blob: a02e39505e521caca07deb3e78f7d0ae832374bf [file] [log] [blame]
This test exercises the refactoring of putting arguments, return values, and composite literal elements
into separate lines.
-- go.mod --
module unused.mod
go 1.18
-- func_arg/func_arg.go --
package func_arg
func A(a string, b, c int64, x int, y int) (r1 string, r2, r3 int64, r4 int, r5 int) { //@codeaction("x", "x", "refactor.rewrite", func_arg)
return a, b, c, x, y
-- @func_arg/func_arg/func_arg.go --
package func_arg
func A(
a string,
b, c int64,
x int,
y int,
) (r1 string, r2, r3 int64, r4 int, r5 int) { //@codeaction("x", "x", "refactor.rewrite", func_arg)
return a, b, c, x, y
-- func_ret/func_ret.go --
package func_ret
func A(a string, b, c int64, x int, y int) (r1 string, r2, r3 int64, r4 int, r5 int) { //@codeaction("r1", "r1", "refactor.rewrite", func_ret)
return a, b, c, x, y
-- @func_ret/func_ret/func_ret.go --
package func_ret
func A(a string, b, c int64, x int, y int) (
r1 string,
r2, r3 int64,
r4 int,
r5 int,
) { //@codeaction("r1", "r1", "refactor.rewrite", func_ret)
return a, b, c, x, y
-- functype_arg/functype_arg.go --
package functype_arg
type A func(a string, b, c int64, x int, y int) (r1 string, r2, r3 int64, r4 int, r5 int) //@codeaction("x", "x", "refactor.rewrite", functype_arg)
-- @functype_arg/functype_arg/functype_arg.go --
package functype_arg
type A func(
a string,
b, c int64,
x int,
y int,
) (r1 string, r2, r3 int64, r4 int, r5 int) //@codeaction("x", "x", "refactor.rewrite", functype_arg)
-- functype_ret/functype_ret.go --
package functype_ret
type A func(a string, b, c int64, x int, y int) (r1 string, r2, r3 int64, r4 int, r5 int) //@codeaction("r1", "r1", "refactor.rewrite", functype_ret)
-- @functype_ret/functype_ret/functype_ret.go --
package functype_ret
type A func(a string, b, c int64, x int, y int) (
r1 string,
r2, r3 int64,
r4 int,
r5 int,
) //@codeaction("r1", "r1", "refactor.rewrite", functype_ret)
-- func_call/func_call.go --
package func_call
import "fmt"
func a() {
fmt.Println(1, 2, 3, fmt.Sprintf("hello %d", 4)) //@codeaction("1", "1", "refactor.rewrite", func_call)
-- @func_call/func_call/func_call.go --
package func_call
import "fmt"
func a() {
fmt.Sprintf("hello %d", 4),
) //@codeaction("1", "1", "refactor.rewrite", func_call)
-- indent/indent.go --
package indent
import "fmt"
func a() {
fmt.Println(1, 2, 3, fmt.Sprintf("hello %d", 4)) //@codeaction("hello", "hello", "refactor.rewrite", indent, "Split parameters into separate lines")
-- @indent/indent/indent.go --
package indent
import "fmt"
func a() {
fmt.Println(1, 2, 3, fmt.Sprintf(
"hello %d",
)) //@codeaction("hello", "hello", "refactor.rewrite", indent, "Split parameters into separate lines")
-- indent2/indent2.go --
package indent2
import "fmt"
func a() {
Println(1, 2, 3, fmt.Sprintf("hello %d", 4)) //@codeaction("1", "1", "refactor.rewrite", indent2, "Split parameters into separate lines")
-- @indent2/indent2/indent2.go --
package indent2
import "fmt"
func a() {
fmt.Sprintf("hello %d", 4),
) //@codeaction("1", "1", "refactor.rewrite", indent2, "Split parameters into separate lines")
-- structelts/structelts.go --
package structelts
type A struct{
a int
b int
func a() {
_ = A{a: 1, b: 2} //@codeaction("b", "b", "refactor.rewrite", structelts)
-- @structelts/structelts/structelts.go --
package structelts
type A struct{
a int
b int
func a() {
_ = A{
a: 1,
b: 2,
} //@codeaction("b", "b", "refactor.rewrite", structelts)
-- sliceelts/sliceelts.go --
package sliceelts
func a() {
_ = []int{1, 2} //@codeaction("1", "1", "refactor.rewrite", sliceelts)
-- @sliceelts/sliceelts/sliceelts.go --
package sliceelts
func a() {
_ = []int{
} //@codeaction("1", "1", "refactor.rewrite", sliceelts)
-- mapelts/mapelts.go --
package mapelts
func a() {
_ = map[string]int{"a": 1, "b": 2} //@codeaction("1", "1", "refactor.rewrite", mapelts)
-- @mapelts/mapelts/mapelts.go --
package mapelts
func a() {
_ = map[string]int{
"a": 1,
"b": 2,
} //@codeaction("1", "1", "refactor.rewrite", mapelts)
-- starcomment/starcomment.go --
package starcomment
func A(/*1*/ x /*2*/ string /*3*/, /*4*/ y /*5*/ int /*6*/) (string, int) { //@codeaction("x", "x", "refactor.rewrite", starcomment)
return x, y
-- @starcomment/starcomment/starcomment.go --
package starcomment
func A(
/*1*/ x /*2*/ string /*3*/,
/*4*/ y /*5*/ int /*6*/,
) (string, int) { //@codeaction("x", "x", "refactor.rewrite", starcomment)
return x, y