blob: f9f14a4fa7d1d04172e96b839244608694d82ed9 [file] [log] [blame]
This test verifies behavior of textDocument/foldingRange in the presence of
unformatted syntax.
-- a.go --
package folding //@foldingrange(raw)
import ( "fmt"
_ "log"
import (
_ "os" )
// badBar is a function.
func badBar() string { x := true
if x {
// This is the only foldable thing in this file when lineFoldingOnly
} else {
fmt.Println("false") }
return ""
-- @raw --
package folding //@foldingrange(raw)
import (<0 kind="imports"> "fmt"
_ "log"
import (<1 kind="imports">
_ "os" </1>)
// badBar is a function.
func badBar(<2 kind=""></2>) string {<3 kind=""> x := true
if x {<4 kind="">
// This is the only foldable thing in this file when lineFoldingOnly
fmt.Println(<5 kind="">"true"</5>)
</4>} else {<6 kind="">
fmt.Println(<7 kind="">"false"</7>) </6>}
return ""