blob: 7fdb2470cdf790ed7431c1e871b8f1c217d72166 [file] [log] [blame]
This test checks that we correctly determine pkgsite links for various
We should only produce links that work, meaning the object is reachable via the
package's public API.
-- go.mod --
go 1.18
-- p.go --
package p
type E struct {
Embed int
// T is in the package scope, and so should be linkable.
type T struct{ //@hover("T", "T", T)
// Only exported fields should be linkable
f int //@hover("f", "f", f)
F int //@hover("F", "F", F)
// TODO(rfindley): is the link here correct? It ignores N.
N struct {
// Nested fields should also be linkable.
Nested int //@hover("Nested", "Nested", Nested)
// M is an exported method, and so should be linkable.
func (T) M() {}
// m is not exported, and so should not be linkable.
func (T) m() {}
func _() {
var t T
// Embedded fields should be linkable.
_ = t.Embed //@hover("Embed", "Embed", Embed)
// Local variables should not be linkable, even if they are capitalized.
var X int //@hover("X", "X", X)
_ = X
// Local types should not be linkable, even if they are capitalized.
type Local struct { //@hover("Local", "Local", Local)
// But the embedded field should still be linkable.
var l Local
_ = l.Embed //@hover("Embed", "Embed", Embed)
-- @Embed --
field Embed int
[`(p.E).Embed` on](
-- @F --
field F int
@hover("F", "F", F)
[`(p.T).F` on](
-- @Local --
type Local struct {
Local types should not be linkable, even if they are capitalized.
// Embedded fields:
Embed int // through E
-- @Nested --
field Nested int
Nested fields should also be linkable.
-- @T --
type T struct {
f int //@hover("f", "f", f)
F int //@hover("F", "F", F)
// TODO(rfindley): is the link here correct? It ignores N.
N struct {
// Nested fields should also be linkable.
Nested int //@hover("Nested", "Nested", Nested)
T is in the package scope, and so should be linkable.
// Embedded fields:
Embed int // through E
func (T) M()
func (T) m()
[`p.T` on](
-- @X --
var X int
Local variables should not be linkable, even if they are capitalized.
-- @f --
field f int
@hover("f", "f", f)