCoolStuff)
//@workspacesymbol("main.embed.myStruct", embeddedStruct)
//@workspacesymbol("", int)
//@workspacesymbol("main.embed.nestedInterface.myInterface", nestedInterface)
//@workspacesymbol("main.embed.nestedInterface.nestedMethod", nestedMethod)
//@workspacesymbol("dunk", dunk)
//@workspacesymbol("Dunk", Dunk)
import (
func main() { // function
var myvar int // variable
type myType string // basic type
type myDecoder json.Decoder // to use the encoding/json import
func (m *myType) Blahblah() {} // method
type myStruct struct { // struct type
myStructField int // struct field
type myInterface interface { // interface
DoSomeCoolStuff() string // interface method
type embed struct {
nestedStruct struct {
nestedField int
nestedStruct2 struct {
nestedInterface interface {
func Dunk() int { return 0 }
func dunk() {}
-- p/p.go --
package p
const Message = "Hello World." // constant
-- @DoSomeCoolStuff --
main.go:41:2-17 main.myInterface.DoSomeCoolStuff Method
-- @Dunk --
main.go:61:6-10 Dunk Function
-- @Message --
p/p.go:3:7-14 p.Message Constant
-- @blahblah --
main.go:34:18-26 main.myType.Blahblah Method
-- @dunk --
main.go:63:6-10 dunk Function
-- @int --
main.go:51:4-7 Field
-- @main --
main.go:24:6-10 main.main Function
-- @myInterface --
main.go:40:6-17 main.myInterface Interface
main.go:41:2-17 main.myInterface.DoSomeCoolStuff Method
-- @myStruct --
main.go:36:6-14 main.myStruct Struct
main.go:37:2-15 main.myStruct.myStructField Field
-- @myStructField --
main.go:37:2-15 main.myStruct.myStructField Field
-- @myType --
main.go:30:6-12 main.myType Class
main.go:34:18-26 main.myType.Blahblah Method
-- @myvar --
main.go:28:5-10 main.myvar Variable
-- @nestedInterface --
main.go:56:3-14 main.embed.nestedInterface.myInterface Interface
-- @nestedMethod --
main.go:57:3-15 main.embed.nestedInterface.nestedMethod Method
-- @embeddedStruct --
main.go:45:2-10 main.embed.myStruct Field