blob: b37009c78d9833e9bfc3ba096d069b28ca4cfc01 [file] [log] [blame]
This test verifies various behaviors of function extraction.
-- go.mod --
module mod.test/extract
go 1.18
-- basic.go --
package extract
func _() { //@codeaction("{", closeBracket, "refactor.extract", outer)
a := 1 //@codeaction("a", end, "refactor.extract", inner)
_ = a + 4 //@loc(end, "4")
} //@loc(closeBracket, "}")
-- @inner/basic.go --
package extract
func _() { //@codeaction("{", closeBracket, "refactor.extract", outer)
//@codeaction("a", end, "refactor.extract", inner)
newFunction() //@loc(end, "4")
func newFunction() {
a := 1
_ = a + 4
} //@loc(closeBracket, "}")
-- @outer/basic.go --
package extract
func _() { //@codeaction("{", closeBracket, "refactor.extract", outer)
//@codeaction("a", end, "refactor.extract", inner)
newFunction() //@loc(end, "4")
func newFunction() {
a := 1
_ = a + 4
} //@loc(closeBracket, "}")
-- return.go --
package extract
func _() bool {
x := 1
if x == 0 { //@codeaction("if", ifend, "refactor.extract", return)
return true
} //@loc(ifend, "}")
return false
-- @return/return.go --
package extract
func _() bool {
x := 1
//@codeaction("if", ifend, "refactor.extract", return)
shouldReturn, returnValue := newFunction(x)
if shouldReturn {
return returnValue
} //@loc(ifend, "}")
return false
func newFunction(x int) (bool, bool) {
if x == 0 {
return true, true
return false, false
-- return_nonnested.go --
package extract
func _() bool {
x := 1 //@codeaction("x", rnnEnd, "refactor.extract", rnn)
if x == 0 {
return true
return false //@loc(rnnEnd, "false")
-- @rnn/return_nonnested.go --
package extract
func _() bool {
//@codeaction("x", rnnEnd, "refactor.extract", rnn)
return newFunction() //@loc(rnnEnd, "false")
func newFunction() bool {
x := 1
if x == 0 {
return true
return false
-- return_complex.go --
package extract
import "fmt"
func _() (int, string, error) {
x := 1
y := "hello"
z := "bye" //@codeaction("z", rcEnd, "refactor.extract", rc)
if y == z {
return x, y, fmt.Errorf("same")
} else if false {
z = "hi"
return x, z, nil
} //@loc(rcEnd, "}")
return x, z, nil
-- @rc/return_complex.go --
package extract
import "fmt"
func _() (int, string, error) {
x := 1
y := "hello"
//@codeaction("z", rcEnd, "refactor.extract", rc)
z, shouldReturn, returnValue, returnValue1, returnValue2 := newFunction(y, x)
if shouldReturn {
return returnValue, returnValue1, returnValue2
} //@loc(rcEnd, "}")
return x, z, nil
func newFunction(y string, x int) (string, bool, int, string, error) {
z := "bye"
if y == z {
return "", true, x, y, fmt.Errorf("same")
} else if false {
z = "hi"
return "", true, x, z, nil
return z, false, 0, "", nil
-- return_complex_nonnested.go --
package extract
import "fmt"
func _() (int, string, error) {
x := 1
y := "hello"
z := "bye" //@codeaction("z", rcnnEnd, "refactor.extract", rcnn)
if y == z {
return x, y, fmt.Errorf("same")
} else if false {
z = "hi"
return x, z, nil
return x, z, nil //@loc(rcnnEnd, "nil")
-- @rcnn/return_complex_nonnested.go --
package extract
import "fmt"
func _() (int, string, error) {
x := 1
y := "hello"
//@codeaction("z", rcnnEnd, "refactor.extract", rcnn)
return newFunction(y, x) //@loc(rcnnEnd, "nil")
func newFunction(y string, x int) (int, string, error) {
z := "bye"
if y == z {
return x, y, fmt.Errorf("same")
} else if false {
z = "hi"
return x, z, nil
return x, z, nil
-- return_func_lit.go --
package extract
import "go/ast"
func _() {
ast.Inspect(ast.NewIdent("a"), func(n ast.Node) bool {
if n == nil { //@codeaction("if", rflEnd, "refactor.extract", rfl)
return true
} //@loc(rflEnd, "}")
return false
-- @rfl/return_func_lit.go --
package extract
import "go/ast"
func _() {
ast.Inspect(ast.NewIdent("a"), func(n ast.Node) bool {
//@codeaction("if", rflEnd, "refactor.extract", rfl)
shouldReturn, returnValue := newFunction(n)
if shouldReturn {
return returnValue
} //@loc(rflEnd, "}")
return false
func newFunction(n ast.Node) (bool, bool) {
if n == nil {
return true, true
return false, false
-- return_func_lit_nonnested.go --
package extract
import "go/ast"
func _() {
ast.Inspect(ast.NewIdent("a"), func(n ast.Node) bool {
if n == nil { //@codeaction("if", rflnnEnd, "refactor.extract", rflnn)
return true
return false //@loc(rflnnEnd, "false")
-- @rflnn/return_func_lit_nonnested.go --
package extract
import "go/ast"
func _() {
ast.Inspect(ast.NewIdent("a"), func(n ast.Node) bool {
//@codeaction("if", rflnnEnd, "refactor.extract", rflnn)
return newFunction(n) //@loc(rflnnEnd, "false")
func newFunction(n ast.Node) bool {
if n == nil {
return true
return false
-- return_init.go --
package extract
func _() string {
x := 1
if x == 0 { //@codeaction("if", riEnd, "refactor.extract", ri)
x = 3
return "a"
} //@loc(riEnd, "}")
x = 2
return "b"
-- @ri/return_init.go --
package extract
func _() string {
x := 1
//@codeaction("if", riEnd, "refactor.extract", ri)
shouldReturn, returnValue := newFunction(x)
if shouldReturn {
return returnValue
} //@loc(riEnd, "}")
x = 2
return "b"
func newFunction(x int) (bool, string) {
if x == 0 {
x = 3
return true, "a"
return false, ""
-- return_init_nonnested.go --
package extract
func _() string {
x := 1
if x == 0 { //@codeaction("if", rinnEnd, "refactor.extract", rinn)
x = 3
return "a"
x = 2
return "b" //@loc(rinnEnd, "\"b\"")
-- @rinn/return_init_nonnested.go --
package extract
func _() string {
x := 1
//@codeaction("if", rinnEnd, "refactor.extract", rinn)
return newFunction(x) //@loc(rinnEnd, "\"b\"")
func newFunction(x int) string {
if x == 0 {
x = 3
return "a"
x = 2
return "b"
-- args_returns.go --
package extract
func _() {
a := 1
a = 5 //@codeaction("a", araend, "refactor.extract", ara)
a = a + 2 //@loc(araend, "2")
b := a * 2 //@codeaction("b", arbend, "refactor.extract", arb)
_ = b + 4 //@loc(arbend, "4")
-- @ara/args_returns.go --
package extract
func _() {
a := 1
//@codeaction("a", araend, "refactor.extract", ara)
a = newFunction(a) //@loc(araend, "2")
b := a * 2 //@codeaction("b", arbend, "refactor.extract", arb)
_ = b + 4 //@loc(arbend, "4")
func newFunction(a int) int {
a = 5
a = a + 2
return a
-- @arb/args_returns.go --
package extract
func _() {
a := 1
a = 5 //@codeaction("a", araend, "refactor.extract", ara)
a = a + 2 //@loc(araend, "2")
//@codeaction("b", arbend, "refactor.extract", arb)
newFunction(a) //@loc(arbend, "4")
func newFunction(a int) {
b := a * 2
_ = b + 4
-- scope.go --
package extract
func _() {
newFunction := 1
a := newFunction //@codeaction("a", "newFunction", "refactor.extract", scope)
_ = a // avoid diagnostic
func newFunction1() int {
return 1
-- @scope/scope.go --
package extract
func _() {
newFunction := 1
a := newFunction2(newFunction) //@codeaction("a", "newFunction", "refactor.extract", scope)
_ = a // avoid diagnostic
func newFunction2(newFunction int) int {
a := newFunction
return a
func newFunction1() int {
return 1
-- smart_initialization.go --
package extract
func _() {
var a []int
a = append(a, 2) //@codeaction("a", siEnd, "refactor.extract", si)
b := 4 //@loc(siEnd, "4")
a = append(a, b)
-- @si/smart_initialization.go --
package extract
func _() {
var a []int
//@codeaction("a", siEnd, "refactor.extract", si)
a, b := newFunction(a) //@loc(siEnd, "4")
a = append(a, b)
func newFunction(a []int) ([]int, int) {
a = append(a, 2)
b := 4
return a, b
-- smart_return.go --
package extract
func _() {
var b []int
var a int
a = 2 //@codeaction("a", srEnd, "refactor.extract", sr)
b = []int{}
b = append(b, a) //@loc(srEnd, ")")
b[0] = 1
-- @sr/smart_return.go --
package extract
func _() {
var b []int
var a int
//@codeaction("a", srEnd, "refactor.extract", sr)
b = newFunction(a, b) //@loc(srEnd, ")")
b[0] = 1
func newFunction(a int, b []int) []int {
a = 2
b = []int{}
b = append(b, a)
return b
-- unnecessary_param.go --
package extract
func _() {
var b []int
a := 2 //@codeaction("a", upEnd, "refactor.extract", up)
b = []int{}
b = append(b, a) //@loc(upEnd, ")")
b[0] = 1
if a == 2 {
-- @up/unnecessary_param.go --
package extract
func _() {
var b []int
//@codeaction("a", upEnd, "refactor.extract", up)
a, b := newFunction(b) //@loc(upEnd, ")")
b[0] = 1
if a == 2 {
func newFunction(b []int) (int, []int) {
a := 2
b = []int{}
b = append(b, a)
return a, b
-- comment.go --
package extract
func _() {
a := /* comment in the middle of a line */ 1 //@codeaction("a", commentEnd, "refactor.extract", comment1)
// Comment on its own line //@codeaction("Comment", commentEnd, "refactor.extract", comment2)
_ = a + 4 //@loc(commentEnd, "4"),codeaction("_", lastComment, "refactor.extract", comment3)
// Comment right after 3 + 4
// Comment after with space //@loc(lastComment, "Comment")
-- @comment1/comment.go --
package extract
func _() {
/* comment in the middle of a line */
//@codeaction("a", commentEnd, "refactor.extract", comment1)
// Comment on its own line //@codeaction("Comment", commentEnd, "refactor.extract", comment2)
newFunction() //@loc(commentEnd, "4"),codeaction("_", lastComment, "refactor.extract", comment3)
// Comment right after 3 + 4
// Comment after with space //@loc(lastComment, "Comment")
func newFunction() {
a := 1
_ = a + 4
-- @comment2/comment.go --
package extract
func _() {
a := /* comment in the middle of a line */ 1 //@codeaction("a", commentEnd, "refactor.extract", comment1)
// Comment on its own line //@codeaction("Comment", commentEnd, "refactor.extract", comment2)
newFunction(a) //@loc(commentEnd, "4"),codeaction("_", lastComment, "refactor.extract", comment3)
// Comment right after 3 + 4
// Comment after with space //@loc(lastComment, "Comment")
func newFunction(a int) {
_ = a + 4
-- @comment3/comment.go --
package extract
func _() {
a := /* comment in the middle of a line */ 1 //@codeaction("a", commentEnd, "refactor.extract", comment1)
// Comment on its own line //@codeaction("Comment", commentEnd, "refactor.extract", comment2)
newFunction(a) //@loc(commentEnd, "4"),codeaction("_", lastComment, "refactor.extract", comment3)
// Comment right after 3 + 4
// Comment after with space //@loc(lastComment, "Comment")
func newFunction(a int) {
_ = a + 4
-- redefine.go --
package extract
import "strconv"
func _() {
i, err := strconv.Atoi("1")
u, err := strconv.Atoi("2") //@codeaction("u", ")", "refactor.extract", redefine)
if i == u || err == nil {
-- @redefine/redefine.go --
package extract
import "strconv"
func _() {
i, err := strconv.Atoi("1")
u, err := newFunction() //@codeaction("u", ")", "refactor.extract", redefine)
if i == u || err == nil {
func newFunction() (int, error) {
u, err := strconv.Atoi("2")
return u, err