blob: 4195dd205f68d8916a3c434635a46cd028928203 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains the infrastructure to create an
// identifier and full-text index for a set of Go files.
// Algorithm for identifier index:
// - traverse all .go files of the file tree specified by root
// - for each identifier (word) encountered, collect all occurrences (spots)
// into a list; this produces a list of spots for each word
// - reduce the lists: from a list of spots to a list of FileRuns,
// and from a list of FileRuns into a list of PakRuns
// - make a HitList from the PakRuns
// Details:
// - keep two lists per word: one containing package-level declarations
// that have snippets, and one containing all other spots
// - keep the snippets in a separate table indexed by snippet index
// and store the snippet index in place of the line number in a SpotInfo
// (the line number for spots with snippets is stored in the snippet)
// - at the end, create lists of alternative spellings for a given
// word
// Algorithm for full text index:
// - concatenate all source code in a byte buffer (in memory)
// - add the files to a file set in lockstep as they are added to the byte
// buffer such that a byte buffer offset corresponds to the Pos value for
// that file location
// - create a suffix array from the concatenated sources
// String lookup in full text index:
// - use the suffix array to lookup a string's offsets - the offsets
// correspond to the Pos values relative to the file set
// - translate the Pos values back into file and line information and
// sort the result
package godoc
import (
pathpkg "path"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// InterfaceSlice is a helper type for sorting interface
// slices according to some slice-specific sort criteria.
type comparer func(x, y interface{}) bool
type interfaceSlice struct {
slice []interface{}
less comparer
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RunList
// A RunList is a list of entries that can be sorted according to some
// criteria. A RunList may be compressed by grouping "runs" of entries
// which are equal (according to the sort criteria) into a new RunList of
// runs. For instance, a RunList containing pairs (x, y) may be compressed
// into a RunList containing pair runs (x, {y}) where each run consists of
// a list of y's with the same x.
type RunList []interface{}
func (h RunList) sort(less comparer) {
sort.Sort(&interfaceSlice{h, less})
func (p *interfaceSlice) Len() int { return len(p.slice) }
func (p *interfaceSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p.less(p.slice[i], p.slice[j]) }
func (p *interfaceSlice) Swap(i, j int) { p.slice[i], p.slice[j] = p.slice[j], p.slice[i] }
// Compress entries which are the same according to a sort criteria
// (specified by less) into "runs".
func (h RunList) reduce(less comparer, newRun func(h RunList) interface{}) RunList {
if len(h) == 0 {
return nil
// len(h) > 0
// create runs of entries with equal values
// for each run, make a new run object and collect them in a new RunList
var hh RunList
i, x := 0, h[0]
for j, y := range h {
if less(x, y) {
hh = append(hh, newRun(h[i:j]))
i, x = j, h[j] // start a new run
// add final run, if any
if i < len(h) {
hh = append(hh, newRun(h[i:]))
return hh
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// KindRun
// Debugging support. Disable to see multiple entries per line.
const removeDuplicates = true
// A KindRun is a run of SpotInfos of the same kind in a given file.
// The kind (3 bits) is stored in each SpotInfo element; to find the
// kind of a KindRun, look at any of its elements.
type KindRun []SpotInfo
// KindRuns are sorted by line number or index. Since the isIndex bit
// is always the same for all infos in one list we can compare lori's.
func (k KindRun) Len() int { return len(k) }
func (k KindRun) Less(i, j int) bool { return k[i].Lori() < k[j].Lori() }
func (k KindRun) Swap(i, j int) { k[i], k[j] = k[j], k[i] }
// FileRun contents are sorted by Kind for the reduction into KindRuns.
func lessKind(x, y interface{}) bool { return x.(SpotInfo).Kind() < y.(SpotInfo).Kind() }
// newKindRun allocates a new KindRun from the SpotInfo run h.
func newKindRun(h RunList) interface{} {
run := make(KindRun, len(h))
for i, x := range h {
run[i] = x.(SpotInfo)
// Spots were sorted by file and kind to create this run.
// Within this run, sort them by line number or index.
if removeDuplicates {
// Since both the lori and kind field must be
// same for duplicates, and since the isIndex
// bit is always the same for all infos in one
// list we can simply compare the entire info.
k := 0
prev := SpotInfo(math.MaxUint32) // an unlikely value
for _, x := range run {
if x != prev {
run[k] = x
prev = x
run = run[0:k]
return run
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FileRun
// A Pak describes a Go package.
type Pak struct {
Path string // path of directory containing the package
Name string // package name as declared by package clause
// Paks are sorted by name (primary key) and by import path (secondary key).
func (p *Pak) less(q *Pak) bool {
return p.Name < q.Name || p.Name == q.Name && p.Path < q.Path
// A File describes a Go file.
type File struct {
Name string // directory-local file name
Pak *Pak // the package to which the file belongs
// Path returns the file path of f.
func (f *File) Path() string {
return pathpkg.Join(f.Pak.Path, f.Name)
// A Spot describes a single occurrence of a word.
type Spot struct {
File *File
Info SpotInfo
// A FileRun is a list of KindRuns belonging to the same file.
type FileRun struct {
File *File
Groups []KindRun
// Spots are sorted by file path for the reduction into FileRuns.
func lessSpot(x, y interface{}) bool {
fx := x.(Spot).File
fy := y.(Spot).File
// same as "return fx.Path() < fy.Path()" but w/o computing the file path first
px := fx.Pak.Path
py := fy.Pak.Path
return px < py || px == py && fx.Name < fy.Name
// newFileRun allocates a new FileRun from the Spot run h.
func newFileRun(h RunList) interface{} {
file := h[0].(Spot).File
// reduce the list of Spots into a list of KindRuns
h1 := make(RunList, len(h))
for i, x := range h {
h1[i] = x.(Spot).Info
h2 := h1.reduce(lessKind, newKindRun)
// create the FileRun
groups := make([]KindRun, len(h2))
for i, x := range h2 {
groups[i] = x.(KindRun)
return &FileRun{file, groups}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PakRun
// A PakRun describes a run of *FileRuns of a package.
type PakRun struct {
Pak *Pak
Files []*FileRun
// Sorting support for files within a PakRun.
func (p *PakRun) Len() int { return len(p.Files) }
func (p *PakRun) Less(i, j int) bool { return p.Files[i].File.Name < p.Files[j].File.Name }
func (p *PakRun) Swap(i, j int) { p.Files[i], p.Files[j] = p.Files[j], p.Files[i] }
// FileRuns are sorted by package for the reduction into PakRuns.
func lessFileRun(x, y interface{}) bool {
return x.(*FileRun).File.Pak.less(y.(*FileRun).File.Pak)
// newPakRun allocates a new PakRun from the *FileRun run h.
func newPakRun(h RunList) interface{} {
pak := h[0].(*FileRun).File.Pak
files := make([]*FileRun, len(h))
for i, x := range h {
files[i] = x.(*FileRun)
run := &PakRun{pak, files}
sort.Sort(run) // files were sorted by package; sort them by file now
return run
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HitList
// A HitList describes a list of PakRuns.
type HitList []*PakRun
// PakRuns are sorted by package.
func lessPakRun(x, y interface{}) bool { return x.(*PakRun).Pak.less(y.(*PakRun).Pak) }
func reduce(h0 RunList) HitList {
// reduce a list of Spots into a list of FileRuns
h1 := h0.reduce(lessSpot, newFileRun)
// reduce a list of FileRuns into a list of PakRuns
h2 := h1.reduce(lessFileRun, newPakRun)
// sort the list of PakRuns by package
// create a HitList
h := make(HitList, len(h2))
for i, p := range h2 {
h[i] = p.(*PakRun)
return h
// filter returns a new HitList created by filtering
// all PakRuns from h that have a matching pakname.
func (h HitList) filter(pakname string) HitList {
var hh HitList
for _, p := range h {
if p.Pak.Name == pakname {
hh = append(hh, p)
return hh
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AltWords
type wordPair struct {
canon string // canonical word spelling (all lowercase)
alt string // alternative spelling
// An AltWords describes a list of alternative spellings for a
// canonical (all lowercase) spelling of a word.
type AltWords struct {
Canon string // canonical word spelling (all lowercase)
Alts []string // alternative spelling for the same word
// wordPairs are sorted by their canonical spelling.
func lessWordPair(x, y interface{}) bool { return x.(*wordPair).canon < y.(*wordPair).canon }
// newAltWords allocates a new AltWords from the *wordPair run h.
func newAltWords(h RunList) interface{} {
canon := h[0].(*wordPair).canon
alts := make([]string, len(h))
for i, x := range h {
alts[i] = x.(*wordPair).alt
return &AltWords{canon, alts}
func (a *AltWords) filter(s string) *AltWords {
var alts []string
for _, w := range a.Alts {
if w != s {
alts = append(alts, w)
if len(alts) > 0 {
return &AltWords{a.Canon, alts}
return nil
// Ident stores information about external identifiers in order to create
// links to package documentation.
type Ident struct {
Path string // e.g. "net/http"
Package string // e.g. "http"
Name string // e.g. "NewRequest"
Doc string // e.g. "NewRequest returns a new Request..."
// byImportCount sorts the given slice of Idents by the import
// counts of the packages to which they belong.
type byImportCount struct {
Idents []Ident
ImportCount map[string]int
func (ic byImportCount) Len() int {
return len(ic.Idents)
func (ic byImportCount) Less(i, j int) bool {
ri := ic.ImportCount[ic.Idents[i].Path]
rj := ic.ImportCount[ic.Idents[j].Path]
if ri == rj {
return ic.Idents[i].Path < ic.Idents[j].Path
return ri > rj
func (ic byImportCount) Swap(i, j int) {
ic.Idents[i], ic.Idents[j] = ic.Idents[j], ic.Idents[i]
func (ic byImportCount) String() string {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte("["))
for _, v := range ic.Idents {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\n\t%s, %s (%d)", v.Path, v.Name, ic.ImportCount[v.Path]))
return buf.String()
// filter creates a new Ident list where the results match the given
// package name.
func (ic byImportCount) filter(pakname string) []Ident {
if ic.Idents == nil {
return nil
var res []Ident
for _, i := range ic.Idents {
if i.Package == pakname {
res = append(res, i)
return res
// top returns the top n identifiers.
func (ic byImportCount) top(n int) []Ident {
if len(ic.Idents) > n {
return ic.Idents[:n]
return ic.Idents
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Indexer
type IndexResult struct {
Decls RunList // package-level declarations (with snippets)
Others RunList // all other occurrences
// Statistics provides statistics information for an index.
type Statistics struct {
Bytes int // total size of indexed source files
Files int // number of indexed source files
Lines int // number of lines (all files)
Words int // number of different identifiers
Spots int // number of identifier occurrences
// An Indexer maintains the data structures and provides the machinery
// for indexing .go files under a file tree. It implements the path.Visitor
// interface for walking file trees, and the ast.Visitor interface for
// walking Go ASTs.
type Indexer struct {
c *Corpus
fset *token.FileSet // file set for all indexed files
fsOpenGate chan bool // send pre fs.Open; receive on close
mu sync.Mutex // guards all the following
sources bytes.Buffer // concatenated sources
strings map[string]string // interned string
packages map[Pak]*Pak // interned *Paks
words map[string]*IndexResult // RunLists of Spots
snippets []*Snippet // indices are stored in SpotInfos
current *token.File // last file added to file set
file *File // AST for current file
decl ast.Decl // AST for current decl
stats Statistics
throttle *util.Throttle
importCount map[string]int // package path ("net/http") => count
packagePath map[string]map[string]bool // "template" => "text/template" => true
exports map[string]map[string]SpotKind // "net/http" => "ListenAndServe" => FuncDecl
curPkgExports map[string]SpotKind
idents map[SpotKind]map[string][]Ident // kind => name => list of Idents
func (x *Indexer) intern(s string) string {
if s, ok := x.strings[s]; ok {
return s
x.strings[s] = s
return s
func (x *Indexer) lookupPackage(path, name string) *Pak {
// In the source directory tree, more than one package may
// live in the same directory. For the packages map, construct
// a key that includes both the directory path and the package
// name.
key := Pak{Path: x.intern(path), Name: x.intern(name)}
pak := x.packages[key]
if pak == nil {
pak = &key
x.packages[key] = pak
return pak
func (x *Indexer) addSnippet(s *Snippet) int {
index := len(x.snippets)
x.snippets = append(x.snippets, s)
return index
func (x *Indexer) visitIdent(kind SpotKind, id *ast.Ident) {
if id == nil {
name := x.intern(id.Name)
switch kind {
case TypeDecl, FuncDecl, ConstDecl, VarDecl:
x.curPkgExports[name] = kind
lists, found := x.words[name]
if !found {
lists = new(IndexResult)
x.words[name] = lists
if kind == Use || x.decl == nil {
if x.c.IndexGoCode {
// not a declaration or no snippet required
info := makeSpotInfo(kind, x.current.Line(id.Pos()), false)
lists.Others = append(lists.Others, Spot{x.file, info})
} else {
// a declaration with snippet
index := x.addSnippet(NewSnippet(x.fset, x.decl, id))
info := makeSpotInfo(kind, index, true)
lists.Decls = append(lists.Decls, Spot{x.file, info})
func (x *Indexer) visitFieldList(kind SpotKind, flist *ast.FieldList) {
for _, f := range flist.List {
x.decl = nil // no snippets for fields
for _, name := range f.Names {
x.visitIdent(kind, name)
ast.Walk(x, f.Type)
// ignore tag - not indexed at the moment
func (x *Indexer) visitSpec(kind SpotKind, spec ast.Spec) {
switch n := spec.(type) {
case *ast.ImportSpec:
x.visitIdent(ImportDecl, n.Name)
if n.Path != nil {
if imp, err := strconv.Unquote(n.Path.Value); err == nil {
case *ast.ValueSpec:
for _, n := range n.Names {
x.visitIdent(kind, n)
ast.Walk(x, n.Type)
for _, v := range n.Values {
ast.Walk(x, v)
case *ast.TypeSpec:
x.visitIdent(TypeDecl, n.Name)
ast.Walk(x, n.Type)
func (x *Indexer) visitGenDecl(decl *ast.GenDecl) {
kind := VarDecl
if decl.Tok == token.CONST {
kind = ConstDecl
x.decl = decl
for _, s := range decl.Specs {
x.visitSpec(kind, s)
func (x *Indexer) Visit(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
switch n := node.(type) {
case nil:
// nothing to do
case *ast.Ident:
x.visitIdent(Use, n)
case *ast.FieldList:
x.visitFieldList(VarDecl, n)
case *ast.InterfaceType:
x.visitFieldList(MethodDecl, n.Methods)
case *ast.DeclStmt:
// local declarations should only be *ast.GenDecls;
// ignore incorrect ASTs
if decl, ok := n.Decl.(*ast.GenDecl); ok {
x.decl = nil // no snippets for local declarations
case *ast.GenDecl:
x.decl = n
case *ast.FuncDecl:
kind := FuncDecl
if n.Recv != nil {
kind = MethodDecl
ast.Walk(x, n.Recv)
x.decl = n
x.visitIdent(kind, n.Name)
ast.Walk(x, n.Type)
if n.Body != nil {
ast.Walk(x, n.Body)
case *ast.File:
x.decl = nil
x.visitIdent(PackageClause, n.Name)
for _, d := range n.Decls {
ast.Walk(x, d)
return x
return nil
// addFile adds a file to the index if possible and returns the file set file
// and the file's AST if it was successfully parsed as a Go file. If addFile
// failed (that is, if the file was not added), it returns file == nil.
func (x *Indexer) addFile(f vfs.ReadSeekCloser, filename string, goFile bool) (file *token.File, ast *ast.File) {
defer f.Close()
// The file set's base offset and x.sources size must be in lock-step;
// this permits the direct mapping of suffix array lookup results to
// corresponding Pos values.
// When a file is added to the file set, its offset base increases by
// the size of the file + 1; and the initial base offset is 1. Add an
// extra byte to the sources here.
// If the sources length doesn't match the file set base at this point
// the file set implementation changed or we have another error.
base := x.fset.Base()
if x.sources.Len() != base {
panic("internal error: file base incorrect")
// append file contents (src) to x.sources
if _, err := x.sources.ReadFrom(f); err == nil {
src := x.sources.Bytes()[base:]
if goFile {
// parse the file and in the process add it to the file set
if ast, err = parser.ParseFile(x.fset, filename, src, parser.ParseComments); err == nil {
file = x.fset.File(ast.Pos()) // ast.Pos() is inside the file
// file has parse errors, and the AST may be incorrect -
// set lines information explicitly and index as ordinary
// text file (cannot fall through to the text case below
// because the file has already been added to the file set
// by the parser)
file = x.fset.File(token.Pos(base)) // token.Pos(base) is inside the file
ast = nil
if util.IsText(src) {
// only add the file to the file set (for the full text index)
file = x.fset.AddFile(filename, x.fset.Base(), len(src))
// discard possibly added data
x.sources.Truncate(base - 1) // -1 to remove added byte 0 since no file was added
// Design note: Using an explicit white list of permitted files for indexing
// makes sure that the important files are included and massively reduces the
// number of files to index. The advantage over a blacklist is that unexpected
// (non-blacklisted) files won't suddenly explode the index.
// Files are whitelisted if they have a file name or extension
// present as key in whitelisted.
var whitelisted = map[string]bool{
".bash": true,
".c": true,
".cc": true,
".cpp": true,
".cxx": true,
".css": true,
".go": true,
".goc": true,
".h": true,
".hh": true,
".hpp": true,
".hxx": true,
".html": true,
".js": true,
".out": true,
".py": true,
".s": true,
".sh": true,
".txt": true,
".xml": true,
"AUTHORS": true,
"LICENSE": true,
"Makefile": true,
"PATENTS": true,
"README": true,
// isWhitelisted returns true if a file is on the list
// of "permitted" files for indexing. The filename must
// be the directory-local name of the file.
func isWhitelisted(filename string) bool {
key := pathpkg.Ext(filename)
if key == "" {
// file has no extension - use entire filename
key = filename
return whitelisted[key]
func (x *Indexer) indexDocs(dirname string, filename string, astFile *ast.File) {
pkgName := x.intern(astFile.Name.Name)
if pkgName == "main" {
pkgPath := x.intern(strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(dirname, "/src/"), "pkg/"))
astPkg := ast.Package{
Name: pkgName,
Files: map[string]*ast.File{
filename: astFile,
var m doc.Mode
docPkg := doc.New(&astPkg, dirname, m)
addIdent := func(sk SpotKind, name string, docstr string) {
if x.idents[sk] == nil {
x.idents[sk] = make(map[string][]Ident)
name = x.intern(name)
x.idents[sk][name] = append(x.idents[sk][name], Ident{
Path: pkgPath,
Package: pkgName,
Name: name,
Doc: doc.Synopsis(docstr),
if x.idents[PackageClause] == nil {
x.idents[PackageClause] = make(map[string][]Ident)
// List of words under which the package identifier will be stored.
// This includes the package name and the components of the directory
// in which it resides.
words := strings.Split(pathpkg.Dir(pkgPath), "/")
if words[0] == "." {
words = []string{}
name := x.intern(docPkg.Name)
synopsis := doc.Synopsis(docPkg.Doc)
words = append(words, name)
pkgIdent := Ident{
Path: pkgPath,
Package: pkgName,
Name: name,
Doc: synopsis,
for _, word := range words {
word = x.intern(word)
found := false
pkgs := x.idents[PackageClause][word]
for i, p := range pkgs {
if p.Path == pkgPath {
if docPkg.Doc != "" {
p.Doc = synopsis
pkgs[i] = p
found = true
if !found {
x.idents[PackageClause][word] = append(x.idents[PackageClause][word], pkgIdent)
for _, c := range docPkg.Consts {
for _, name := range c.Names {
addIdent(ConstDecl, name, c.Doc)
for _, t := range docPkg.Types {
addIdent(TypeDecl, t.Name, t.Doc)
for _, c := range t.Consts {
for _, name := range c.Names {
addIdent(ConstDecl, name, c.Doc)
for _, v := range t.Vars {
for _, name := range v.Names {
addIdent(VarDecl, name, v.Doc)
for _, f := range t.Funcs {
addIdent(FuncDecl, f.Name, f.Doc)
for _, f := range t.Methods {
addIdent(MethodDecl, f.Name, f.Doc)
// Change the name of methods to be "<typename>.<methodname>".
// They will still be indexed as <methodname>.
idents := x.idents[MethodDecl][f.Name]
idents[len(idents)-1].Name = x.intern(t.Name + "." + f.Name)
for _, v := range docPkg.Vars {
for _, name := range v.Names {
addIdent(VarDecl, name, v.Doc)
for _, f := range docPkg.Funcs {
addIdent(FuncDecl, f.Name, f.Doc)
func (x *Indexer) indexGoFile(dirname string, filename string, file *token.File, astFile *ast.File) {
pkgName := astFile.Name.Name
if x.c.IndexGoCode {
x.current = file
pak := x.lookupPackage(dirname, pkgName)
x.file = &File{filename, pak}
ast.Walk(x, astFile)
if x.c.IndexDocs {
// Test files are already filtered out in visitFile if IndexGoCode and
// IndexFullText are false. Otherwise, check here.
isTestFile := (x.c.IndexGoCode || x.c.IndexFullText) &&
(strings.HasSuffix(filename, "_test.go") || strings.HasPrefix(dirname, "/test/"))
if !isTestFile {
x.indexDocs(dirname, filename, astFile)
ppKey := x.intern(pkgName)
if _, ok := x.packagePath[ppKey]; !ok {
x.packagePath[ppKey] = make(map[string]bool)
pkgPath := x.intern(strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(dirname, "/src/"), "pkg/"))
x.packagePath[ppKey][pkgPath] = true
// Merge in exported symbols found walking this file into
// the map for that package.
if len(x.curPkgExports) > 0 {
dest, ok := x.exports[pkgPath]
if !ok {
dest = make(map[string]SpotKind)
x.exports[pkgPath] = dest
for k, v := range x.curPkgExports {
dest[k] = v
func (x *Indexer) visitFile(dirname string, fi os.FileInfo) {
if fi.IsDir() || !x.c.IndexEnabled {
filename := pathpkg.Join(dirname, fi.Name())
goFile := isGoFile(fi)
switch {
case x.c.IndexFullText:
if !isWhitelisted(fi.Name()) {
case x.c.IndexGoCode:
if !goFile {
case x.c.IndexDocs:
if !goFile ||
strings.HasSuffix(fi.Name(), "_test.go") ||
strings.HasPrefix(dirname, "/test/") {
// No indexing turned on.
x.fsOpenGate <- true
defer func() { <-x.fsOpenGate }()
// open file
f, err := x.c.fs.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
x.curPkgExports = make(map[string]SpotKind)
file, fast := x.addFile(f, filename, goFile)
if file == nil {
return // addFile failed
if fast != nil {
x.indexGoFile(dirname, fi.Name(), file, fast)
// update statistics
x.stats.Bytes += file.Size()
x.stats.Lines += file.LineCount()
// indexOptions contains information that affects the contents of an index.
type indexOptions struct {
// Docs provides documentation search results.
// It is only consulted if IndexEnabled is true.
// The default values is true.
Docs bool
// GoCode provides Go source code search results.
// It is only consulted if IndexEnabled is true.
// The default values is true.
GoCode bool
// FullText provides search results from all files.
// It is only consulted if IndexEnabled is true.
// The default values is true.
FullText bool
// MaxResults optionally specifies the maximum results for indexing.
// The default is 1000.
MaxResults int
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Index
type LookupResult struct {
Decls HitList // package-level declarations (with snippets)
Others HitList // all other occurrences
type Index struct {
fset *token.FileSet // file set used during indexing; nil if no textindex
suffixes *suffixarray.Index // suffixes for concatenated sources; nil if no textindex
words map[string]*LookupResult // maps words to hit lists
alts map[string]*AltWords // maps canonical(words) to lists of alternative spellings
snippets []*Snippet // all snippets, indexed by snippet index
stats Statistics
importCount map[string]int // package path ("net/http") => count
packagePath map[string]map[string]bool // "template" => "text/template" => true
exports map[string]map[string]SpotKind // "net/http" => "ListenAndServe" => FuncDecl
idents map[SpotKind]map[string][]Ident
opts indexOptions
func canonical(w string) string { return strings.ToLower(w) }
// Somewhat arbitrary, but I figure low enough to not hurt disk-based filesystems
// consuming file descriptors, where some systems have low 256 or 512 limits.
// Go should have a built-in way to cap fd usage under the ulimit.
const (
maxOpenFiles = 200
maxOpenDirs = 50
func (c *Corpus) throttle() float64 {
if c.IndexThrottle <= 0 {
return 0.9
if c.IndexThrottle > 1.0 {
return 1.0
return c.IndexThrottle
// NewIndex creates a new index for the .go files provided by the corpus.
func (c *Corpus) NewIndex() *Index {
// initialize Indexer
// (use some reasonably sized maps to start)
x := &Indexer{
c: c,
fset: token.NewFileSet(),
fsOpenGate: make(chan bool, maxOpenFiles),
strings: make(map[string]string),
packages: make(map[Pak]*Pak, 256),
words: make(map[string]*IndexResult, 8192),
throttle: util.NewThrottle(c.throttle(), 100*time.Millisecond), // run at least 0.1s at a time
importCount: make(map[string]int),
packagePath: make(map[string]map[string]bool),
exports: make(map[string]map[string]SpotKind),
idents: make(map[SpotKind]map[string][]Ident, 4),
// index all files in the directories given by dirnames
var wg sync.WaitGroup // outstanding ReadDir + visitFile
dirGate := make(chan bool, maxOpenDirs)
for dirname := range c.fsDirnames() {
if c.IndexDirectory != nil && !c.IndexDirectory(dirname) {
dirGate <- true
go func(dirname string) {
defer func() { <-dirGate }()
defer wg.Done()
list, err := c.fs.ReadDir(dirname)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ReadDir(%q): %v; skipping directory", dirname, err)
return // ignore this directory
for _, fi := range list {
go func(fi os.FileInfo) {
defer wg.Done()
x.visitFile(dirname, fi)
if !c.IndexFullText {
// the file set, the current file, and the sources are
// not needed after indexing if no text index is built -
// help GC and clear them
x.fset = nil
x.current = nil // contains reference to fset!
// for each word, reduce the RunLists into a LookupResult;
// also collect the word with its canonical spelling in a
// word list for later computation of alternative spellings
words := make(map[string]*LookupResult)
var wlist RunList
for w, h := range x.words {
decls := reduce(h.Decls)
others := reduce(h.Others)
words[w] = &LookupResult{
Decls: decls,
Others: others,
wlist = append(wlist, &wordPair{canonical(w), w})
x.stats.Words = len(words)
// reduce the word list {canonical(w), w} into
// a list of AltWords runs {canonical(w), {w}}
alist := wlist.reduce(lessWordPair, newAltWords)
// convert alist into a map of alternative spellings
alts := make(map[string]*AltWords)
for i := 0; i < len(alist); i++ {
a := alist[i].(*AltWords)
alts[a.Canon] = a
// create text index
var suffixes *suffixarray.Index
if c.IndexFullText {
suffixes = suffixarray.New(x.sources.Bytes())
// sort idents by the number of imports of their respective packages
for _, idMap := range x.idents {
for _, ir := range idMap {
sort.Sort(byImportCount{ir, x.importCount})
return &Index{
fset: x.fset,
suffixes: suffixes,
words: words,
alts: alts,
snippets: x.snippets,
stats: x.stats,
importCount: x.importCount,
packagePath: x.packagePath,
exports: x.exports,
idents: x.idents,
opts: indexOptions{
Docs: x.c.IndexDocs,
GoCode: x.c.IndexGoCode,
FullText: x.c.IndexFullText,
MaxResults: x.c.MaxResults,
var ErrFileIndexVersion = errors.New("file index version out of date")
const fileIndexVersion = 3
// fileIndex is the subset of Index that's gob-encoded for use by
// Index.Write and Index.Read.
type fileIndex struct {
Version int
Words map[string]*LookupResult
Alts map[string]*AltWords
Snippets []*Snippet
Fulltext bool
Stats Statistics
ImportCount map[string]int
PackagePath map[string]map[string]bool
Exports map[string]map[string]SpotKind
Idents map[SpotKind]map[string][]Ident
Opts indexOptions
func (x *fileIndex) Write(w io.Writer) error {
return gob.NewEncoder(w).Encode(x)
func (x *fileIndex) Read(r io.Reader) error {
return gob.NewDecoder(r).Decode(x)
// WriteTo writes the index x to w.
func (x *Index) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) {
w = countingWriter{&n, w}
fulltext := false
if x.suffixes != nil {
fulltext = true
fx := fileIndex{
Version: fileIndexVersion,
Words: x.words,
Alts: x.alts,
Snippets: x.snippets,
Fulltext: fulltext,
Stats: x.stats,
ImportCount: x.importCount,
PackagePath: x.packagePath,
Exports: x.exports,
Idents: x.idents,
Opts: x.opts,
if err := fx.Write(w); err != nil {
return 0, err
if fulltext {
encode := func(x interface{}) error {
return gob.NewEncoder(w).Encode(x)
if err := x.fset.Write(encode); err != nil {
return 0, err
if err := x.suffixes.Write(w); err != nil {
return 0, err
return n, nil
// ReadFrom reads the index from r into x; x must not be nil.
// If r does not also implement io.ByteReader, it will be wrapped in a bufio.Reader.
// If the index is from an old version, the error is ErrFileIndexVersion.
func (x *Index) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (n int64, err error) {
// We use the ability to read bytes as a plausible surrogate for buffering.
if _, ok := r.(io.ByteReader); !ok {
r = bufio.NewReader(r)
r = countingReader{&n, r.(byteReader)}
var fx fileIndex
if err := fx.Read(r); err != nil {
return n, err
if fx.Version != fileIndexVersion {
return 0, ErrFileIndexVersion
x.words = fx.Words
x.alts = fx.Alts
x.snippets = fx.Snippets
x.stats = fx.Stats
x.importCount = fx.ImportCount
x.packagePath = fx.PackagePath
x.exports = fx.Exports
x.idents = fx.Idents
x.opts = fx.Opts
if fx.Fulltext {
x.fset = token.NewFileSet()
decode := func(x interface{}) error {
return gob.NewDecoder(r).Decode(x)
if err := x.fset.Read(decode); err != nil {
return n, err
x.suffixes = new(suffixarray.Index)
if err := x.suffixes.Read(r); err != nil {
return n, err
return n, nil
// Stats returns index statistics.
func (x *Index) Stats() Statistics {
return x.stats
// ImportCount returns a map from import paths to how many times they were seen.
func (x *Index) ImportCount() map[string]int {
return x.importCount
// PackagePath returns a map from short package name to a set
// of full package path names that use that short package name.
func (x *Index) PackagePath() map[string]map[string]bool {
return x.packagePath
// Exports returns a map from full package path to exported
// symbol name to its type.
func (x *Index) Exports() map[string]map[string]SpotKind {
return x.exports
// Idents returns a map from identifier type to exported
// symbol name to the list of identifiers matching that name.
func (x *Index) Idents() map[SpotKind]map[string][]Ident {
return x.idents
func (x *Index) lookupWord(w string) (match *LookupResult, alt *AltWords) {
match = x.words[w]
alt = x.alts[canonical(w)]
// remove current spelling from alternatives
// (if there is no match, the alternatives do
// not contain the current spelling)
if match != nil && alt != nil {
alt = alt.filter(w)
// isIdentifier reports whether s is a Go identifier.
func isIdentifier(s string) bool {
for i, ch := range s {
if unicode.IsLetter(ch) || ch == '_' || i > 0 && unicode.IsDigit(ch) {
return false
return len(s) > 0
// For a given query, which is either a single identifier or a qualified
// identifier, Lookup returns a SearchResult containing packages, a LookupResult, a
// list of alternative spellings, and identifiers, if any. Any and all results
// may be nil. If the query syntax is wrong, an error is reported.
func (x *Index) Lookup(query string) (*SearchResult, error) {
ss := strings.Split(query, ".")
// check query syntax
for _, s := range ss {
if !isIdentifier(s) {
return nil, errors.New("all query parts must be identifiers")
rslt := &SearchResult{
Query: query,
Idents: make(map[SpotKind][]Ident, 5),
// handle simple and qualified identifiers
switch len(ss) {
case 1:
ident := ss[0]
rslt.Hit, rslt.Alt = x.lookupWord(ident)
if rslt.Hit != nil {
// found a match - filter packages with same name
// for the list of packages called ident, if any
rslt.Pak = rslt.Hit.Others.filter(ident)
for k, v := range x.idents {
const rsltLimit = 50
ids := byImportCount{v[ident], x.importCount}
rslt.Idents[k] =
case 2:
pakname, ident := ss[0], ss[1]
rslt.Hit, rslt.Alt = x.lookupWord(ident)
if rslt.Hit != nil {
// found a match - filter by package name
// (no paks - package names are not qualified)
decls := rslt.Hit.Decls.filter(pakname)
others := rslt.Hit.Others.filter(pakname)
rslt.Hit = &LookupResult{decls, others}
for k, v := range x.idents {
ids := byImportCount{v[ident], x.importCount}
rslt.Idents[k] = ids.filter(pakname)
return nil, errors.New("query is not a (qualified) identifier")
return rslt, nil
func (x *Index) Snippet(i int) *Snippet {
// handle illegal snippet indices gracefully
if 0 <= i && i < len(x.snippets) {
return x.snippets[i]
return nil
type positionList []struct {
filename string
line int
func (list positionList) Len() int { return len(list) }
func (list positionList) Less(i, j int) bool { return list[i].filename < list[j].filename }
func (list positionList) Swap(i, j int) { list[i], list[j] = list[j], list[i] }
// unique returns the list sorted and with duplicate entries removed
func unique(list []int) []int {
var last int
i := 0
for _, x := range list {
if i == 0 || x != last {
last = x
list[i] = x
return list[0:i]
// A FileLines value specifies a file and line numbers within that file.
type FileLines struct {
Filename string
Lines []int
// LookupRegexp returns the number of matches and the matches where a regular
// expression r is found in the full text index. At most n matches are
// returned (thus found <= n).
func (x *Index) LookupRegexp(r *regexp.Regexp, n int) (found int, result []FileLines) {
if x.suffixes == nil || n <= 0 {
// n > 0
var list positionList
// FindAllIndex may returns matches that span across file boundaries.
// Such matches are unlikely, buf after eliminating them we may end up
// with fewer than n matches. If we don't have enough at the end, redo
// the search with an increased value n1, but only if FindAllIndex
// returned all the requested matches in the first place (if it
// returned fewer than that there cannot be more).
for n1 := n; found < n; n1 += n - found {
found = 0
matches := x.suffixes.FindAllIndex(r, n1)
// compute files, exclude matches that span file boundaries,
// and map offsets to file-local offsets
list = make(positionList, len(matches))
for _, m := range matches {
// by construction, an offset corresponds to the Pos value
// for the file set - use it to get the file and line
p := token.Pos(m[0])
if file := x.fset.File(p); file != nil {
if base := file.Base(); base <= m[1] && m[1] <= base+file.Size() {
// match [m[0], m[1]) is within the file boundaries
list[found].filename = file.Name()
list[found].line = file.Line(p)
if found == n || len(matches) < n1 {
// found all matches or there's no chance to find more
list = list[0:found]
sort.Sort(list) // sort by filename
// collect matches belonging to the same file
var last string
var lines []int
addLines := func() {
if len(lines) > 0 {
// remove duplicate lines
result = append(result, FileLines{last, unique(lines)})
lines = nil
for _, m := range list {
if m.filename != last {
last = m.filename
lines = append(lines, m.line)
// invalidateIndex should be called whenever any of the file systems
// under godoc's observation change so that the indexer is kicked on.
func (c *Corpus) invalidateIndex() {
// feedDirnames feeds the directory names of all directories
// under the file system given by root to channel c.
func (c *Corpus) feedDirnames(ch chan<- string) {
if dir, _ := c.fsTree.Get(); dir != nil {
for d := range dir.(*Directory).iter(false) {
ch <- d.Path
// fsDirnames() returns a channel sending all directory names
// of all the file systems under godoc's observation.
func (c *Corpus) fsDirnames() <-chan string {
ch := make(chan string, 256) // buffered for fewer context switches
go func() {
return ch
// CompatibleWith reports whether the Index x is compatible with the corpus
// indexing options set in c.
func (x *Index) CompatibleWith(c *Corpus) bool {
return x.opts.Docs == c.IndexDocs &&
x.opts.GoCode == c.IndexGoCode &&
x.opts.FullText == c.IndexFullText &&
x.opts.MaxResults == c.MaxResults
func (c *Corpus) readIndex(filenames string) error {
matches, err := filepath.Glob(filenames)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if matches == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no index files match %q", filenames)
sort.Strings(matches) // make sure files are in the right order
files := make([]io.Reader, 0, len(matches))
for _, filename := range matches {
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
files = append(files, f)
return c.ReadIndexFrom(io.MultiReader(files...))
// ReadIndexFrom sets the current index from the serialized version found in r.
func (c *Corpus) ReadIndexFrom(r io.Reader) error {
x := new(Index)
if _, err := x.ReadFrom(r); err != nil {
return err
if !x.CompatibleWith(c) {
return fmt.Errorf("index file options are incompatible: %v", x.opts)
return nil
func (c *Corpus) UpdateIndex() {
if c.Verbose {
log.Printf("updating index...")
start := time.Now()
index := c.NewIndex()
stop := time.Now()
if c.Verbose {
secs := stop.Sub(start).Seconds()
stats := index.Stats()
log.Printf("index updated (%gs, %d bytes of source, %d files, %d lines, %d unique words, %d spots)",
secs, stats.Bytes, stats.Files, stats.Lines, stats.Words, stats.Spots)
memstats := new(runtime.MemStats)
if c.Verbose {
log.Printf("before GC: bytes = %d footprint = %d", memstats.HeapAlloc, memstats.Sys)
if c.Verbose {
log.Printf("after GC: bytes = %d footprint = %d", memstats.HeapAlloc, memstats.Sys)
// RunIndexer runs forever, indexing.
func (c *Corpus) RunIndexer() {
// initialize the index from disk if possible
if c.IndexFiles != "" {
if err := c.readIndex(c.IndexFiles); err != nil {
log.Printf("error reading index from file %s: %v", c.IndexFiles, err)
// Repeatedly update the package directory tree and index.
for {
if c.IndexInterval < 0 {
delay := 5 * time.Minute // by default, reindex every 5 minutes
if c.IndexInterval > 0 {
delay = c.IndexInterval
type countingWriter struct {
n *int64
w io.Writer
func (c countingWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = c.w.Write(p)
*c.n += int64(n)
type byteReader interface {
type countingReader struct {
n *int64
r byteReader
func (c countingReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = c.r.Read(p)
*c.n += int64(n)
func (c countingReader) ReadByte() (b byte, err error) {
b, err = c.r.ReadByte()
*c.n += 1