blob: d5a0b9bb5aeb7d8b61e2d2a6ff13db106e333bb9 [file] [log] [blame]
This test renames an exported method of an unexported type,
which is an edge case for objectpath, since it computes a path
from a syntax package that is no good when applied to an
export data package.
See issue #60789.
-- go.mod --
go 1.12
-- a/a.go --
package a
type unexported int
func (unexported) F() {} //@rename("F", "G", fToG)
var _ = unexported(0).F
-- b/b.go --
package b
// The existence of this package is sufficient to exercise
// the bug even though it cannot reference a.unexported.
import _ ""
-- @fToG/a/a.go --
@@ -4 +4 @@
-func (unexported) F() {} //@rename("F", "G", fToG)
+func (unexported) G() {} //@rename("F", "G", fToG)
@@ -6 +6 @@
-var _ = unexported(0).F
+var _ = unexported(0).G