blob: d837899f7fb68f293af2818c933a575def78717c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package workspace
import (
. ""
func TestStandaloneFiles(t *testing.T) {
const files = `
-- go.mod --
module mod.test
go 1.16
-- lib/lib.go --
package lib
const K = 0
type I interface {
-- lib/ignore.go --
//go:build ignore
// +build ignore
package main
import (
const K = 1
type Mer struct{}
func (Mer) M()
func main() {
println(lib.K + K)
// On Go 1.17 and earlier, this test fails with
// experimentalWorkspaceModule. Not investigated, as
// experimentalWorkspaceModule will be removed.
).Run(t, files, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) {
// Initially, gopls should not know about the standalone file as it hasn't
// been opened. Therefore, we should only find one symbol 'K'.
// (The choice of "K" is a little sleazy: it was originally "C" until
// we started adding "unsafe" to the workspace unconditionally, which
// caused a spurious match of "unsafe.Slice". But in practice every
// workspace depends on unsafe.)
syms := env.Symbol("K")
if got, want := len(syms), 1; got != want {
t.Errorf("got %d symbols, want %d (%+v)", got, want, syms)
// Similarly, we should only find one reference to "K", and no
// implementations of I.
checkLocations := func(method string, gotLocations []protocol.Location, wantFiles ...string) {
var gotFiles []string
for _, l := range gotLocations {
gotFiles = append(gotFiles, env.Sandbox.Workdir.URIToPath(l.URI))
if diff := cmp.Diff(wantFiles, gotFiles); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("%s(...): unexpected locations (-want +got):\n%s", method, diff)
// Replacing K with D should not cause any workspace diagnostics, since we
// haven't yet opened the standalone file.
env.RegexpReplace("lib/lib.go", "K", "D")
env.RegexpReplace("lib/lib.go", "D", "K")
refs := env.References(env.RegexpSearch("lib/lib.go", "K"))
checkLocations("References", refs, "lib/lib.go")
impls := env.Implementations(env.RegexpSearch("lib/lib.go", "I"))
checkLocations("Implementations", impls) // no implementations
// Opening the standalone file should not result in any diagnostics.
// Having opened the standalone file, we should find its symbols in the
// workspace.
syms = env.Symbol("K")
if got, want := len(syms), 2; got != want {
t.Fatalf("got %d symbols, want %d", got, want)
foundMainK := false
var symNames []string
for _, sym := range syms {
symNames = append(symNames, sym.Name)
if sym.Name == "main.K" {
foundMainK = true
if !foundMainK {
t.Errorf("WorkspaceSymbol(\"K\") = %v, want containing main.K", symNames)
// We should resolve workspace definitions in the standalone file.
fileLoc := env.GoToDefinition(env.RegexpSearch("lib/ignore.go", "lib.(K)"))
file := env.Sandbox.Workdir.URIToPath(fileLoc.URI)
if got, want := file, "lib/lib.go"; got != want {
t.Errorf("GoToDefinition(lib.K) = %v, want %v", got, want)
// well as intra-file definitions
loc := env.GoToDefinition(env.RegexpSearch("lib/ignore.go", "\\+ (K)"))
wantLoc := env.RegexpSearch("lib/ignore.go", "const (K)")
if loc != wantLoc {
t.Errorf("GoToDefinition(K) = %v, want %v", loc, wantLoc)
// Renaming "lib.K" to "lib.D" should cause a diagnostic in the standalone
// file.
env.RegexpReplace("lib/lib.go", "K", "D")
env.AfterChange(Diagnostics(env.AtRegexp("lib/ignore.go", "lib.(K)")))
// Undoing the replacement should fix diagnostics
env.RegexpReplace("lib/lib.go", "D", "K")
// Now that our workspace has no errors, we should be able to find
// references and rename.
refs = env.References(env.RegexpSearch("lib/lib.go", "K"))
checkLocations("References", refs, "lib/lib.go", "lib/ignore.go")
impls = env.Implementations(env.RegexpSearch("lib/lib.go", "I"))
checkLocations("Implementations", impls, "lib/ignore.go")
// Renaming should rename in the standalone package.
env.Rename(env.RegexpSearch("lib/lib.go", "K"), "D")
env.RegexpSearch("lib/ignore.go", "lib.D")
func TestStandaloneFiles_Configuration(t *testing.T) {
const files = `
-- go.mod --
module mod.test
go 1.18
-- lib.go --
package lib // without this package, files are loaded as command-line-arguments
-- ignore.go --
//go:build ignore
// +build ignore
package main
// An arbitrary comment.
func main() {}
-- standalone.go --
//go:build standalone
// +build standalone
package main
func main() {}
"standaloneTags": []string{"standalone", "script"},
).Run(t, files, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) {
Diagnostics(env.AtRegexp("ignore.go", "package (main)")),
cfg := env.Editor.Config()
cfg.Settings = map[string]interface{}{
"standaloneTags": []string{"ignore"},
Diagnostics(env.AtRegexp("standalone.go", "package (main)")),