blob: c9bc23983e81840a4071258ed15e04a86792ce44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package rate
import (
func TestLimit(t *testing.T) {
if Limit(10) == Inf {
t.Errorf("Limit(10) == Inf should be false")
func closeEnough(a, b Limit) bool {
return (math.Abs(float64(a)/float64(b)) - 1.0) < 1e-9
func TestEvery(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
interval time.Duration
lim Limit
{0, Inf},
{-1, Inf},
{1 * time.Nanosecond, Limit(1e9)},
{1 * time.Microsecond, Limit(1e6)},
{1 * time.Millisecond, Limit(1e3)},
{10 * time.Millisecond, Limit(100)},
{100 * time.Millisecond, Limit(10)},
{1 * time.Second, Limit(1)},
{2 * time.Second, Limit(0.5)},
{time.Duration(2.5 * float64(time.Second)), Limit(0.4)},
{4 * time.Second, Limit(0.25)},
{10 * time.Second, Limit(0.1)},
{time.Duration(math.MaxInt64), Limit(1e9 / float64(math.MaxInt64))},
for _, tc := range cases {
lim := Every(tc.interval)
if !closeEnough(lim, tc.lim) {
t.Errorf("Every(%v) = %v want %v", tc.interval, lim, tc.lim)
const (
d = 100 * time.Millisecond
var (
t0 = time.Now()
t1 = t0.Add(time.Duration(1) * d)
t2 = t0.Add(time.Duration(2) * d)
t3 = t0.Add(time.Duration(3) * d)
t4 = t0.Add(time.Duration(4) * d)
t5 = t0.Add(time.Duration(5) * d)
t9 = t0.Add(time.Duration(9) * d)
type allow struct {
t time.Time
toks float64
n int
ok bool
func run(t *testing.T, lim *Limiter, allows []allow) {
for i, allow := range allows {
if toks := lim.TokensAt(allow.t); toks != allow.toks {
t.Errorf("step %d: lim.TokensAt(%v) = %v want %v",
i, allow.t, toks, allow.toks)
ok := lim.AllowN(allow.t, allow.n)
if ok != allow.ok {
t.Errorf("step %d: lim.AllowN(%v, %v) = %v want %v",
i, allow.t, allow.n, ok, allow.ok)
func TestLimiterBurst1(t *testing.T) {
run(t, NewLimiter(10, 1), []allow{
{t0, 1, 1, true},
{t0, 0, 1, false},
{t0, 0, 1, false},
{t1, 1, 1, true},
{t1, 0, 1, false},
{t1, 0, 1, false},
{t2, 1, 2, false}, // burst size is 1, so n=2 always fails
{t2, 1, 1, true},
{t2, 0, 1, false},
func TestLimiterBurst3(t *testing.T) {
run(t, NewLimiter(10, 3), []allow{
{t0, 3, 2, true},
{t0, 1, 2, false},
{t0, 1, 1, true},
{t0, 0, 1, false},
{t1, 1, 4, false},
{t2, 2, 1, true},
{t3, 2, 1, true},
{t4, 2, 1, true},
{t4, 1, 1, true},
{t4, 0, 1, false},
{t4, 0, 1, false},
{t9, 3, 3, true},
{t9, 0, 0, true},
func TestLimiterJumpBackwards(t *testing.T) {
run(t, NewLimiter(10, 3), []allow{
{t1, 3, 1, true}, // start at t1
{t0, 2, 1, true}, // jump back to t0, two tokens remain
{t0, 1, 1, true},
{t0, 0, 1, false},
{t0, 0, 1, false},
{t1, 1, 1, true}, // got a token
{t1, 0, 1, false},
{t1, 0, 1, false},
{t2, 1, 1, true}, // got another token
{t2, 0, 1, false},
{t2, 0, 1, false},
// Ensure that tokensFromDuration doesn't produce
// rounding errors by truncating nanoseconds.
// See
func TestLimiter_noTruncationErrors(t *testing.T) {
if !NewLimiter(0.7692307692307693, 1).Allow() {
t.Fatal("expected true")
// testTime is a fake time used for testing.
type testTime struct {
mu sync.Mutex
cur time.Time // current fake time
timers []testTimer // fake timers
// testTimer is a fake timer.
type testTimer struct {
when time.Time
ch chan<- time.Time
// now returns the current fake time.
func (tt *testTime) now() time.Time {
return tt.cur
// newTimer creates a fake timer. It returns the channel,
// a function to stop the timer (which we don't care about),
// and a function to advance to the next timer.
func (tt *testTime) newTimer(dur time.Duration) (<-chan time.Time, func() bool, func()) {
ch := make(chan time.Time, 1)
timer := testTimer{
when: tt.cur.Add(dur),
ch: ch,
tt.timers = append(tt.timers, timer)
return ch, func() bool { return true }, tt.advanceToTimer
// since returns the fake time since the given time.
func (tt *testTime) since(t time.Time) time.Duration {
return tt.cur.Sub(t)
// advance advances the fake time.
func (tt *testTime) advance(dur time.Duration) {
// advanceUnlocked advances the fake time, assuming it is already locked.
func (tt *testTime) advanceUnlocked(dur time.Duration) {
tt.cur = tt.cur.Add(dur)
i := 0
for i < len(tt.timers) {
if tt.timers[i].when.After(tt.cur) {
} else {
tt.timers[i].ch <- tt.cur
copy(tt.timers[i:], tt.timers[i+1:])
tt.timers = tt.timers[:len(tt.timers)-1]
// advanceToTimer advances the time to the next timer.
func (tt *testTime) advanceToTimer() {
if len(tt.timers) == 0 {
panic("no timer")
when := tt.timers[0].when
for _, timer := range tt.timers[1:] {
if timer.when.Before(when) {
when = timer.when
// makeTestTime hooks the testTimer into the package.
func makeTestTime(t *testing.T) *testTime {
return &testTime{
cur: time.Now(),
func TestSimultaneousRequests(t *testing.T) {
const (
limit = 1
burst = 5
numRequests = 15
var (
wg sync.WaitGroup
numOK = uint32(0)
// Very slow replenishing bucket.
lim := NewLimiter(limit, burst)
// Tries to take a token, atomically updates the counter and decreases the wait
// group counter.
f := func() {
defer wg.Done()
if ok := lim.Allow(); ok {
atomic.AddUint32(&numOK, 1)
for i := 0; i < numRequests; i++ {
go f()
if numOK != burst {
t.Errorf("numOK = %d, want %d", numOK, burst)
func TestLongRunningQPS(t *testing.T) {
// The test runs for a few (fake) seconds executing many requests
// and then checks that overall number of requests is reasonable.
const (
limit = 100
burst = 100
var (
numOK = int32(0)
tt = makeTestTime(t)
lim := NewLimiter(limit, burst)
start :=
end := start.Add(5 * time.Second)
for {
if ok := lim.AllowN(, 1); ok {
// This will still offer ~500 requests per second, but won't consume
// outrageous amount of CPU.
tt.advance(2 * time.Millisecond)
elapsed := tt.since(start)
ideal := burst + (limit * float64(elapsed) / float64(time.Second))
// We should never get more requests than allowed.
if want := int32(ideal + 1); numOK > want {
t.Errorf("numOK = %d, want %d (ideal %f)", numOK, want, ideal)
// We should get very close to the number of requests allowed.
if want := int32(0.999 * ideal); numOK < want {
t.Errorf("numOK = %d, want %d (ideal %f)", numOK, want, ideal)
// A request provides the arguments to lim.reserveN(t, n) and the expected results (act, ok).
type request struct {
t time.Time
n int
act time.Time
ok bool
// dFromDuration converts a duration to the nearest multiple of the global constant d.
func dFromDuration(dur time.Duration) int {
// Add d/2 to dur so that integer division will round to
// the nearest multiple instead of truncating.
// (We don't care about small inaccuracies.)
return int((dur + (d / 2)) / d)
// dSince returns multiples of d since t0
func dSince(t time.Time) int {
return dFromDuration(t.Sub(t0))
func runReserve(t *testing.T, lim *Limiter, req request) *Reservation {
return runReserveMax(t, lim, req, InfDuration)
// runReserveMax attempts to reserve req.n tokens at time req.t, limiting the delay until action to
// maxReserve. It checks whether the response matches req.act and req.ok. If not, it reports a test
// error including the difference from expected durations in multiples of d (global constant).
func runReserveMax(t *testing.T, lim *Limiter, req request, maxReserve time.Duration) *Reservation {
r := lim.reserveN(req.t, req.n, maxReserve)
if r.ok && (dSince(r.timeToAct) != dSince(req.act)) || r.ok != req.ok {
t.Errorf("lim.reserveN(t%d, %v, %v) = (t%d, %v) want (t%d, %v)",
dSince(req.t), req.n, maxReserve, dSince(r.timeToAct), r.ok, dSince(req.act), req.ok)
return &r
func TestSimpleReserve(t *testing.T) {
lim := NewLimiter(10, 2)
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t0, true})
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t2, true})
runReserve(t, lim, request{t3, 2, t4, true})
func TestMix(t *testing.T) {
lim := NewLimiter(10, 2)
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 3, t1, false}) // should return false because n > Burst
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t0, true})
run(t, lim, []allow{{t1, 1, 2, false}}) // not enough tokens - don't allow
runReserve(t, lim, request{t1, 2, t2, true})
run(t, lim, []allow{{t1, -1, 1, false}}) // negative tokens - don't allow
run(t, lim, []allow{{t3, 1, 1, true}})
func TestCancelInvalid(t *testing.T) {
lim := NewLimiter(10, 2)
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t0, true})
r := runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 3, t3, false})
r.CancelAt(t0) // should have no effect
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t2, true}) // did not get extra tokens
func TestCancelLast(t *testing.T) {
lim := NewLimiter(10, 2)
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t0, true})
r := runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t2, true})
r.CancelAt(t1) // got 2 tokens back
runReserve(t, lim, request{t1, 2, t2, true})
func TestCancelTooLate(t *testing.T) {
lim := NewLimiter(10, 2)
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t0, true})
r := runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t2, true})
r.CancelAt(t3) // too late to cancel - should have no effect
runReserve(t, lim, request{t3, 2, t4, true})
func TestCancel0Tokens(t *testing.T) {
lim := NewLimiter(10, 2)
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t0, true})
r := runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 1, t1, true})
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 1, t2, true})
r.CancelAt(t0) // got 0 tokens back
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 1, t3, true})
func TestCancel1Token(t *testing.T) {
lim := NewLimiter(10, 2)
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t0, true})
r := runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t2, true})
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 1, t3, true})
r.CancelAt(t2) // got 1 token back
runReserve(t, lim, request{t2, 2, t4, true})
func TestCancelMulti(t *testing.T) {
lim := NewLimiter(10, 4)
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 4, t0, true})
rA := runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 3, t3, true})
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 1, t4, true})
rC := runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 1, t5, true})
rC.CancelAt(t1) // get 1 token back
rA.CancelAt(t1) // get 2 tokens back, as if C was never reserved
runReserve(t, lim, request{t1, 3, t5, true})
func TestReserveJumpBack(t *testing.T) {
lim := NewLimiter(10, 2)
runReserve(t, lim, request{t1, 2, t1, true}) // start at t1
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 1, t1, true}) // should violate Limit,Burst
runReserve(t, lim, request{t2, 2, t3, true})
// burst size is 2, so n=3 always fails, and the state of lim should not be changed
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 3, time.Time{}, false})
runReserve(t, lim, request{t2, 1, t4, true})
// the maxReserve is not enough so it fails, and the state of lim should not be changed
runReserveMax(t, lim, request{t0, 2, time.Time{}, false}, d)
runReserve(t, lim, request{t2, 1, t5, true})
func TestReserveJumpBackCancel(t *testing.T) {
lim := NewLimiter(10, 2)
runReserve(t, lim, request{t1, 2, t1, true}) // start at t1
r := runReserve(t, lim, request{t1, 2, t3, true})
runReserve(t, lim, request{t1, 1, t4, true})
r.CancelAt(t0) // cancel at t0, get 1 token back
runReserve(t, lim, request{t1, 2, t4, true}) // should violate Limit,Burst
func TestReserveSetLimit(t *testing.T) {
lim := NewLimiter(5, 2)
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t0, true})
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t4, true})
lim.SetLimitAt(t2, 10)
runReserve(t, lim, request{t2, 1, t4, true}) // violates Limit and Burst
func TestReserveSetBurst(t *testing.T) {
lim := NewLimiter(5, 2)
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t0, true})
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t4, true})
lim.SetBurstAt(t3, 4)
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 4, t9, true}) // violates Limit and Burst
func TestReserveSetLimitCancel(t *testing.T) {
lim := NewLimiter(5, 2)
runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t0, true})
r := runReserve(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t4, true})
lim.SetLimitAt(t2, 10)
r.CancelAt(t2) // 2 tokens back
runReserve(t, lim, request{t2, 2, t3, true})
func TestReserveMax(t *testing.T) {
lim := NewLimiter(10, 2)
maxT := d
runReserveMax(t, lim, request{t0, 2, t0, true}, maxT)
runReserveMax(t, lim, request{t0, 1, t1, true}, maxT) // reserve for close future
runReserveMax(t, lim, request{t0, 1, t2, false}, maxT) // time to act too far in the future
type wait struct {
name string
ctx context.Context
n int
delay int // in multiples of d
nilErr bool
func runWait(t *testing.T, tt *testTime, lim *Limiter, w wait) {
start :=
err := lim.wait(w.ctx, w.n, start, tt.newTimer)
delay := tt.since(start)
if (w.nilErr && err != nil) || (!w.nilErr && err == nil) || !waitDelayOk(w.delay, delay) {
errString := "<nil>"
if !w.nilErr {
errString = "<non-nil error>"
t.Errorf("lim.WaitN(%v, lim, %v) = %v with delay %v; want %v with delay %v (±%v)",, w.n, err, delay, errString, d*time.Duration(w.delay), d/2)
// waitDelayOk reports whether a duration spent in WaitN is “close enough” to
// wantD multiples of d, given scheduling slop.
func waitDelayOk(wantD int, got time.Duration) bool {
gotD := dFromDuration(got)
// The actual time spent waiting will be REDUCED by the amount of time spent
// since the last call to the limiter. We expect the time in between calls to
// be executing simple, straight-line, non-blocking code, so it should reduce
// the wait time by no more than half a d, which would round to exactly wantD.
if gotD < wantD {
return false
// The actual time spend waiting will be INCREASED by the amount of scheduling
// slop in the platform's sleep syscall, plus the amount of time spent executing
// straight-line code before measuring the elapsed duration.
// The latter is surely less than half a d, but the former is empirically
// sometimes larger on a number of platforms for a number of reasons.
// NetBSD and OpenBSD tend to overshoot sleeps by a wide margin due to a
// suspected platform bug; see and
// Longer delays were also also observed on slower builders with Linux kernels
// (linux-ppc64le-buildlet, android-amd64-emu), and on Solaris and Plan 9.
// Since d is already fairly generous, we take 150% of wantD rounded up —
// that's at least enough to account for the overruns we've seen so far in
// practice.
maxD := (wantD*3 + 1) / 2
return gotD <= maxD
func TestWaitSimple(t *testing.T) {
tt := makeTestTime(t)
lim := NewLimiter(10, 3)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
runWait(t, tt, lim, wait{"already-cancelled", ctx, 1, 0, false})
runWait(t, tt, lim, wait{"exceed-burst-error", context.Background(), 4, 0, false})
runWait(t, tt, lim, wait{"act-now", context.Background(), 2, 0, true})
runWait(t, tt, lim, wait{"act-later", context.Background(), 3, 2, true})
func TestWaitCancel(t *testing.T) {
tt := makeTestTime(t)
lim := NewLimiter(10, 3)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
runWait(t, tt, lim, wait{"act-now", ctx, 2, 0, true}) // after this lim.tokens = 1
ch, _, _ := tt.newTimer(d)
go func() {
runWait(t, tt, lim, wait{"will-cancel", ctx, 3, 1, false})
// should get 3 tokens back, and have lim.tokens = 2
t.Logf("tokens:%v last:%v lastEvent:%v", lim.tokens, lim.last, lim.lastEvent)
runWait(t, tt, lim, wait{"act-now-after-cancel", context.Background(), 2, 0, true})
func TestWaitTimeout(t *testing.T) {
tt := makeTestTime(t)
lim := NewLimiter(10, 3)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), d)
defer cancel()
runWait(t, tt, lim, wait{"act-now", ctx, 2, 0, true})
runWait(t, tt, lim, wait{"w-timeout-err", ctx, 3, 0, false})
func TestWaitInf(t *testing.T) {
tt := makeTestTime(t)
lim := NewLimiter(Inf, 0)
runWait(t, tt, lim, wait{"exceed-burst-no-error", context.Background(), 3, 0, true})
func BenchmarkAllowN(b *testing.B) {
lim := NewLimiter(Every(1*time.Second), 1)
now := time.Now()
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
for pb.Next() {
lim.AllowN(now, 1)
func BenchmarkWaitNNoDelay(b *testing.B) {
lim := NewLimiter(Limit(b.N), b.N)
ctx := context.Background()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
lim.WaitN(ctx, 1)
func TestZeroLimit(t *testing.T) {
r := NewLimiter(0, 1)
if !r.Allow() {
t.Errorf("Limit(0, 1) want true when first used")
if r.Allow() {
t.Errorf("Limit(0, 1) want false when already used")
func TestSetAfterZeroLimit(t *testing.T) {
lim := NewLimiter(0, 1)
// The limiter should start off full, so even though our rate limit is 0, our first request
// should be allowed…
if !lim.Allow() {
t.Errorf("Limit(0, 1) want true when first used")
// …the token bucket is not being replenished though, so the second request should not succeed
if lim.Allow() {
t.Errorf("Limit(0, 1) want false when already used")
tt := makeTestTime(t)
// We set the limit to 10/s so expect to get another token in 100ms
runWait(t, tt, lim, wait{"wait-after-set-nonzero-after-zero", context.Background(), 1, 1, true})