blob: 0e86f3e1da793806bcaa38f4c8ceefca6e323862 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package bench
import (
. ""
// repos holds shared repositories for use in benchmarks.
// These repos were selected to represent a variety of different types of
// codebases.
var repos = map[string]*repo{
// google-cloud-go has 145 workspace modules (!), and is quite large.
"google-cloud-go": {
name: "google-cloud-go",
url: "",
commit: "07da765765218debf83148cc7ed8a36d6e8921d5",
inDir: flag.String("cloud_go_dir", "", "if set, reuse this directory as google-cloud-go@07da7657"),
// Used by x/benchmarks; large.
"istio": {
name: "istio",
url: "",
commit: "1.17.0",
inDir: flag.String("istio_dir", "", "if set, reuse this directory as istio@v1.17.0"),
// Kubernetes is a large repo with many dependencies, and in the past has
// been about as large a repo as gopls could handle.
"kubernetes": {
name: "kubernetes",
url: "",
commit: "v1.24.0",
short: true,
inDir: flag.String("kubernetes_dir", "", "if set, reuse this directory as kubernetes@v1.24.0"),
// A large, industrial application.
"kuma": {
name: "kuma",
url: "",
commit: "2.1.1",
inDir: flag.String("kuma_dir", "", "if set, reuse this directory as kuma@v2.1.1"),
// A repo containing a very large package (./dataintegration).
"oracle": {
name: "oracle",
url: "",
commit: "v65.43.0",
short: true,
inDir: flag.String("oracle_dir", "", "if set, reuse this directory as oracle/oci-go-sdk@v65.43.0"),
// x/pkgsite is familiar and represents a common use case (a webserver). It
// also has a number of static non-go files and template files.
"pkgsite": {
name: "pkgsite",
url: "",
commit: "81f6f8d4175ad0bf6feaa03543cc433f8b04b19b",
short: true,
inDir: flag.String("pkgsite_dir", "", "if set, reuse this directory as pkgsite@81f6f8d4"),
// A tiny self-contained project.
"starlark": {
name: "starlark",
url: "",
commit: "3f75dec8e4039385901a30981e3703470d77e027",
short: true,
inDir: flag.String("starlark_dir", "", "if set, reuse this directory as starlark@3f75dec8"),
// The current repository, which is medium-small and has very few dependencies.
"tools": {
name: "tools",
url: "",
commit: "gopls/v0.9.0",
short: true,
inDir: flag.String("tools_dir", "", "if set, reuse this directory as x/tools@v0.9.0"),
// A repo of similar size to kubernetes, but with substantially more
// complex types that led to a serious performance regression (issue #60621).
"hashiform": {
name: "hashiform",
url: "",
commit: "ac55de2b1950972d93feaa250d7505d9ed829c7c",
inDir: flag.String("hashiform_dir", "", "if set, reuse this directory as hashiform@ac55de2"),
// getRepo gets the requested repo, and skips the test if -short is set and
// repo is not configured as a short repo.
func getRepo(tb testing.TB, name string) *repo {
repo := repos[name]
if repo == nil {
tb.Fatalf("repo %s does not exist", name)
if !repo.short && testing.Short() {
tb.Skipf("large repo %s does not run with -short",
return repo
// A repo represents a working directory for a repository checked out at a
// specific commit.
// Repos are used for sharing state across benchmarks that operate on the same
// codebase.
type repo struct {
// static configuration
name string // must be unique, used for subdirectory
url string // repo url
commit string // full commit hash or tag
short bool // whether this repo runs with -short
inDir *string // if set, use this dir as url@commit, and don't delete
dirOnce sync.Once
dir string // directory containing source code checked out to url@commit
// shared editor state
editorOnce sync.Once
editor *fake.Editor
sandbox *fake.Sandbox
awaiter *Awaiter
// reusableDir return a reusable directory for benchmarking, or "".
// If the user specifies a directory, the test will create and populate it
// on the first run an re-use it on subsequent runs. Otherwise it will
// create, populate, and delete a temporary directory.
func (r *repo) reusableDir() string {
if r.inDir == nil {
return ""
return *r.inDir
// getDir returns directory containing repo source code, creating it if
// necessary. It is safe for concurrent use.
func (r *repo) getDir() string {
r.dirOnce.Do(func() {
if r.dir = r.reusableDir(); r.dir == "" {
r.dir = filepath.Join(getTempDir(),
_, err := os.Stat(r.dir)
switch {
case os.IsNotExist(err):
log.Printf("cloning %s@%s into %s", r.url, r.commit, r.dir)
if err := shallowClone(r.dir, r.url, r.commit); err != nil {
case err != nil:
log.Printf("reusing %s as %s@%s", r.dir, r.url, r.commit)
return r.dir
// sharedEnv returns a shared benchmark environment. It is safe for concurrent
// use.
// Every call to sharedEnv uses the same editor and sandbox, as a means to
// avoid reinitializing the editor for large repos. Calling repo.Close cleans
// up the shared environment.
// Repos in the package-local Repos var are closed at the end of the test main
// function.
func (r *repo) sharedEnv(tb testing.TB) *Env {
r.editorOnce.Do(func() {
dir := r.getDir()
start := time.Now()
log.Printf("starting initial workspace load for %s",
ts, err := newGoplsConnector(profileArgs(, false))
if err != nil {
r.sandbox, r.editor, r.awaiter, err = connectEditor(dir, fake.EditorConfig{}, ts)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("connecting editor: %v", err)
if err := r.awaiter.Await(context.Background(), InitialWorkspaceLoad); err != nil {
log.Printf("initial workspace load (cold) for %s took %v",, time.Since(start))
return &Env{
T: tb,
Ctx: context.Background(),
Editor: r.editor,
Sandbox: r.sandbox,
Awaiter: r.awaiter,
// newEnv returns a new Env connected to a new gopls process communicating
// over stdin/stdout. It is safe for concurrent use.
// It is the caller's responsibility to call Close on the resulting Env when it
// is no longer needed.
func (r *repo) newEnv(tb testing.TB, config fake.EditorConfig, forOperation string, cpuProfile bool) *Env {
dir := r.getDir()
args := profileArgs(qualifiedName(, forOperation), cpuProfile)
ts, err := newGoplsConnector(args)
if err != nil {
sandbox, editor, awaiter, err := connectEditor(dir, config, ts)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("connecting editor: %v", err)
return &Env{
T: tb,
Ctx: context.Background(),
Editor: editor,
Sandbox: sandbox,
Awaiter: awaiter,
// Close cleans up shared state referenced by the repo.
func (r *repo) Close() error {
var errBuf bytes.Buffer
if r.editor != nil {
if err := r.editor.Close(context.Background()); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(&errBuf, "closing editor: %v", err)
if r.sandbox != nil {
if err := r.sandbox.Close(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(&errBuf, "closing sandbox: %v", err)
if r.dir != "" && r.reusableDir() == "" {
if err := os.RemoveAll(r.dir); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(&errBuf, "cleaning dir: %v", err)
if errBuf.Len() > 0 {
return errors.New(errBuf.String())
return nil
// cleanup cleans up state that is shared across benchmark functions.
func cleanup() error {
var errBuf bytes.Buffer
for _, repo := range repos {
if err := repo.Close(); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(&errBuf, "closing %q: %v",, err)
if tempDir != "" {
if err := os.RemoveAll(tempDir); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(&errBuf, "cleaning tempDir: %v", err)
if errBuf.Len() > 0 {
return errors.New(errBuf.String())
return nil